• Keine Ergebnisse gefunden

B.3 msaClustalOmega

B.3.3 Flag Options

Parameter Default Default Activated Comments

Value Type R RCPP C++/C inmsa

auto FALSE Bool


dealign FALSE Bool


force FALSE Bool


full FALSE Bool


fullIter FALSE Bool


isProfile FALSE Bool


longVersion FALSE Bool


percentId FALSE Bool


residueNumber FALSE Bool


useKimura FALSE Bool


version FALSE Bool


Code Changes C


C.1.1 ../msa/src/Muscle/aligngivenpath.cpp

391 - 391: };

392 - 392:

393 - 393: // MM

394 : // Ai<96>1 Ai Out 394: // Ai 1 Ai Out 395 - 395: // X X LL LL 396 - 396: // X - LG LG 397 - 397: // - X GL GL 398 - 398: // - - GG GG 399 - 399: //

400 : // Bj<96>1 Bj 400: // Bj 1 Bj

401 - 401: // X X LL LL 402 - 402: // X - LG LG 403 - 403: // - X GL GL 418 - 418: }

419 - 419:

420 - 420: // MD

421 : // Ai<96>1 Ai Out 421: // Ai 1 Ai Out 422 - 422: // X X LL LL 423 - 423: // X - LG LG 424 - 424: // - X GL GL 443 - 443: }

444 - 444:

445 - 445: // DD

446 : // Ai<96>1 Ai Out 446: // Ai 1 Ai Out 447 - 447: // X X LL LL 448 - 448: // X - LG LG 449 - 449: // - X GL GL 470 - 470: // X - ?L LG 471 - 471: // - - ?G GG 472 - 472:

473 : // Bj<96>1 Bj 473: // Bj 1 Bj

474 - 474: // X X LL LL 475 - 475: // X - LG LG 476 - 476: // - X GL GL 491 - 491: }

492 - 492:

493 - 493: // DM

494 : // Ai<96>1 Ai Out 494: // Ai 1 Ai Out

495 - 495: // X X LL LL 496 - 496: // X - LG LG 497 - 497: // - X GL GL 520 - 520: // - X ?L GL 521 - 521: // - - ?G GG 522 - 522:

523 : // Bj<96>1 Bj 523: // Bj 1 Bj

524 - 524: // X X LL LL 525 - 525: // X - LG LG 526 - 526: // - X GL GL 590 - 590: // (-) (-) Out 591 - 591: // - - ?? GG 592 - 592:

593 : // Bj<96>1 Bj 593: // Bj 1 Bj

594 - 594: // X X LL LL 595 - 595: // X - LG LG 596 - 596: // - X GL GL

C.1.2 ../msa/src/Muscle/aln.cpp

3 - 3: #include <ctype.h>

4 - 4: #include "msa.h"

5 - 5: #include "textfile.h"

6: #include <vector>

7: #include <string>

8: #include <sstream>

9: using namespace std;

6 - 10:

7 - 11: const unsigned uCharsPerLine = 60;

8 - 12: const int MIN_NAME = 10;

87 - 91: } 88 - 92: } 89 - 93:

94: vector<string> MSA::ToAlnFile() const

95: {


97: string line = "";

98: vector<string> result;

99: line = string(MUSCLE_LONG_VERSION) + string(" - multiple sequence alignment");

100: result.push_back(line);

101: line = "";

102: result.push_back("");


104: result.push_back("");


106: int iLongestNameLength = 0;

107: for (unsigned uSeqIndex = 0; uSeqIndex < GetSeqCount(); ++uSeqIndex)

108: {

109: const char *ptrName = GetSeqName(uSeqIndex);

110: const char *ptrBlank = strchr(ptrName, ’ ’);

111: int iLength;

112: if (0 != ptrBlank)

113: iLength = (int) (ptrBlank - ptrName);

114: else

115: iLength = (int) strlen(ptrName);

116: if (iLength > iLongestNameLength) 117: iLongestNameLength = iLength;

118: }

119: if (iLongestNameLength > MAX_NAME) 120: iLongestNameLength = MAX_NAME;

121: if (iLongestNameLength < MIN_NAME) 122: iLongestNameLength = MIN_NAME;


124: unsigned uLineCount = (GetColCount() - 1)/uCharsPerLine + 1;

125: for (unsigned uLineIndex = 0; uLineIndex < uLineCount; ++uLineIndex)

126: {

127: result.push_back("");

128: unsigned uStartColIndex = uLineIndex*uCharsPerLine;

129: unsigned uEndColIndex = uStartColIndex + uCharsPerLine - 1;

130: if (uEndColIndex >= GetColCount()) 131: uEndColIndex = GetColCount() - 1;

132: char Name[MAX_NAME+1];

133: for (unsigned uSeqIndex = 0; uSeqIndex < GetSeqCount(); ++uSeqIndex)

134: {

135: const char *ptrName = GetSeqName(uSeqIndex);

136: const char *ptrBlank = strchr(ptrName, ’ ’);

137: int iLength;

138: if (0 != ptrBlank)


139: iLength = (int) (ptrBlank - ptrName);

140: else

141: iLength = (int) strlen(ptrName);

142: if (iLength > MAX_NAME)

143: iLength = MAX_NAME;

144: memset(Name, ’ ’, MAX_NAME);

145: memcpy(Name, ptrName, iLength);

146: Name[iLongestNameLength] = 0;


148: line = string(Name) + string(" ");

149: for (unsigned uColIndex = uStartColIndex; uColIndex <= uEndColIndex;

150: ++uColIndex)

151: {

152: const char c = GetChar(uSeqIndex, uColIndex);

153: line.append(1, toupper(c));

154: }

155: result.push_back(line);

156: }


158: memset(Name, ’ ’, MAX_NAME);

159: Name[iLongestNameLength] = 0;


161: line = string(Name) + string(" ");

162: for (unsigned uColIndex = uStartColIndex; uColIndex <= uEndColIndex;

163: ++uColIndex)

164: {

165: const char c = GetAlnConsensusChar(*this, uColIndex);

166: line.append(1, c);

167: }

168: result.push_back(line);

169: }

170: return result;

171: } 172:

90 - 173: static char GetAlnConsensusChar(const MSA &a, unsigned uColIndex) 91 - 174: {

92 - 175: const unsigned uSeqCount = a.GetSeqCount();

C.1.3 ../msa/src/Muscle/aln.cpp

96 - 96:

97 - 97: string line = "";

98 - 98: vector<string> result;

99 : line = string(MUSCLE_LONG_VERSION) + string(" - multiple sequence alignment");

99: line = string(MUSCLE_LONG_VERSION) + string(" ");

100 - 100: result.push_back(line);

101 - 101: line = "";

102 - 102: result.push_back("");

C.1.4 ../msa/src/Muscle/diaglist.h

28 - 28: }

29 - 29: ˜DiagList() 30 - 30: {

31 : Free();

31: FreeAll();

32 - 32: } 33 - 33:

34 - 34: public:

35 - 35: // Creation 36 - 36: void Clear() 37 - 37: {

38 : Free();

38: FreeAll();

39 - 39: }

40 - 40: void FromPath(const PWPath &Path);

41 - 41: void Add(const Diag &d);

63 - 63: void LogMe() const;

64 - 64:

65 - 65: private:

66 : void Free() 66: void FreeAll() 67 - 67: {

68 - 68: m_uCount = 0;

69 - 69: }

C.1.5 ../msa/src/Muscle/domuscle.cpp

1 : #include "muscle.h"

1: #include "RMuscle.h"

2: //#include "muscle.h"

2 - 3: #include "textfile.h"

3 : #include "seqvect.h"

4: //#include "seqvect.h"

4 - 5: #include "distfunc.h"

5 - 6: #include "msa.h"

6 - 7: #include "tree.h"

7 - 8: #include "profile.h"

8 - 9: #include "timing.h"

10: #include <vector>

11: #include <string>

12: using namespace std;

9 - 13:

10 - 14: static char g_strUseTreeWarning[] = 11 - 15: "\n******** WARNING ****************\n"

15 - 19: "please refer to the user guide. To disable this\n"

16 - 20: "warning, use -usetree_nowarn <treefilename>.\n\n";

17 - 21:

18 : void DoMuscle()

22: void DoMuscle(MSAInput *msaInput, MSAOutput *msaOutput) 19 - 23: {

20 - 24: SetOutputFileName(g_pstrOutFileName);

21 - 25: SetInputFileName(g_pstrInFileName);

23 - 27: SetMaxIters(g_uMaxIters);

24 - 28: SetSeqWeightMethod(g_SeqWeight1);

25 - 29:

26 : TextFile fileIn(g_pstrInFileName);

27 : SeqVect v;

28 : v.FromFASTAFile(fileIn);

29 : const unsigned uSeqCount = v.Length();

30: if (msaInput->inputSeqs.Length() == 0) { 31: TextFile fileIn(g_pstrInFileName);

32: msaInput->inputSeqs.FromFASTAFile(fileIn);

33: }

30 - 34:

35: const unsigned uSeqCount = msaInput->inputSeqs.Length();


31 - 37: if (0 == uSeqCount)

32 - 38: Quit("No sequences in input file");

33 - 39:

35 - 41: switch (g_SeqType) 36 - 42: {

37 - 43: case SEQTYPE_Auto:

38 : Alpha = v.GuessAlpha();

44: Alpha = msaInput->inputSeqs.GuessAlpha();

39 - 45: break;

40 - 46:

41 - 47: case SEQTYPE_Protein:

54 - 60: Quit("Invalid seq type");

55 - 61: }

56 - 62: SetAlpha(Alpha);

57 : v.FixAlpha();

63: msaInput->inputSeqs.FixAlpha();

58 - 64:

59 - 65: PTR_SCOREMATRIX UserMatrix = 0;

60 - 66: if (0 != g_pstrMatrixFileName) 72 - 78: UserMatrix = ReadMx(File);

73 - 79: g_Alpha = ALPHA_Amino;

74 - 80: g_PPScore = PPSCORE_SP;

75 : }

81: } else if (msaInput->hasSubstitutionMatrix) {

82: UserMatrix = ReadMxFromR(msaInput->colNames, msaInput->substitutionMatrix);

83: g_Alpha = ALPHA_Amino;

84: g_PPScore = PPSCORE_SP;

85: }

76 - 86:

77 - 87: SetPPScore();

78 - 88:

83 - 93: unsigned uTotL = 0;

84 - 94: for (unsigned uSeqIndex = 0; uSeqIndex < uSeqCount; ++uSeqIndex) 85 - 95: {

86 : unsigned L = v.GetSeq(uSeqIndex).Length();

96: unsigned L = msaInput->inputSeqs.GetSeq(uSeqIndex).Length();

87 - 97: uTotL += L;

88 - 98: if (L > uMaxL) 89 - 99: uMaxL = L;

100 - 110: // Initialize sequence ids.

101 - 111: // From this point on, ids must somehow propogate from here.

102 - 112: for (unsigned uSeqIndex = 0; uSeqIndex < uSeqCount; ++uSeqIndex) 103 : v.SetSeqId(uSeqIndex, uSeqIndex);

113: msaInput->inputSeqs.SetSeqId(uSeqIndex, uSeqIndex);

104 - 114:

105 - 115: if (0 == uSeqCount)

106 - 116: Quit("Input file ’%s’ has no sequences", g_pstrInFileName);

107 - 117: if (1 == uSeqCount) 108 - 118: {

109 - 119: TextFile fileOut(g_pstrOutFileName, true);

110 : v.ToFile(fileOut);


120: msaInput->inputSeqs.ToFile(fileOut);

111 - 121: return;

112 - 122: } 113 - 123:

114 - 124: if (uSeqCount > 1)

115 : MHackStart(v);

125: MHackStart(msaInput->inputSeqs);

116 - 126:

117 - 127: // First iteration 118 - 128: Tree GuideTree;

140 - 150: continue;

141 - 151: const char *LeafName = GuideTree.GetLeafName(uNodeIndex);

142 - 152: unsigned uSeqIndex;

143 : bool SeqFound = v.FindName(LeafName, &uSeqIndex);

153: bool SeqFound = msaInput->inputSeqs.FindName(LeafName, &uSeqIndex);

144 - 154: if (!SeqFound)

145 - 155: Quit("Label %s in tree does not match sequences", LeafName);

146 : unsigned uId = v.GetSeqIdFromName(LeafName);

156: unsigned uId = msaInput->inputSeqs.GetSeqIdFromName(LeafName);

147 - 157: GuideTree.SetLeafId(uNodeIndex, uId);

148 - 158: } 149 - 159: } 150 - 160: else

151 : TreeFromSeqVect(v, GuideTree, g_Cluster1, g_Distance1, g_Root1,

161: TreeFromSeqVect(msaInput->inputSeqs, GuideTree, g_Cluster1, g_Distance1, g_Root1,

152 - 162: g_pstrDistMxFileName1);

153 - 163:

154 - 164: const char *Tree1 = ValueOpt("Tree1");

157 - 167: TextFile f(Tree1, true);

158 - 168: GuideTree.ToFile(f);

159 - 169: if (g_bClusterOnly)

170: GuideTree.Clear(); //valgrind 171: //GuideTree = 0;

160 - 172: return;

161 - 173: } 162 - 174:

165 - 177:

166 - 178: MSA msa;

167 - 179: ProgNode *ProgNodes = 0;

180: int PNlength = (msaInput->inputSeqs).Length();

168 - 181: if (g_bLow)

169 : ProgNodes = ProgressiveAlignE(v, GuideTree, msa);

182: ProgNodes = ProgressiveAlignE(msaInput->inputSeqs, GuideTree, msa);

170 - 183: else

171 : ProgressiveAlign(v, GuideTree, msa);

184: ProgressiveAlign(msaInput->inputSeqs, GuideTree, msa);

172 - 185: SetCurrentAlignment(msa);

173 - 186:

174 - 187: if (0 != g_pstrComputeWeightsFileName)

176 - 189: extern void OutWeights(const char *FileName, const MSA &msa);

177 - 190: SetMSAWeightsMuscle(msa);

178 - 191: OutWeights(g_pstrComputeWeightsFileName, msa);

192: GuideTree.Clear();

179 - 193: return;

180 - 194: } 181 - 195:

186 - 200: //TextFile fileOut(g_pstrOutFileName, true);

187 - 201: //MHackEnd(msa);

188 - 202: //msa.ToFile(fileOut);

189 : MuscleOutput(msa);

203: msaOutput->msa = MuscleOutput(msa);

204: GuideTree.Clear();

190 - 205: return;

191 - 206: } 192 - 207:

198 - 213: if (g_bLow) 199 - 214: {

200 - 215: if (0 != g_uMaxTreeRefineIters)

201 : RefineTreeE(msa, v, GuideTree, ProgNodes);

216: RefineTreeE(msa, msaInput->inputSeqs, GuideTree, ProgNodes);

202 - 217: } 203 - 218: else

204 - 219: RefineTree(msa, GuideTree);

232 - 247: //TextFile fileOut(g_pstrOutFileName, true);

233 - 248: //MHackEnd(msa);

234 - 249: //msa.ToFile(fileOut);

235 : MuscleOutput(msa);

236 : }

250: msaOutput->msa = MuscleOutput(msa);

237 - 251:

238 : void Run()

252: //GuideTree = 0;

253: extern void DeleteProgNode(ProgNode &Node);

254: const unsigned uNodeCount = GuideTree.GetNodeCount();

255: for (unsigned uNodeIndex = 0; uNodeIndex < uNodeCount; ++uNodeIndex) 256: DeleteProgNode(ProgNodes[uNodeIndex]); //valgrind


258: delete[] ProgNodes;


260: GuideTree.Clear(); //valgrind 261: return;

262: } 263:

264: void Run(MSAInput *msaInput, MSAOutput *msaOutput) 239 - 265: {

240 - 266: SetStartTime();

241 - 267: Log("Started %s\n", GetTimeAsStr());

271 - 297: DoMakeTree();

272 - 298: } 273 - 299: else

274 : DoMuscle();

300: DoMuscle(msaInput, msaOutput);

275 - 301:

276 - 302: #if TIMING

277 - 303: extern TICKS g_ticksDP;

296 - 322:

297 - 323: ListDiagSavings();

298 - 324: Log("Finished %s\n", GetTimeAsStr());


299 - 326: }

C.1.6 ../msa/src/Muscle/domuscle.cpp

19 - 19: "please refer to the user guide. To disable this\n"

20 - 20: "warning, use -usetree_nowarn <treefilename>.\n\n";

21 - 21:

22 : void DoMuscle(MSAInput *msaInput, MSAOutput *msaOutput) 22: void DoMuscle(MuscleInput *msaInput, MuscleOutput *msaOutput) 23 - 23: {

24 - 24: SetOutputFileName(g_pstrOutFileName);

25 - 25: SetInputFileName(g_pstrInFileName);

200 - 200: //TextFile fileOut(g_pstrOutFileName, true);

201 - 201: //MHackEnd(msa);

202 - 202: //msa.ToFile(fileOut);

203 : msaOutput->msa = MuscleOutput(msa);

203: msaOutput->msa = DoMuscleOutput(msa);

204 - 204: GuideTree.Clear();

205 - 205: return;

206 - 206: }

247 - 247: //TextFile fileOut(g_pstrOutFileName, true);

248 - 248: //MHackEnd(msa);

249 - 249: //msa.ToFile(fileOut);

250 : msaOutput->msa = MuscleOutput(msa);

250: msaOutput->msa = DoMuscleOutput(msa);

251 - 251:

252 - 252: //GuideTree = 0;

253 - 253: extern void DeleteProgNode(ProgNode &Node);

261 - 261: return;

262 - 262: } 263 - 263:

264 : void Run(MSAInput *msaInput, MSAOutput *msaOutput) 264: void Run(MuscleInput *msaInput, MuscleOutput *msaOutput) 265 - 265: {

266 - 266: SetStartTime();

267 - 267: Log("Started %s\n", GetTimeAsStr());

C.1.7 ../msa/src/Muscle/estring.cpp

685 - 685: short esa[] = { 0 };

686 - 686: test(es1, es2, esa);

687 - 687: }

688 : exit(0);

688: throw 0;

689 - 689: }

C.1.8 ../msa/src/Muscle/fastdistjones.cpp

155 - 155: } 156 - 156: } 157 - 157: }

158 : delete[] SeqList;


158: //delete[] SeqList;

159: free(SeqList); //valgrind 159 - 160: free(TripleCounts);

160 - 161:

161 - 162: unsigned uDone = 0;

C.1.9 ../msa/src/Muscle/fastdistmafft.cpp

141 - 141: L[n] = CharToLetterEx(c);

142 - 142: assert(L[n] < uResidueGroupCount);

143 - 143: }

144: //delete[] L; //valgrind 144 - 145: }

145 - 146:

146 - 147: unsigned **uCommonTupleCount = new unsigned *[uSeqCount];

273 - 274: for (unsigned n = 0; n < uSeqCount; ++n) 274 - 275: delete[] uCommonTupleCount[n];

275 - 276: delete[] uCommonTupleCount;

277: for (unsigned p = 0; p < uSeqCount; p++) 278: delete[] Letters[p];

276 - 279: delete[] Letters;

277 - 280: } 278 - 281:

C.1.10 ../msa/src/Muscle/glbalignle.cpp

2 - 2: #include "profile.h"

3 - 3: #include "pwpath.h"

4 - 4:

5: #if WIN32

6: #include <math.h>

7: #endif 8:

5 - 9: #define OCC 1 6 - 10:

7 - 11: struct DP_MEMORY

C.1.11 ../msa/src/Muscle/globals.cpp

55 - 55: if (NULL == f) 56 - 56: {

57 - 57: perror(g_strListFileName);

58 : exit(EXIT_NotStarted);

58: throw EXIT_NotStarted;

59 - 59: } 60 - 60:

61 - 61: char szStr[4096];

101 - 101: Break();

102 - 102: } 103 - 103: #endif

104 : exit(EXIT_FatalError);

104: throw EXIT_FatalError;

105 - 105: } 106 - 106:

107 - 107: void Warning(const char szFormat[], ...)

C.1.12 ../msa/src/Muscle/globalsosx.cpp

13 - 13: #include <netinet/icmp6.h>

14 - 14: #include <sys/vmmeter.h>

15 - 15: #include <sys/proc.h>

16: #include <mach/vm_statistics.h> //according to: https://github.com/markusn/homebrew/

commit/8fff24ba883e30778abbd29801b843654ba1bd41 16 - 17: #include <mach/task_info.h>

17 - 18: #include <mach/task.h>

18 - 19: #include <mach/mach_init.h>

19 : #include <mach/vm_statistics.h>

20 - 20:

21 - 21: const double DEFAULT_RAM = 1e9;

22 - 22: const double DEFAULT_MEM_USE = 1e6;

C.1.13 ../msa/src/Muscle/globalswin32.cpp

1 : #include "muscle.h"

1: /*#include "muscle.h"

2 - 2:

3 - 3: #if WIN32

4 - 4: #include <windows.h>

98 - 98: return dGHz;

99 - 99: }

100 - 100: #endif // WIN32

C.1.14 ../msa/src/Muscle/main.cpp

41 - 41: if (g_bVersion) 42 - 42: {

43 - 43: printf("%s\n", MUSCLE_LONG_VERSION);

44 : exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);

44: throw EXIT_SUCCESS;

45 - 45: } 46 - 46:

47 - 47: if (!g_bQuiet)

50 - 50: if (MissingCommand() && isatty(0)) 51 - 51: {

52 - 52: Usage();

53 : exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);

53: throw EXIT_SUCCESS;

54 - 54: } 55 - 55:

56 - 56: if (g_bCatchExceptions) 57 - 57: {

58 - 58: try 59 - 59: {

60 : Run();

60: //Run();

61 - 61: }

62 - 62: catch (...) 63 - 63: {

64 - 64: OnException();

65 : exit(EXIT_Except);

65: throw EXIT_Except;

66 - 66: } 67 - 67: }

68 : else

69 : Run();

68: else {

69: //Run();

70: }

70 - 71:

71 : exit(EXIT_Success);

72: throw EXIT_Success;

72 - 73: }

C.1.15 ../msa/src/Muscle/main.cpp

9 - 9: #include <unistd.h> // for isatty() 10 - 10: #endif

11 - 11:



13 - 13: #include "svnversion.h"

14 : " by Robert C. Edgar";

14: " ";

15 - 15:

16 - 16: int g_argc;

17 - 17: char **g_argv;

C.1.16 ../msa/src/Muscle/msa.cpp

26 - 26:

27 - 27: MSA::˜MSA() 28 - 28: {

29 : Free();

29: FreeAll();

30 - 30: } 31 - 31:

32 : void MSA::Free() 32: void MSA::FreeAll() 33 - 33: {

34 - 34: for (unsigned n = 0; n < m_uSeqCount; ++n) 35 - 35: {

56 - 56:

57 - 57: void MSA::SetSize(unsigned uSeqCount, unsigned uColCount) 58 - 58: {

59 : Free();

59: FreeAll();


60 - 60:

61 - 61: m_uSeqCount = uSeqCount;

62 - 62: m_uCacheSeqLength = uColCount;

263 - 263:

264 - 264: void MSA::SetSeqCount(unsigned uSeqCount) 265 - 265: {

266 : Free();

266: FreeAll();

267 - 267: SetSize(uSeqCount, DEFAULT_SEQ_LENGTH);

268 - 268: } 269 - 269:

283 - 283:

284 - 284: void MSA::Copy(const MSA &msa) 285 - 285: {

286 : Free();

286: FreeAll();

287 - 287: const unsigned uSeqCount = msa.GetSeqCount();

288 - 288: const unsigned uColCount = msa.GetColCount();

289 - 289: SetSize(uSeqCount, uColCount);

C.1.17 ../msa/src/Muscle/msa.h

1 - 1: #ifndef MSA_h 2 - 2: #define MSA_h 3 - 3:

4: #include <vector>

5: #include <string>

6: using namespace std;


4 - 8: const int MAX_SEQ_NAME = 63;

5 - 9: struct PathEdge;

6 - 10: class TextFile;

25 - 29: void ToFASTAFile(TextFile &File) const;

26 - 30: void ToMSFFile(TextFile &File, const char *ptrComment = 0) const;

27 - 31: void ToAlnFile(TextFile &File) const;

32: vector<string> ToAlnFile() const;

28 - 33: void ToHTMLFile(TextFile &File) const;

29 - 34: void ToPhySequentialFile(TextFile &File) const;

30 - 35: void ToPhyInterleavedFile(TextFile &File) const;

103 - 108:

104 - 109: void Clear() 105 - 110: {

106 : Free();

111: FreeAll();

107 - 112: }

108 - 113: unsigned GetSeqCount() const 109 - 114: {

128 - 133: void SetUniformWeights() const;

129 - 134: void SetClustalWWeights(const Tree &tree);

130 - 135:

131 : void Free();

136: void FreeAll();

132 - 137: void AppendSeq(char *ptrSeq, unsigned uSeqLength, char *ptrLabel);

133 - 138: void ExpandCache(unsigned uSeqCount, unsigned uColCount);

134 - 139: void CalcWeights() const;

C.1.18 ../msa/src/Muscle/muscle.h

1: #include <vector>

2: #include <string>


1 - 4: #if DEBUG && !_DEBUG 2 - 5: #define _DEBUG 1 3 - 6: #endif

26 - 29: #include <stdarg.h>

27 - 30: #include <stdio.h>

28 - 31:


29 - 33: #define DOUBLE_AFFINE 0 30 - 34: #define SINGLE_AFFINE 1

31 - 35: #define PAF 0

134 - 138: void VectorSet(float dValues[], unsigned n, float d);

135 - 139:

136 - 140: // @@TODO should be "not linux"

137 : #if _WIN32 141: /*#if _WIN32

138 - 142: double log2(double x); // Defined in <math.h> on Linux 139 : #endif

143: #endif*/

140 - 144:

141 - 145: double pow2(double x);

142 - 146: double lnTolog2(double ln);

244 - 248: void SetSeqStats(unsigned uSeqCount, unsigned uMaxL, unsigned uAvgL);

245 - 249:

246 - 250: void SetNewHandler();

251: void CleanupNewHandler();

247 - 252: void SaveCurrentAlignment();

248 - 253: void SetCurrentAlignment(MSA &msa);

249 - 254: void SetOutputFileName(const char *out);

270 - 275:

271 - 276: bool FlagOpt(const char *Name);

272 - 277: const char *ValueOpt(const char *Name);

273 : void DoMuscle();

278: //void DoMuscle(MSAInput msaInput, MSAOutput *msaOutput);

274 - 279: void ProfDB();

275 - 280: void DoSP();

276 - 281: void ProgAlignSubFams();

277 : void Run();

282: //void Run(MSAInput msaInput, MSAOutput *msaOutput);

278 - 283: void ListParams();

279 - 284: void OnException();

280 - 285: void SetSeqWeightMethod(SEQWEIGHT Method);

324 - 329: void WriteScoreFile(const MSA &msa);

325 - 330: char ConsensusChar(const ProfPos &PP);

326 - 331: void Stabilize(const MSA &msa, MSA &msaStable);

327 : void MuscleOutput(MSA &msa);

332: std::vector<std::string> MuscleOutput(MSA &msa);

328 - 333: PTR_SCOREMATRIX ReadMx(TextFile &File);

334: PTR_SCOREMATRIX ReadMxFromR(std::vector<std::string> colnames, float matrix[32][32])


329 - 335: void MemPlus(size_t Bytes, char *Where);

330 - 336: void MemMinus(size_t Bytes, char *Where);

C.1.19 ../msa/src/Muscle/muscle.h

275 - 275:

276 - 276: bool FlagOpt(const char *Name);

277 - 277: const char *ValueOpt(const char *Name);

278 : //void DoMuscle(MSAInput msaInput, MSAOutput *msaOutput);

278: //void DoMuscle(MuscleInput msaInput, MuscleOutput *msaOutput);

279 - 279: void ProfDB();

280 - 280: void DoSP();

281 - 281: void ProgAlignSubFams();

282 : //void Run(MSAInput msaInput, MSAOutput *msaOutput);

282: //void Run(MuscleInput msaInput, MuscleOutput *msaOutput);

283 - 283: void ListParams();

284 - 284: void OnException();

285 - 285: void SetSeqWeightMethod(SEQWEIGHT Method);

329 - 329: void WriteScoreFile(const MSA &msa);

330 - 330: char ConsensusChar(const ProfPos &PP);

331 - 331: void Stabilize(const MSA &msa, MSA &msaStable);

332 : std::vector<std::string> MuscleOutput(MSA &msa);

332: std::vector<std::string> DoMuscleOutput(MSA &msa);

333 - 333: PTR_SCOREMATRIX ReadMx(TextFile &File);

334 - 334: PTR_SCOREMATRIX ReadMxFromR(std::vector<std::string> colnames, float matrix [32][32]);

335 - 335: void MemPlus(size_t Bytes, char *Where);

C.1.20 ../msa/src/Muscle/muscleout.cpp

2 - 2: #include "msa.h"

3 - 3: #include "params.h"

4 - 4: #include "textfile.h"

5: #include <vector>

6: #include <string>

7: using namespace std;

5 - 8:

6 : static void DoOutput(MSA &msa)

9: static vector<string> DoOutput(MSA &msa) 7 - 10: {

8 - 11: bool AnyOutput = false;

12: vector<string> result;

9 - 13:

10 - 14: // Value options

11 - 15: if (g_pstrFASTAOutFileName) 25 - 29: if (g_pstrClwOutFileName) 26 - 30: {

27 - 31: TextFile File(g_pstrClwOutFileName, true);

28 : msa.ToAlnFile(File);

32: result = msa.ToAlnFile();

29 - 33: AnyOutput = true;

30 - 34: }

31 :

32 - 35: if (g_pstrClwStrictOutFileName) 33 - 36: {

34 - 37: g_bClwStrict = true;

35 - 38: TextFile File(g_pstrClwStrictOutFileName, true);

36 : msa.ToAlnFile(File);

39: result = msa.ToAlnFile();

37 - 40: AnyOutput = true;

38 - 41: } 39 - 42:


72 - 75: }

73 - 76: else if (g_bAln) 74 - 77: {

75 : msa.ToAlnFile(fileOut);

78: result = msa.ToAlnFile();

76 - 79: AnyOutput = true;

77 - 80: }

78 - 81: else if (g_bHTML) 92 - 95: }

93 - 96:

94 - 97: // If -out option was given but no flags, output as FASTA 95 : if (!AnyOutput)

98: if (!AnyOutput) { 96 - 99: msa.ToFASTAFile(fileOut);

97 :

98 : fileOut.Close();

100: }

101: //fileOut.Close();

99 - 102:

100 : if (0 != g_pstrScoreFileName) 103: if (0 != g_pstrScoreFileName) { 101 - 104: WriteScoreFile(msa);

102 - 105: }

106: return result;

107: } 103 - 108:

104 : void MuscleOutput(MSA &msa)

109: vector<string> MuscleOutput(MSA &msa) 105 - 110: {

106 - 111: MHackEnd(msa);

107 - 112: if (g_bStable) 109 - 114: MSA msaStable;

110 - 115: Stabilize(msa, msaStable);

111 - 116: msa.Clear(); // save memory 112 : DoOutput(msaStable);

117: return DoOutput(msaStable);

113 - 118: }

114 : else

115 : DoOutput(msa);

119: return DoOutput(msa);

116 - 120: }

C.1.21 ../msa/src/Muscle/muscleout.cpp

106 - 106: return result;

107 - 107: } 108 - 108:

109 : vector<string> MuscleOutput(MSA &msa) 109: vector<string> DoMuscleOutput(MSA &msa) 110 - 110: {

111 - 111: MHackEnd(msa);

112 - 112: if (g_bStable)

C.1.22 ../msa/src/Muscle/objscore.cpp

104 - 104: delete[] SeqIndexes2;

105 - 105: #else

106 - 106: SCORE dObjScore = ObjScore(msa, SeqIndexes1, uCount1, SeqIndexes2, uCount2);

107: delete[] SeqIndexes1; //valgrind 108: delete[] SeqIndexes2; //valgrind 107 - 109: #endif

108 - 110: #if TIMING

109 - 111: TICKS t2 = GetClockTicks();

C.1.23 ../msa/src/Muscle/onexception.cpp

11 - 11: fprintf(stderr, "%s", szOnExceptionMessage);

12 - 12: Log("%s", szOnExceptionMessage);

13 - 13: Log("Finished %s\n", GetTimeAsStr());

14 : exit(EXIT_Except);

14: throw EXIT_Except;

15 - 15: }

C.1.24 ../msa/src/Muscle/options.cpp

143 - 143: if (0 == Value) 144 - 144: {

145 - 145: fprintf(stderr, "Option -%s must have value\n", Arg);

146 : exit(EXIT_NotStarted);

146: throw EXIT_NotStarted;

147 - 147: }

148 - 148: ValueOpts[i].m_pstrValue = strsave(Value);

149 - 149: return true;

177 - 177: if (Arg[0] != ’-’) 178 - 178: {

179 - 179: fprintf(stderr, "Command-line option \"%s\" must start with ’-’\n", Arg);

180 : exit(EXIT_NotStarted);

180: throw EXIT_NotStarted;

181 - 181: }

182 - 182: const char *ArgName = Arg + 1;

183 - 183: if (TestSetFlagOpt(ArgName)) 196 - 196: }

197 - 197: fprintf(stderr, "Invalid command line option \"%s\"\n", ArgName);

198 - 198: Usage();

199 : exit(EXIT_NotStarted);

199: throw EXIT_NotStarted;

200 - 200: } 201 - 201: } 202 - 202:

C.1.25 ../msa/src/Muscle/phyfromclust.cpp

1 - 1: #include "muscle.h"

2 - 2: #include "tree.h"

3 - 3: #include "clust.h"

4: #include "gc_cpp.h"

4 - 5:

5 - 6: void Tree::InitCache(unsigned uCacheCount) 6 - 7: {

7 - 8: m_uCacheCount = uCacheCount;

8 - 9:

9 : m_uNeighbor1 = new unsigned[m_uCacheCount];

10 : m_uNeighbor2 = new unsigned[m_uCacheCount];

11 : m_uNeighbor3 = new unsigned[m_uCacheCount];

10: m_uNeighbor1 = new (UseGC) unsigned[m_uCacheCount];

11: m_uNeighbor2 = new (UseGC) unsigned[m_uCacheCount];

12: m_uNeighbor3 = new (UseGC) unsigned[m_uCacheCount];

12 - 13:

13 - 14: m_Ids = new unsigned[m_uCacheCount];

14 - 15:

C.1.26 ../msa/src/Muscle/phyfromclust.cpp

1 - 1: #include "muscle.h"

2 - 2: #include "tree.h"

3 - 3: #include "clust.h"

4 : #include "gc_cpp.h"

5 - 4:

6 - 5: void Tree::InitCache(unsigned uCacheCount) 7 - 6: {

8 - 7: m_uCacheCount = uCacheCount;

9 - 8:

10 : m_uNeighbor1 = new (UseGC) unsigned[m_uCacheCount];

11 : m_uNeighbor2 = new (UseGC) unsigned[m_uCacheCount];

12 : m_uNeighbor3 = new (UseGC) unsigned[m_uCacheCount];

9: m_uNeighbor1 = new unsigned[m_uCacheCount];

10: m_uNeighbor2 = new unsigned[m_uCacheCount];

11: m_uNeighbor3 = new unsigned[m_uCacheCount];

13 - 12:

14 - 13: m_Ids = new unsigned[m_uCacheCount];

15 - 14:

C.1.27 ../msa/src/Muscle/profile.h

3 - 3:

4 - 4: #include "msa.h"

5 - 5: #include "pwpath.h"

6 : #include <math.h> // for log function 7 - 6:

7: #if !WIN32

8: #include <math.h> // for log function 9: #endif


8 - 11: class DiagList;

9 - 12: class WeightList;

10 - 13:


C.1.28 ../msa/src/Muscle/profile.cpp

143 - 143: ProfileProfile(msa1, msa2, msaOut);

144 - 144:

145 - 145: Progress("Writing output");

146 : MuscleOutput(msaOut);

146: DoMuscleOutput(msaOut);

147 - 147: }

C.1.29 ../msa/src/Muscle/readmx.cpp

4 - 4: #define TRACE 0 5 - 5:

6 - 6: const int MAX_LINE = 4096;

7 : const int MAX_HEADINGS = 32;

7: const int MAX_HEADINGS = 20;

8 - 8: static char Heading[MAX_HEADINGS];

9 - 9: static unsigned HeadingCount = 0;

10 - 10: static float Mx[32][32];

111 - 111:

112 - 112: char *p = Line + 1;

113 - 113: char *maxp = p + strlen(Line);

114 : for (unsigned Col = 0; Col < HeadingCount - 1; ++Col) 114: for (unsigned Col = 0; Col < HeadingCount; ++Col) 115 - 115: {

116 - 116: if (p >= maxp)

117 - 117: Quit("Too few fields in line of matrix file: ’%s’", Line);

172 - 172:

173 - 173: #if TRACE 174 - 174: {

175 : Log("ReadMx\n");

175: Log("ReadMxFromR\n");

176 - 176: Log("%d headings: ", HeadingCount);

177 - 177: for (unsigned i = 0; i < HeadingCount; ++i) 178 - 178: Log("%c", Heading[i]);

210 - 210: Log("Row letter = %u\n", RowLetter);

211 - 211: #endif 212 - 212:

213 : for (unsigned Col = 0; Col < HeadingCount - 1; ++Col) { 213: for (unsigned Col = 0; Col < HeadingCount; ++Col) { 214 - 214: char HeaderChar = Heading[Col];

215 - 215: //printf("Header char: %c\n", HeaderChar);

216 - 216: if (IsResidueChar(HeaderChar)) {

C.1.30 ../msa/src/Muscle/realigndiffse.cpp

10 - 10:

11 - 11: void DeleteProgNode(ProgNode &Node) 12 - 12: {

13 : delete[] Node.m_Prof;

14 : delete[] Node.m_EstringL;

15 : delete[] Node.m_EstringR;

13: ProgNode *temp = &Node;

14: if (!temp) {

15: if (NULL != Node.m_Prof) { 16: delete[] Node.m_Prof;

17: }

18: delete[] Node.m_EstringL;

19: delete[] Node.m_EstringR;

16 - 20:

17 : Node.m_Prof = 0;

18 : Node.m_EstringL = 0;

19 : Node.m_EstringR = 0;

21: Node.m_Prof = 0;

22: Node.m_EstringL = 0;

23: Node.m_EstringR = 0;

20 - 24: }

25: }

21 - 26:

22 - 27: static void MakeNode(ProgNode &OldNode, ProgNode &NewNode, bool bSwapLR) 23 - 28: {

C.1.31 ../msa/src/Muscle/refine.cpp

76 - 76:

77 - 77: // TextFile fileOut(g_pstrOutFileName, true);

78 - 78: // msa.ToFile(fileOut);

79 : MuscleOutput(msa);

79: DoMuscleOutput(msa);

80 - 80: }

C.1.32 ../msa/src/Muscle/refinehoriz.cpp

53 - 53: DeleteGappedCols(msa1);

54 - 54: DeleteGappedCols(msa2);

55 - 55:

56 : if (0 == msa1.GetColCount() || 0 == msa2.GetColCount()) 56: if (0 == msa1.GetColCount() || 0 == msa2.GetColCount()) { 57: delete[] Ids1; //valgrind

58: delete[] Ids2; //valgrind 57 - 59: return false;

60: }

58 - 61:

59 - 62: MSA msaRealigned;

60 - 63: PWPath pathAfter;

77 - 80: msaRealigned.LogMe();

78 - 81: #endif 79 - 82:

80 : if (!bAnyChanges)

81 : {

83: if (!bAnyChanges) { 82 - 84: *ptrscoreBefore = 0;

83 - 85: *ptrscoreAfter = 0;

86: delete[] Ids1; //valgrind 87: delete[] Ids2; //valgrind 84 - 88: return false;

85 : }

89: }

86 - 90:

87 - 91: SetMSAWeightsMuscle(msaIn);

88 - 92: SetMSAWeightsMuscle(msaRealigned);

C.1.33 ../msa/src/Muscle/refinetreee.cpp

48 - 48:

49 - 49: SetCurrentAlignment(msa);

50 - 50: ProgressStepsDone();

51: Tree2.Clear();

51 - 52: }

C.1.34 ../msa/src/Muscle/refinew.cpp

152 - 152:

153 - 153: _CrtMemDumpStatistics(&s);

154 - 154: _CrtMemDumpAllObjectsSince(&s1);

155 : exit(1);

155: throw 1;

156 - 156: #endif

157 - 157: //#if DEBUG

158 - 158: // AssertMSAEqIgnoreCaseAndGaps(msaInTmp, msaTmp);

C.1.35 ../msa/src/Muscle/refinew.cpp

223 - 223:

224 - 224: // TextFile fileOut(g_pstrOutFileName, true);

225 - 225: // msaOut.ToFile(fileOut);

226 : MuscleOutput(msaOut);

226: DoMuscleOutput(msaOut);

227 - 227: }

C.1.36 ../msa/src/Muscle/savebest.cpp

23 - 23: {

24 - 24: fprintf(stderr,

25 - 25: "\nRecursive call to SaveCurrentAlignment, giving up attempt to save.\n");

26 : exit(EXIT_FatalError);

26: throw EXIT_FatalError;

27 - 27: } 28 - 28:

29 - 29: if (0 == ptrBestMSA) 30 - 30: {

31 - 31: fprintf(stderr, "\nAlignment not completed, cannot save.\n");

32 - 32: Log("Alignment not completed, cannot save.\n");

33 : exit(EXIT_FatalError);

33: throw EXIT_FatalError;


34 - 34: } 35 - 35:

36 - 36: if (0 == pstrOutputFileName) 37 - 37: {

38 - 38: fprintf(stderr, "\nOutput file name not specified, cannot save.\n");

39 : exit(EXIT_FatalError);

39: throw EXIT_FatalError;

40 - 40: } 41 - 41:

42 - 42: fprintf(stderr, "\nSaving current alignment ...\n");

62 - 62: MaxSecsToStr(), ElapsedSecs);

63 - 63:

64 - 64: SaveCurrentAlignment();

65 : exit(EXIT_Success);

65: throw EXIT_Success;

66 - 66: }

C.1.37 ../msa/src/Muscle/scorepp.cpp

1 - 1: #include "muscle.h"

2 - 2: #include "profile.h"

3 - 3:

4: #if WIN32

5: #include <math.h>

6: #endif 7:

4 - 8: char ConsensusChar(const ProfPos &PP) 5 - 9: {

6 - 10: unsigned uMostCommonLetter = 0;

C.1.38 ../msa/src/Muscle/seq.cpp

311 - 311: for (unsigned uColIndex = 0; uColIndex < uLength; ++uColIndex) 312 - 312: push_back(pstrSeq[uColIndex]);

313 - 313: size_t n = strlen(pstrName) + 1;

314: delete[] m_ptrName; //valgrind 314 - 315: m_ptrName = new char[n];

315 - 316: strcpy(m_ptrName, pstrName);

316 - 317: }

C.1.39 ../msa/src/Muscle/seq.h

14 - 14: Seq() 15 - 15: {

16 - 16: m_ptrName = 0;

17: m_uId = 0;

17 - 18: // Start with moderate size to avoid 18 - 19: // thrashing the heap.

19 - 20: reserve(200);

C.1.40 ../msa/src/Muscle/setnewhandler.cpp

16 - 16: fprintf(stderr, "No alignment generated\n");

17 - 17: else

18 - 18: SaveCurrentAlignment();

19 : exit(EXIT_FatalError);

19: throw EXIT_FatalError;

20 - 20: } 21 - 21:

22 - 22: void SetNewHandler()

24 - 24: EmergencyReserve = malloc(RESERVE_BYTES);

25 - 25: std::set_new_handler(OnOutOfMemory);

26 - 26: }

C.1.41 ../msa/src/Muscle/timing.h

5 - 5: #pragma warning(disable:4035) 6 - 6: inline TICKS GetClockTicks() 7 - 7: {

8 : _asm

8: /*_asm 9 - 9: {

10 - 10: _emit 0x0f 11 - 11: _emit 0x31

12 : }

12: }*/

13: asm("emit, 0x0f");

14: asm("emit, 0x31");

13 - 15: } 14 - 16:

15 - 17: #define StartTimer() __int64 t1__ = GetClockTicks()

C.1.42 ../msa/src/Muscle/timing.h

3 - 3: typedef unsigned __int64 TICKS;

4 - 4:

5 - 5: #pragma warning(disable:4035) 6 : inline TICKS GetClockTicks()

7 : {

8 : /*_asm

9 : {

10 : _emit 0x0f

11 : _emit 0x31

12 : }*/

13 : asm("emit, 0x0f");

14 : asm("emit, 0x31");

15 : }

6: inline TICKS GetClockTicks() { 7: unsigned __int64 mmRet;

8: /*_asm

9: {

10: _emit 0x0f

11: _emit 0x31

12: }*/

13: asm("emit, 0x0f");

14: asm("emit, 0x31");

15: asm("mov dword ptr [mmRet+0],eax");

16: asm("mov dword ptr [mmRet+4],edx");

17: return mmRet;

18: } 16 - 19:

17 - 20: #define StartTimer() __int64 t1__ = GetClockTicks() 18 - 21:

C.1.43 ../msa/src/Muscle/tree.h

54 - 54: void Clear() 55 - 55: {

56 - 56: for (unsigned n = 0; n < m_uNodeCount; ++n)

57: {

57 - 58: free(m_ptrName[n]);

59: }

58 - 60:

59 - 61: m_uNodeCount = 0;

60 - 62: m_uCacheCount = 0;

79 - 81: m_dEdgeLength1 = 0;

80 - 82: m_dEdgeLength2 = 0;

81 - 83: m_dEdgeLength3 = 0;

84: m_bHasEdgeLength1 = 0;

85: m_bHasEdgeLength2 = 0;

86: m_bHasEdgeLength3 = 0;

82 - 87: m_ptrName = 0;

83 - 88: m_Ids = 0;

84 - 89: m_uRootNodeIndex = 0;

C.1.44 ../msa/src/Muscle/tree.h

61 - 61: m_uNodeCount = 0;

62 - 62: m_uCacheCount = 0;

63 - 63:

64 : delete[] m_uNeighbor1;

64: //GC cleanup

65: /*delete[] m_uNeighbor1;

65 - 66: delete[] m_uNeighbor2;

66 : delete[] m_uNeighbor3;

67: delete[] m_uNeighbor3;*/

67 - 68: delete[] m_dEdgeLength1;

68 - 69: delete[] m_dEdgeLength2;

69 - 70: delete[] m_dEdgeLength3;

C.1.45 ../msa/src/Muscle/aln.cpp


96 - 96:

97 - 97: string line = "";

98 - 98: vector<string> result;

99 : line = string(MUSCLE_LONG_VERSION) + string(" - multiple sequence alignment");

99: line = string(MUSCLE_LONG_VERSION) + string(" ");

100 - 100: result.push_back(line);

101 - 101: line = "";

102 - 102: result.push_back("");

C.1.46 ../msa/src/Muscle/domuscle.cpp

19 - 19: "please refer to the user guide. To disable this\n"

20 - 20: "warning, use -usetree_nowarn <treefilename>.\n\n";

21 - 21:

22 : void DoMuscle(MSAInput *msaInput, MSAOutput *msaOutput) 22: void DoMuscle(MuscleInput *msaInput, MuscleOutput *msaOutput) 23 - 23: {

24 - 24: SetOutputFileName(g_pstrOutFileName);

25 - 25: SetInputFileName(g_pstrInFileName);

200 - 200: //TextFile fileOut(g_pstrOutFileName, true);

201 - 201: //MHackEnd(msa);

202 - 202: //msa.ToFile(fileOut);

203 : msaOutput->msa = MuscleOutput(msa);

203: msaOutput->msa = DoMuscleOutput(msa);

204 - 204: GuideTree.Clear();

205 - 205: return;

206 - 206: }

247 - 247: //TextFile fileOut(g_pstrOutFileName, true);

248 - 248: //MHackEnd(msa);

249 - 249: //msa.ToFile(fileOut);

250 : msaOutput->msa = MuscleOutput(msa);

250: msaOutput->msa = DoMuscleOutput(msa);

251 - 251:

252 - 252: //GuideTree = 0;

253 - 253: extern void DeleteProgNode(ProgNode &Node);

261 - 261: return;

262 - 262: } 263 - 263:

264 : void Run(MSAInput *msaInput, MSAOutput *msaOutput) 264: void Run(MuscleInput *msaInput, MuscleOutput *msaOutput) 265 - 265: {

266 - 266: SetStartTime();

267 - 267: Log("Started %s\n", GetTimeAsStr());

C.1.47 ../msa/src/Muscle/main.cpp

9 - 9: #include <unistd.h> // for isatty() 10 - 10: #endif

11 - 11:



13 - 13: #include "svnversion.h"

14 : " by Robert C. Edgar";

14: " ";

15 - 15:

16 - 16: int g_argc;

17 - 17: char **g_argv;

C.1.48 ../msa/src/Muscle/muscle.h

275 - 275:

276 - 276: bool FlagOpt(const char *Name);

277 - 277: const char *ValueOpt(const char *Name);

278 : //void DoMuscle(MSAInput msaInput, MSAOutput *msaOutput);

278: //void DoMuscle(MuscleInput msaInput, MuscleOutput *msaOutput);

279 - 279: void ProfDB();

280 - 280: void DoSP();

281 - 281: void ProgAlignSubFams();

282 : //void Run(MSAInput msaInput, MSAOutput *msaOutput);

282: //void Run(MuscleInput msaInput, MuscleOutput *msaOutput);

283 - 283: void ListParams();

284 - 284: void OnException();

285 - 285: void SetSeqWeightMethod(SEQWEIGHT Method);

329 - 329: void WriteScoreFile(const MSA &msa);

330 - 330: char ConsensusChar(const ProfPos &PP);

331 - 331: void Stabilize(const MSA &msa, MSA &msaStable);

332 : std::vector<std::string> MuscleOutput(MSA &msa);

332: std::vector<std::string> DoMuscleOutput(MSA &msa);

333 - 333: PTR_SCOREMATRIX ReadMx(TextFile &File);

334 - 334: PTR_SCOREMATRIX ReadMxFromR(std::vector<std::string> colnames, float matrix [32][32]);

335 - 335: void MemPlus(size_t Bytes, char *Where);