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3.3 Tests Based On A Discrete Time Approximation

3.3.5 Fixed Sample Properties


2T(s)V−1(s)ds p2K(4)(0)

(3.49) where Φ denotes the Gaussian distribution function.

We see from the above that the binning based on the bandwidth valuehprovides a key role in the derivation of the asymptotic distributions. However, the binning discretizes the null hypothesis and unavoidably leads to some loss of power as shown in the simulation reported in the next section. From the point of view of retaining power, we would like to have the size of the bins smaller than that prescribed by the smoothing bandwidth in order to increase the resolution of the discretized null hypothesis to the original H0. However, this will create dependence between the empirical likelihood evaluated at neighbouring bins and make the above asymptotic distributions invalid. One possibility is to evaluate the distribution of R1

0 N02(s)ds by using the approach of Wood and Chan (1994) simulating the normal process N2(s) under H0. However, this is not our focus here and hence is not considered in this chapter.

3.3.5 Fixed Sample Properties

We investigate the finite sample properties of the EL testing procedure in two simu-lation studies. In our first simusimu-lation we consider the time series model

Yi = 2Yi−1/(1 +Yi−12 ) +cT sin(Yi−1) +σ(Yi−1i (3.50) for i= 0, . . . , T where{ηi} are independent and identically distributed uniform ran-dom variables in [−1,1], ηi is independent of Xi = Yi−1 for each i, and σ(x) = exp(−x2/4). Note that the mean and the variance functions are both bounded which ensures the series is asymptotically stationary. To get rid of the impact of the initial conditions, we pre-run the series 100 times with Y−100 = 0. Figure 3.1 shows typical plots of (yi−1, yi) for cT = 0 and cT = 0.06. It appears from the figure, that there is no obvious difference between the two drift functions. However, the EL test is able two distinguish between the two cases (cT = 0 and cT = 0.06) as can be seen in Figure 3.2.

For the simulation study the sample sizes considered for each trajectory areT = 500 and 1000 and cT, the degree of difference between H0 and H1, takes value of 0, 0.03 and 0.06. As the simulation shows that the two empirical likelihood tests have very similar power performance, we will report the results for the test based on the χ2 distribution only. To gauge the effect of the smoothing bandwidthhon the power, ten levels of h are used for each simulated sample to formulate the test statistic.

c_T = 0.00

-1 0 1




c_T = 0.06

-1 0 1




Figure 3.1: Scatterplots of the drift function of Y according to (3.50) withcT = 0.00 and cT = 0.06.

Figure 3.2 presents the power of the empirical likelihood test based on 5000 sim-ulation with a nominal 5% level of significance. We notice that when cT = 0 the simulated significance level of the test is very close to the nominal level for large range of h values which is especially the case for the larger sample size T = 1000.

When cT increases, for each fixed h the power increases as the distance between the null and the alternative hypotheses becomes larger. For each fixed cT, there is a general trend of decreasing power when hincreases. This is due to the discretization of H0 by binning as discussed at the end of the previous section. We also notice that the power curves for cT = 0.06 are a little erratic although they maintain the same trend as in the case of cT = 0.03. This may be due to the fact that when the difference between H0 and H1 is large, the difference between the nonparametric and the parametric fits becomes larger and the test procedure becomes more sensitive to the bandwidths.

In our second simulation study we consider an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process X fluctuating about 0 that satisfies the stochastic differential equation

dX(t) = m(a, X(t))dt+σdW(t)

whereW is a standard Brownian Motion andm(a, x) =axunder the null hypothesis.

The speed of adjustment parameter a has to be negative to ensure stationarity. To apply the empirical likelihood test we construct the time series XandY as in Section


n = 500

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

bandwidth h

power of the EL test

cn = 0.00 cn = 0.03 cn = 0.06

n = 1000

0.2 0.4 0.6

bandwidth h

power of the EL test

cn = 0.00 cn = 0.03 cn = 0.06

Figure 3.2: Power of the empirical likelihood test. The dotted lines indicate the 5%


3.3.1, i.e.

Xi = X(ti), X = (X0, . . . , X[nT ]−1) εi = W(ti+1)−W(ti), ε= (ε0, . . . , ε[nT]−1)

Yi = Xi+1 −Xi=aXi∆ +σεi , Y = (Y0, . . . , Y[nT]−1 ) (3.51) where we use again the notation X(t) to denote the continuous time process and the subscript Xi to denote discrete time observations.

For a = −1 and σ = 0.5 we investigate the power of the test for nT = 3000 observations in a simulation study. The hypotheses for the test are chosen as in 3.3.4.

H0(m) : ∃a ∈[−∞,0) : for every t∈[0, T] : m{X(t)}=aX(t) P-a.s.

against the alternative

H1(m) : ∀a∈[−∞,0) : for everyt∈[0, T] :

m{X(t)}=aX(t) +cTT(X(t)) P-a.s.

with ∆T(x) = sin(πx). We simulate trajectories of five processes: cT = 0 (H0(m)), cT = 0.5, 1, 1.5 and cT = 2. For each cT we simulate 1000 paths according to the Milstein scheme

X(t+δ) =X(t) +m(θ, X(t))δ+σ(θ, X(t))√

δε(t) +1

2(θ, X(t))δ{ε(t)2−1} (3.52)

for δ > 0 and a sequence of independent standard normally distributed random variables ε(t), see Kloeden and Platen (1999). We then apply to every simulated path the EL test about the hypothesis H0(m).

To understand the influence of the two kinds of asymptotics we make two sim-ulation studies with the same sample size nT = 3000, one with n = 50, i.e. for nT = 3000 observations we have T = 60, and one with n = 250, i.e. T = 12.

This means, that in the first simulation (n = 50) the approximation of X by the corresponding discrete time process X with ∆ = 1/50 is not as good as the ap-proximation of X in the second simulation with ∆ = 1/250. On the other hand the time interval [0, T] in which observations are available is much larger in the first simulation than in the second. This means that the mixing of the time series X1/50 is stronger then the mixing of X1/250. This effect also appears in the autocorrelation of Xi. It is well known, that the autocorrelation of an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process is Corr(X(t), X(t+τ)) = exp{aτ}. Thus, the discrete processXi has under the null hypothesis an autocorrelation of Corr(Xi, Xi+k ) = exp{(a/n)k}, i.e. the autocorre-lation for n = 250 is significantly higher than the autocorrelation forn = 50 when k is fixed. The reason is, that we observe the original processX at different times. We can think of Xi1/50 as a rescaled version of Xi1/250, where rescaling is done in time, for instance X11/50 = X51/250. The same autocorrelation structure with a constant ∆ can be constructed by choosing a = −0.2 for the second process. Thus a change in

∆ corresponds to a change of a.

In the empirical analysis, ∆ is not given, and thus the question of choosing ∆ and verifying the assumptions arises. In particular assumption (DT1), i.e. the assump-tion, that X is stationary and α-mixing is critical in a fixed sample environment.

Even if (DT1) is satisfied, the time interval [0, T] might be too small to rely on the ergodic theorem. The reason could be, that ∆ is to small or that the parameters of X generate strong dependencies between observations that are far away from each other. In the empirical analysis of the spot rate (7-day Eurodollar rate) we come again to this point.

The empirical rejection levels of the null hypothesis are shown in Figure 3.3 for nominal levels α = 0.01 and α = 0.05. It appears from Figure3.3 that the nominal level of the EL test is better hold, when the approximation of the true continuous time process by a time series is better, i.e. there are more observations n ofX in one unit of time.

The power of the test for different values ofcT is also investigated. The result is shown in Figure 3.4 and 3.5. The figures show, that the power of the test increases with T. The reason is, that the intervals, in which the dependencies are strong are shorter for smaller values of n and thus there are more observations that are “almost independent”, i.e. have an autocorrelation close to 0. The figures also demonstrate, that the test decision of the EL test strongly depends on the order of difference cT


Emp. rejection level

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

bandwidth h

alpha = 0.01 alpha = 0.05

Emp. rejection level

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

bandwidth h

alpha = 0.01

alpha = 0.05

Figure 3.3: Empirical rejection level of the empirical likelihood test for the drift of an Ornstein Uhlenbeck process. (∆ = 1/50 left figure, ∆ = 1/250 right figure)

between theH0andH1. We also find, that the test depends on the chosen bandwidth that is used to nonparametrically estimate the drift. But this dependency seems to have a minor impact on the test decision.

3.4 Nonparametric Estimation of the Continuous