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1.2 Static DMRG

1.2.3 Finite-system DMRG algorithm

After obtaining the approximate block representations for a lattice of desired size L built up by the infinite-system DMRG algorithm, application of the finite-system DMRG algorithm


m4E σ1 σ2 σ3


ml−2S σl ml+1E ml+2E

σl+1 σl



Environment Block System Bolck

HSl−1 HEl+2


σl+1 σl



System Bolck Environment Block

Environment Block System Bolck



l−2 l+1

4 S

Environment Block System Bolck

HSl−1 Hl+2

Figure 1.4: Depiction of the finite-system DMRG algorithm.

provides high accuracy results. Each block basis is optimized by sweeping two exactly repre-sented site blocks through a lattice of fixed size L. Because the size of the lattice is fixed, the system block grows, while the environment block shrinks (see Fig. 1.3). The reduced trans-formation only takes place on the system block, while the environment block is transformed by using previously stored environment blocks. In each step of a particular sweep, the basis of the system block is optimized.

For the consistency with the discussion of the infinite-system DMRG algorithm, Sec. 1.2.2, we assume that the lattice has reflection symmetry. One then only needs to do sweeps through a half of the lattice. The finite-system DMRG algorithm of a reflection symmetric lattice con-sists of the following steps:

1. After the desired lattice size L is reached in the second step of the infinite-system DMRG algorithm, one has obtained the superblock basis{|mSl1σlσl+1mEl+2i}.

2. Switch the roles of system block and the environment, see Fig. 1.4 and steps 2-4 in the infinite-system DMRG algorithm. Construct the new reduced basis{|mEl+1i}of the system block.

3. Use a stored block of appropriate size as an environment block to form the new su-perblock in the basis{|mSl−2σl−1σlmEl+1i}, see Fig. 1.4.

4. Repeat steps 2-3 above until the environment block shrinks to only one site. The su-perblock is now in the basis{|σ1σ2σ3mE4i}. Note that every system block is stored at each step above. Here a right-to-left half-sweep is finished.

5. Switch the roles of system block and the environment. Repeat steps 2-3 above, until the starting point superblock with the basis{|mSl−1σlσl+1mEl+2i}is reached. Here a left-to-right half-sweep is finished. These two half-sweeps make up one sweep in finite-system DMRG algorithm.

6. Repeat steps 2-5, until convergence of the ground state energy is obtained.

7. Carry out the measurements.

Notice that the assumption of reflection symmetry is not necessary; it is possible to general-ize the finite-system DMRG algorithm to lattices with no reflection symmetry by sweeping through the whole lattice. In addition, in some cases, simultaneously targeting a few of energy eigenstates may improve the convergence of the ground state.

To improve the efficiency of the calculations, one usually fixes the quantum number of the superblock, drastically shrinking the basis. For example, the z-component of total spin Szis fixed in the calculation of the ground state of the Heisenberg model; the z-component of total spin Sz and the total electron number are fixed in the calculation of the ground state of the Hubbard model. Besides using U(1) symmetry of the Hamiltonian, other symmetries are also can be applied in the DMRG calculations, e.g., S U(2) symmetry [38].

The measurements are usually performed after several finite-system DMRG sweeps have been carried out. By representing the operator A in the superblock basis, the expectation value of the operator A,hψ|A|ψi, can be directly calculated, where the current wave function has the representation|ψi ≡ψmS

l1σlσl+1mEl+2. We take the Heisenberg model as an example. For a local operator Szj, the expectation value is given by

hψ|Szj|ψi= X




l1σlσl+1mEl+2 (1.33) and similarly for other local operators. This formula gives a exact evaluation ofhψ|A|ψiwith the approximate wave functionψmS

l−1σlσl+1mEl+2. The only error comes from the reduced basis.

For the expectation value of two operators on two different sites, such as the spin-spin correlation functionhψ|SzjSzk|ψi, how to keep track of these two operators depends on whether j and k are located on the different block or not. If j and k are on different blocks,hψ|SzjSkz|ψi can be evaluated using

hψ|SzjSzk|ψi= X







l−1σlσl+1ml+2E , (1.34) where one keeps track of [Szj]mS

l1mlS1 and [Szk]mE

l+2ml+2E independently. If j and k are on the same block,hψ|SzjSzk|ψishould be evaluated using

hψ|SzjSzk|ψi= X






l1σlσl+1mEl+2, (1.35) where one does not keep track of [Szj]mS

l−1m′′l−1S and [Szj]m′′S

l−1ml−1S separately. The reason is that P




l1mlS1, whereP

m′′lS1|m′′lS1ihm′′lS1| ≈1 for the truncated basis {|m′′Sl−1i}.

The other important operator that must be evaluated is the Hamiltonian operator. By multiplying Eq. (1.32) byψi j from the left, one obtains the expression for the expected value of the energy,

hψ|H|ψi= X

i jij

ψi j[H]i j,ijψij

= X

i jij

i j[HSl]iiψiji jψi j[Hl+1E ]j ji j[ ˆσl]iiψij[ ˆσl+1]j j).


One can also increase the efficiency by applying the so-called wave function transfor-mation in the finite-system DMRG algorithm [39]. A approximate wave function generated from the previous sweep step using the wave function transformation can reduce the number of Davidson steps or Lanczos steps substantially. For the sake of simplicity, we will not in-clude any truncations in the basis transformation procedure, which meansP

m|mihm|=1. We begin with the wave function of the superblock

|ψi= X



l1σlσl+1mEl+2|mSl−1i|σli|σl+1i|mEl+2i. (1.37)

In step 2 of the finite-system DMRG algorithm, Eq. (1.37) is transformed to

|ψi= X



l1σlmEl+1|mSl−1i|σli|mEl+1i, (1.38) where


l1σlmEl+1 = X



l1σlσl+1mEl+2hmEl+1|mEl+2σl+1i, (1.39) by inserting P

mEl+1|mEl+1ihml+1E | = 1 into Eq. (1.37). Step 3 of the finite-system DMRG algo-rithm further transforms Eq. (1.38) to

|ψi= X



l2σl1σlmEl+2|mSl2i|σl1i|σli|ml+1E i, (1.40) where


l2σl1σlmEl+2 =X



l1σlmEl+1hmSl2σl1|mSl1i. (1.41) These two steps shift the positions of the single sites one place from right to left.

The wave function transformation can be generized to the MPS algorithm, which was introduced by by ¨Ostlund and Rommer [40]. One can define


S l−2,mS


l−1l−1], (1.42)

hml+3E σl+2|mEl+2i=Am

E l+2,mEl+3

l+2l+2], (1.43)

where the matrix All] was used to treat the fixed point (i.e., a site independent A[σ]) to which the DMRG eventually converges. From Eq. (1.42), one then obtains

|mSl−1i= X




S l−2,mS


l−1l−1]|mSl−2i|σl−1i, (1.44) where



ASll]ASll]= 1, (1.45)

|ml+2E i= X



E l+2,mEl+3

l+2l+2]|σl+2i|mEl+3i, (1.46)




AlEl]AE†ll]= 1. (1.47) One can carry out a recursion step to obtain|mSl2iexpressed in terms of|mSl3iusing Eq. (1.44).

One stops the recursion at site N when the left block basis|mSNi=|σ1. . . σNiin the dimension D. One then obtains

|mSl1i= X




S N,mSN+1

N+1N+1]. . .Am

S l2,mSl


l1l1]|mSNi|σN+1. . . σl1i

= X




S N,mSN+1

N+1N+1]. . .Am

S l2,mSl


l1l1]|σ1. . . σl1i. (1.48)

Similarly, one can expand|ml+1E ias

|ml+2E i= X

ml+3E ...mREσl...σM−1


E l+2,mEl+3

l+2l+2]. . .Am

E M−1,mEM

M−1M1]|σl. . . σM1i|mEMi

= X

ml+3E ...mEM



E l+2,ml+3E

l+2l+2]. . .AmMEM11,mEMM1]|σl+2. . . σLi, (1.49) where the recursion is stpped at site M, and the small right block M has the basis{|mEMi} of the dimension of D, where|mEMi=|σM. . . σLi.

Substituting Eqs. (1.48) and (1.49) into Eq. (1.37), and rewritingψmS

l1σlσl+1mEl+2 in the form ψmSl1ml+2Elσl+1], one obtains a D×D wave function,

|ψi= X


AN+1N+1]. . .Al1l1]ψ[σlσl+1]Al+2l+2]. . .AM1M1]mSNmEM

1. . . σLi. (1.50) The procedure in the finite-system DMRG sweeps can be recognized again in Eq. (1.50). The wave function coefficients ψ[σlσl+1] are updated at every step in a right to left sweep. Fur-thermore, a new optimized matrix Al+2l+2] is obtained by using the updated wave function to form the reduced density matrixρl+2E . Note that, the matrices All] and Al+1l+1] are not needed to represent the current DMRG wave function. However, they will be generated in the next steps. From this view of point, the DMRG can be viewed as an optimization procedure for a variational matrix-product wave function.

The finite-system DMRG algorithm is also important for the Suzuki-Trotter adaptive time-dependent DMRG (see sec.1.3.2). In the Suzuki-Trotter adaptive time-time-dependent DMRG, one

directly applies the time-evolution operator to the two site blocks l and l+1 in a finite-system sweeping procedure to advance the wave function one time step.