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File Description Specifications

Im Dokument DESIGN SPECIFICATION (Seite 167-173)

File description specifications are required for every file COLUMNS 1-2 (PAGE) used by a program. Write these specifications on the Con-

trol Card and File Description sheet (Figure 4-1). Only one


chapter 2.

line is needed to describe a file.

At the end of this chapter is a series of charts showing

all possible files that can be defined on the File Description COLUMNS 3-5 (LINE) sheet (see Figures 4-14 through 4-20). The charts are

arranged by device, showing the basic entries for all possible Chapter 2 . disk, card, console, and printer files.

IBM rnternauo-t ~ u m p * . ~ e c h i m C-raoon Farm X21 m 2

Prlnfld in U S A


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Control Card Specifications

Refer to the rpecnfic Synem Refnmce Llhary manual tor actual enfries

File h i p t i o n Specifications

I Mode ot Procemng I 1

Extent Exnt for Dam

Cylmde Index in Cote

0 61 62 63 M 8'

Figure 4-1. Control Card and File Description Sheet



Use columns 7-14 to assign a unique name to every file used in your program. Every file must be named, with two exceptions:

1 . Compile time tables or arrays are not described, and must not be named on the File Description sheet.

Compile time tables or arrays are described on the Extension sheet.

2. Execution time tables and arrays are desertbed on the File Description sheet. However, if more than one execution time table or array is assigned to the MFCU, only one of the tables or arrays need be named and described on the File Description sheet. Note, how- ever, that all execution time tables and arrays must have a unique name and must be further described on the Extension sheet.

The filename can be from 1-8 characters long, and must begin in column 7. The first character must be an alpha- betic character. The remaining characters can be any com- bination of alphabetic and numeric characters (special characters are not allowed). Blanks may not appear betaeen characters in the filename.

Use column 15 to identify the way in whlch your program


Input files are records that a program uses as a source of en input files are described in a program it indi- cates that records are to be read from the file. All Input files must be further described on the Input sheet with two exceptions: Table files and Record Address files must be further described in the Extension sheet.

Outputfiles are records that are written, punched, or printed by a program. All Output files, except table output files, must be further described on the Output-Fomat sheet.

Update files are disk files from which a program reads a record, updates fie1 s in the record, and writes the record back in the location from which it was read. Update files must be further described on both the Input and Output- Format sheets,

A CombitzedfiIe is a file which is both an input file and an output file. A combined file must be assigned to the MFCU or the console. A program reads records from a combined file and includes output data on the records in the file.

The result is one file that contains both input and output data. Combined files must be further described on both the Input and Output-Format sheets.

A Display file is a collection of information from fields used by a program. The DSPLY operation code must be

e Calculation sheet in order to print a field or record directly from storage andlor key data into a field or record in storage. Display files need only be described on the File Description sheet. The device associated with a display file must be a console. See Operation Codes, Dispby, in Chapter 10 for more information.

Ermy Explanation

P Primary file

S Secondary file

C Chained file

R Record address file

T Table fife (execution time tables or arrays)

D Demand file

Use column 16 to further identify the use of input, update, and combined files. Leave the column blank for display files, and all output files except chained output files (direct load).

Primary File

A pn'naary file is the main file from which a program reads records. In multifile processing the primary file is used eo control the order in which records are selected for process- ing. It can be an input, update, or combined file. In pro- grams that read records from only one file, that file is the primary file. Every program must have one, and only one,

- -- -

* -*

If more than 01% pHmar7 file is specified, an but the first primary file named are considered secondary files.

If no P entry is made in the file description specifications, the first Secondary file defined will be taken as the Primary file. When no Secondary files are present in the program, the first Demand file will be used as the Primary file. If none of the above are present, a warning is issued and the program cannot be executed.

Secondary Files

Secondary files apply to programs that do multifile proc- essing. All of the files involved in multifile &xessing except the primary file are secondary files. A secondary file can be an input, update, or combined file. Secondary files are processed in the order in which they are written in the file description specifications.

Note that table, chained, record address, and demand files are not involved in record selection in multifile proc- essing.

See Multifile Processing in Chapter 10 for more informa- tion on primary and secondary files.

Chained Files

A chairzedfile is a disk file that uses the CHAIN operation code to :

A chained file can be an Input, Output, or Update file.

See Column 28 (Mode of Puocessing), Random, in this chapter, and Operation Codes, CHAIN, in Chapter 10.

A record address file 1s an input file zhar indicates (1) isk file and (2) the

program during the compilation

tables, however, can be permanently alteled

the execution of the p

* processing.*&i1 takie files must be furth

+ /


e Input, Gpdate, or Combined files.

The FORCE operation code must be used in calculation specifications in order to read fro a Demand file. See Operation Codes, F8;FZCE: in Chapter 10.

Entry Explanation

lank I . The program can end whether or

f column 17 is blank for all of the files, all records from every file must be processed before the pro- gram can end.

A ecking is to be done. Records

in the file are in ascending order.

Blank uence checking Is to be done.

1, bypass the record out of sequence and read the next record from the same fde, or

2. bypass the record out of sequence, turn on the LR indicator and perform all end-of-job and final total procedures, or

3. cancel the entire program.

If column 18 is blank and matching fields are used, the compiler assumes that the entry is A and prints a warning message. For more information, see Col~rnns 61-62 (Matching Fields) in Chapter 7.


Entry &planation

F Fixed-length records

Column 19 must contain an F entry. This entry indicates that all of the records in the file are of the same length. A blank entry is assumed as F.


Entry Explanation

A number Records are blocked. The number is that is a some multiple of the record length.

multiple of record length

A number Records are unblocked. The block that equals length equals the record length.

record length

Use columns 20-23 to indicate the block length. An entry must be made in these columns for every disk file. For the MFCU, printer, or console enter a value equal to record length. The block length is a multiple of record length, indicating the number of records you want the program to read or write on disk at one time. If the record length is 120, you might have a block length of 480, indicating that you want 4 records read or written on disk at one time. The program runs more quickly when records are blocked. Blocking does not affect the order of records stored on disk. The entry must end in column 23, and leading zeros may be omitted.

The block length must be a multiple of the record length.

If the record length is 120, the block length must be 240 or 360 or 480 and so on. However, the system must read and write data from the disk in multiples of 256 characters. If your block length is 80, the system must actually read in 256 characters. If your block length is 260, the system musf read in 5 12 characters (2 x 256).

Therefore, the most efficient blocking you can do is to have your block length as close as possible to a multiple of 256. For a record length of 120,240 is a more efficient block length than 120, since 240 is closer to 256. Also, for the same record length, 480 is a more efficient block length than 360 because 480 is closer to a multiple of 256 (5 12).

If you specified 360 as a block length, 5 12 characters must be read in by the system, so you might as well include another record, making your block length 480.

COLUMNS 24-27 (RECORD LENGTH) Entry Explanation

1-4096 The number of characters in each record, limited by the device used.

Blank The maximum record length of the device is assumed.

Use columns 24-27 to indicate the length of the records in the file. Any entry must be made in these columns for a disk file.

All of the records in one file must be the same length.

(For update files, the length of a record after the record is updated must be the same as it was before the record was updated.) The maximum length allowed depends upon the device assigned to the file.


The record length may be shorter than the maximum length for the device, but not longer.

The entry you place in these columns must end in column 27. Leading zeros can be omitted. If columns 24-27 are left blank for a disk file, a warning is issued and the program wilI not be executed. f these columns are left blank for any other devices, the maximum record length of the device is assumed.


E:ntry Explanation

L Sequential Within Limits R


4. Direct file load (ran lank

2. Consecutive

Use column 28 to indicate the method by whi

are to be read from the file or to indicate that a direct file load (random load) is to take place.

The program reads records from the file until either the end of that f i e is reached or the program ends due to the c- end of file condition of another fie. See Column 17, End

of File in this chapter for more information about the second condition.

in column 28. '-

The consecutive method applies only to sequential and direct files. During consecutive processing records are read in the order in which they physically a

file. The contents of spaces left for missing records in direct files are read as though the records were there.

en a direct fde is loaded, such s blanks.)

!MARY AND SECONDARY FILES Organization 2. Sequentialiy by key 3. Sequentially within limits.



ALfDROUT (address output) file is a record address fie on disk produced by the Disk Sort program. It contains addresses of records in a disk file.

When an RPG II program uses an ADDROUT file, it reads a disk address from the ADDROUT file. The program then locates and reads records located at that address in the original disk file. Records are read in this manner until either the end of the ADDROUT file is reached or the program ends due to the end of file condition of another file. See Column 17, End of File in this chapter for more information about the second condition.

Sequential By Key

The sequential-by-key method of processing applies only to indexed disk files that are used as primary or secondary files.

Records are read in ascending key sequence (the order in which the record keys are arranged in the index portion of the file). The program reads records until all records in the fie are processed or the program ends due to the end of f i e condition of another file. See Column 17, End of File for more information about the second condition.

Sequential Within Limits

The sequential-within-limits method applies only to indexed disk files that are used as primary and secondary files.

Records that are identified in certain segments of the index are read. The segments are identified by sets of limits in records from a record address file. A record address file using limits can be located on disk, punched in cards, or entered by the printer-keyboard. A set of limits identifying a segment consists of the lowest record key and the highest record key from the segment.

The program uses one set of limits at a time. Records are read in the order in which the record keys are arranged in the segment of the index identified by the limits. When the records identified in one segment have been read, the program reads another set of limits from the record address file. The program continues reading records in this manner until either the end of the record address file is reached or the program ends due to the end of file condition of another file. See Column 17, End of File in this chapter for more infomation about e second condition.

The format of the records in a record address file contain- ing limits must conform to these rules:

1. Only one set of limits is allowed per record in the record address file. The length of the RAF record, therefore, must be twice the len th of the record key.

2. The low record key must begin in position one of the record. The high record key must immediately fortow the low record key. A record key can be from 1-29 characters in length. No blanks are allowed between the two keys.


Entry Expiam tion

Number Length of record key or disk address Columns 29-30 ap ly only to indexed disk files and record address files. Use it to indicate:

1 . The length of the record keys in indexed fdes and dress files that contain limits.

3. The low record key and the high record key must be 2. The length of the disk addresses in ADDROUT files.

equal in length and each key must be equal in length r4

to the key field length specified in columns 29-30. A11 of the key fields in the records in an indexed file Therefore, leading zeros may be necessary in speci-


must be the same length. The maximum is 29 characters.- fying numeric record keys. All of the disk addresses contained in an ADDROUT file

are three characters long.

4. An alphameric record key may contain Hanks.

The same set of limits car1 appear in more than one record address record, Data records, therefore, can be processed as many times as you wish.

The two record keys in a set of limits can be equal. The segment of the index in this case contains only one record key.


The two methods, random by relative record number and random by key, apply to chained files only. They require the use of the CHAIN operation code. The records of a file to be read or written must be processed by the Ct

operation code. The records are read or written only when the CHAIN statements that identify them are ex

For sequential and direct files, relative record n

must be used to identify the records. Relative record num- bers identify the positions of the records relative to the beginning of the file. For example, the relative record num- bers of the first, fifth, arid seventh records in a fi

5, and 7 respectively.

For indexed filer;, record keys must be used to identify the records. A record key is the info

field of a record. The information is tion of the file to identify the record.

e calculation phase of the pro- e executed during detail ur total calculation. Note tlien, that fields of records read from chained update files can "c; read and altered during total calculations and the records can be updated (written back on the file with alterations) during total output; the same also applies to detail calculations and detail output.


Im Dokument DESIGN SPECIFICATION (Seite 167-173)