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Formalization of the process of wealth inequality rising

7. Rising inequality

7.2 Formalization of the process of wealth inequality rising

In this subsection the equations are derived that describe the accumulation of individual wealth in the long run, if the economic growth in the real sector is balanced.25 Study of the rising inequality in this section is methodologically different from our previous analysis, which operated with aggregated values. Presented here analysis requires a detailing down to individual households.

Inequality (21) can be obtained mathematically rigorously by considering the dynamics of the accumulation of wealth Kfi of i-th individual household:

Kfi(t+Δt) =Kfi (t)+siHi(t)Δt= Kfi (t)+ si(wi(t)+r Kfi (t)) Δt, or if Δt→0,

dKfi(t)/dt= rsi Kfi (t)+siwi(t) (22)

Let us make the change of variables X= Kfi (t)/Y(t) and differentiate the value of the X(t) over time. Taking into account obvious relation dY(t)/dt=gY(t) and equation (22), we have:

dX/dt =(1/Y(t)) dKfi (t)/dt – (Kfi(t)/Y(t)2) dY(t)/dt =[rsi Kfi (t)+siwi(t)]/Y(t) – gY(t)Kfi (t)/Y(t)2=

= siwi(t)/Y(t)+[rsi– g]X(t) (23)

We assume a balanced growth of the economy due to the growth of labor productivity with a constant population and employment. During the growth the shares of labor and capital in total income should remain, then labor productivity, wages and output should grow at the same rate g if the amount of labor is constant, which means siw(t)/Y(t)=const.26 Then the solution to the last differential equation is:

X= Kfi (t)/Y(t) = siwi(t)/[Y(t)(g–rsi)] + const1i×exp (–t×(g– rsi)) (24) The constants in the last equation can be calculated based on the initial conditions:

const1i =[Kfi(0)(g–rsi )–si wi(0)]/[Y(0)(g–rsi)]

Note that the first term on the right-hand side of equation (24) does not depend on the initial value of wealth. Therefore, we shall call this term as a purely labor component in the wealth accumulation.

If the condition rsi>g is fulfilled for the i-th household, which corresponds to the refined Picketty condition (inequality 21), then the second term on the right-hand side of equation (24) experiences an exponential increase in time. The own capital of the household Kfi will grow at a faster pace relative to GDP. It is this kind of growth that occurs due to the accelerated reproduction by the capital of oneself that is described in the above quote by Picketty. In this case, the first (purely labor) term of equation (24) can be neglected in the long run. Therefore, we say that the second (exponentially growing) term is responsible for the capital component of the accumulation of the i-th individual wealth Kfi.

If, on the contrary, the inequality rsi < g is satisfied, then the exponential term on the right-hand side of equation (24) tends to zero, and the ratio X(t)=Kfi(t)/Y(t) asymptotically tends to a constant level, when t>>1/(g– rsi):

25 The balanced economic growth means growth with constant shares of total labor and capital income (rKn(t)/Y(t) and w(t)L/Y(t)), if r is a constant this means the constancy of Kn(t)/Y(t).

26 A case of a steady population growth at a rate n is considered apart in Appendix D; in such case balanced growth implies a decrease in the ratios wi(t)/Y(t)and siwi(t)/Y(t). Then the largest fortunes will grow at a faster pace under the lower (in comparison with inequality 21) rsi value: rsi>g–n.

Kfi (t)/Y(t) = siwi(t)/[Y(t) (g–rsi)] )]= const2i (25) The constants are also determined from the initial conditions:

const2i= siwi(0)/[Y(0) (g–rsi)]

According to equation (25), the equilibrium value of wealth accumulated by the i-th household is directly proportional to the propensity to save and to the wages, and does not depend on the initial value of wealth. The stability of the Kfi/Y ratio means the possibility of a long-term scenario of economic growth with a constant (not growing) level of wealth inequality. Individual households’ propensities to save si in this case may differ from each other within wide limits.

However if all of them are constant in the long run and satisfy the inequality si<g/r, then all corresponding individual fortunes Kfi will grow at the same rate g, which coincides with the growth rate of total output. Then a ratio of any two individual households' fortunes Kfi/Kfj will be a constant also, that is, the wealth inequality does not increase. In this case the wealth inequality in the long run should be proportional to inequality in labor incomes, taking into account individual propensities to save, regardless of the original wealth inequality.

This does not correspond to the actual data, because wealth inequality is always much greater in comparison with inequality of labor income. The obvious reason for this difference is the outpace accumulation of the largest fortunes, for which inequality holds (21). Indeed, the scenario of the balanced growth of the economy described above, in which the increase in wealth inequality does not occur (if the values of individual labor savings in units of GDP siwi/Y are stable), is impossible if one or several (rich) households save too much, so that si >g/r. There will be an unlimited exponential growth of the wealth of such households relative to GDP, Kfi/Y, due to the second term in the right side of Equation (24). In this case the gap between the largest fortunes and the individual own capitals accumulated through labor income savings will grow, the faster the greater the difference sir – g. This difference can be especially large if a growth rate of the economy is low.

On the contrary, if the rate of economic growth will become high, then the difference sir –g will decrease. It means that the value of the second exponential term on the right-hand side of equation (24) will decrease with respect to the first term, which is responsible for labor income accumulation. Labor income accumulations will have a larger share. Inequality in labor income and accumulation is less than the inequality due to the outpace growing of the largest fortunes.

Then the wealth inequality should decrease in the case of a sharp acceleration of economic growth (and vice versa). This is exactly what the actual data demonstrate, see for example, Picketty (2014, Ch. 10, Fig. 10.1-10.6), the period from 1910 to 1970. Later inequality begins to rise again amid a slowdown in the economy.

Thus, the nature of wealth inequality and of its growth is determined by the presence or absence of very large fortunes, for owners of which inequality (21) holds, sir >g. Further we will consider an economy where such large fortunes exist, which are growing faster than GDP. The growth dynamics of these fortunes is determined by the difference sir – g, which in turn critically depends on the economic growth rate g. At the same time, the wealth of other, less affluent households (workers) will grow at the same rate as the GDP, if their propensities to save remain unchanged.

7.2.1 Rising in wealth inequality. Aggregated values

We use the equations (24) and (25) obtained in the previous paragraph, which describe the accumulation of individual capital in the long term, to calculate the aggregate values of savings and accumulated wealth separately for rich and poor households. This approach reveals an important negative consequence of the outstripping growth of the largest fortunes and of the inequality rising. The consequence is the inevitable impoverishment of poor households with the prospect of their bankruptcy. Let us divide all households into two groups, with the different

dynamics of wealth accumulation; we will call them capitalists and workers. The division is made so that for all capitalist households inequality (21) is fulfilled, while for all households-workers it is not. Then the aggregate wealth of Kf can be divided into two components: the total wealth of workers Kwf and the total wealth of capitalistsKcf ; more convenient in units of GDP:

Kf(t)/Y(t) =Kwf (t)/Y(t) +Kcf (t)/Y(t) (26) capitalists' accumulation is constant, while siwi/Y=const. Simultaneously, the terms of the second sum grow exponentially, which means that the whole sum grows unlimitedly. Consequently, the total wealth of capitalists in units of GDP Kcf /Y is also growing without limits.

Note that the actually observed data give every reason to consider the long-term real-sector growth of most actually functioning economies to be balanced, so that their total nonfinancial capital is growing at the same rate as GDP, Kn/Y≈const. Indeed, the stability of this ratio has been included in the list of "Kaldor facts" (Kaldor, 1957); it is also confirmed by minor changes in the ratio of nonfinancial capital to GDP in the US economy (see the curve with a marker ○ in Figure 5 below); similar observations for a number of countries were cited by Weil (2013). The increase in the capital-to-output ratio noted by some researchers (e.g., Piketty & Zucman, 2014) refers, as a rule, not to the nonfinancial capital Kn, but to the total wealth Kf, which includes a growing unsecured component.

But if Kn grows at a rate of g, and Kcf - faster than g, then sooner or later the second value will be equal the first, and then will be ahead of it,

c Therefore, for the savings of wealthy proprietors Sc the relation holds:

Sc(t) =

[ ( ( ))]

wealth of capitalists in GDP units Kcf /Y is growing, then either the Kwf /Y ratio should decrease (which is necessary for Kf/Y to be constant), or we must recognize the possibility of increasing the Kf/Y ratio while the growth of the real sector of the economy is balanced (Kn/Y=const). The first option corresponds to an archaic economy, for which aggregate wealth is equal to total value of nonfinancial assets, and is relatively stable in units of GDP. The second option, providing for the possibility of Kf/Y growth, means the possibility of a difference between the total wealth of Kf and the total nonfinancial capital value Kn. This is only possible with modern stock markets that allow free market pricing of securities.

Since the possible consequences of the outstripping growth of the capitalists' wealth are different, depending on the presence or absence of a modern stock market, then these two cases are considered separately in the following subsections.