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7.1. On explicit geometrization of certain solutions forsln(C). LetPbe a simple vector bundle on a Weierstraß curve E (i.e.EndE(P) = C) of rank n and degree d. Then gcd(n,d)=1 and for any other simple vector bundleQwith the same rank and degree there exists a line bundleL ∈ Pic0(E)such that Q ∼= PL. Conversely, for any (n,d) ∈ N×Zsatisfying the condition gcd(n,d) = 1, there exists a simple vector bundle of ranknand degreedonE; see [2,10,12] for the case whenEis elliptic, nodal and cuspidal, respectively. In what follows, we putc:=nd.

LetA=AdE(P)be the sheaf of Lie algebras onEgiven by the short exact sequence

0−→A−→EndE(P)−→tr O−→0. (96)

From what was said above we see thatA=A(c,d)does not depend (up to an automor-phism) on the particular choice of simple vector bundleP and is uniquely determined by the pair(c,d). For any pEwe have:A

p∼=g=sln(C). Simplicity ofPimplies that H0(E,A)=0=H1(E,A). It follows that the pair(E,A)is a geometric CYBE datum.

LetK =K(c,d):=

$0 Id

Ic 0


andT =T(c,d)(u)=

$Ic 0 0 u1Id


, wherec=nd.

We put:c(c,d):=

a,AdK(a) a∈g

(whereAdK(a):=K a K1) and Wtrg(c,d)=


u+gu+× {0}


{0} ×ugu

+c(c,d) ⊆D=L+×L, whereL±=g((u±)).

Theorem 7.1.Let E be a nodal Weierstraß curve, s be its singular point andA=A(c,d)

be a sheaf of Lie algebras attached to the pair(c,d), where c,d ∈Nare coprime. Then the Manin tripleAs =AsA(s)is isomorphic to the Manin tripleD=Wtrg(c,d)C.

Proof. Let us first recall our notation and give an explicit description of the sheafA. We choose homogeneous coordinates(w+ :w)onP1and view them as global sections:



. Lets± ∈ P1be the point of vanishing ofw±, i.e.s+ =(0 : 1) ands = (1 : 0). We put:U± := P1\ {s±},U = U+U andu± := w±

w. It is clear thats±U±and that the rational functionu±is a local parameter ats±. We put:


U±,OP1∼=C[u±]. LetO±be the completion of the stalk ofOP1 ats±and Q±be the corresponding quotient field. Then we have:O±∼=Cu±andQ±∼=C((u±)) Finally, let R :=



=C u,u1

,whereu =u+ =u1. We fix the following trivializations:

U±,OP1(1)−→ξ± L±, ff w


. (97)

As a consequence, for anyc,d ∈N0andG=G(c,d):=OP1c


we have the induced trivializations

U±,G ξ±G

−→L±n, wheren =c+d. LetB=B(c,d):=Ad(G).

Thenξ±Ginduces trivializations

U±,B ξ±B

−→g[u±]. LetB±be the completion of the stalk ofBats±,B±its rational envelope andB

s± the fiber ofBovers±. Then we get induced isomorphisms

B±−→ξ±B gu±,B±−→ξ±B g((u±)) and B

s± ξ¯±B


We define a nodal Weierstraß curveEvia the pushout diagram (76). We recall now the description of the sheafAgiven in [15, Proposition 3.3] (see also [17, Section 5.1.2]).

Consider the embedding of Lie algebrasg−→θ˜(c,d) g×g, a


.ThenAis defined via the following pullback diagram in the categoryCoh(E):

A //

g _


ν(B) ¯ξ //g×g


where we viewgandg×gas skyscraper sheaves supported atsandξ¯is the composition

ν(B)−→ev B



s ξ¯+BׯξB

−−−−→g×g. In the notation of Theorem6.1,

B,g, (1,AdK)

is a triple corresponding toA. LetObe the completion of the stalk ofOEatsandQbe the corresponding total ring of fractions.

Then we have:



ν1(U),OP1∼=C u,u1

,O∼=Cu+,u/(u+u) andQ∼=Q+×Q=C((u+))×C((u)).

From (98) we get the following commutative diagram of Lie algebras:

As //


g _


B+×B ////




s ξ¯+BׯξB

gu+×gu ////g×g.


It follows that the image of As ingu+×guunder the composition of two left vertical maps in (99) is the Lie algebra

u+g[u+] × {0} +

{0} ×ug[u]

+c(c,d). Passing to the rational hulls, we end up with the embedding of Lie algebras

As As


−→B+×B ξ+B×ξB


On the other hand, the trivialization

U+,B ξ+B

−→ g[u] restricts to an isomorphism (U,B) −→ξB g


and induces the isomorphisms of Lie algebras (U,A)−→ξ g


given as the composition (U,A) −→ν (U,B) −→ξB g u,u1

. We get the induced isomorphismB+×B−−−−→ξ+Bעξ+B g((u+))×g((u))as well as the following commutative diagram:


ν // (U, _B) ξB //

g u,u1


As //B+×Bξ+Bעξ+B//g((u+))×g((u)).

It follows that the image of (U,A)under the embedding (U,A) As B+×B ξ+Bעξ+B

−−−−→g((u+))×g((u)) is the Lie algebraC=

(aun+,aun)a∈g,n ∈Z .

The formal trivializationsξB andξ˘+B are related by the following commutative dia-gram







g((u)) AdT //g((u)).

It follows that the image ofAs under the embedding

As As B+×B−−−−→ξ+Bעξ+B g((u+))×g((u)),

is the Lie algebraWtrg(c,d)= The formula (74) gives the following solution of (36):

r(trg1,1)(u, v)= 1 the corresponding geometricr-matrixρ(En,d)are known.

1. Let E be an elliptic curve. The corresponding solutionr(ellc,d)(x,y)of (36) is an elliptic solution discovered by Belavin [5]; see e.g. [16, Theorem 5.5]. For anypE, we have the Manin tripleAp=ApA(p), which can be identified with a Manin triple of the formg((z))=gzWell(c,d)for an appropriate Lagrangian subalgebraWell(c,d)⊂g((z)).

This Manin triple appeared for the first time in the work of Reyman and Semenov-Tyan-Shansky [44]. A description of the Lie algebraWell(c,d)via generators and relations was given for(c,d)=(1,1)by Golod [29], and for arbitrary(c,d)by Skrypnyk [46].

2. Let Ebe nodal. The (quasi-)trigonometric solutionr(trgc,d)(x,y)of (36) was com-puted in [15, Theorem A]. We recall the corresponding formula. Let

¯ := trace form. The solution of (36) corresponding to(E,A)is given by the formula

r(trgc,d)(x,y)=r(x,y)+t(c,d)(x,y), (101) wherer(x,y)is the standard trigonometricr-matrix (85) and

t(c,d)(x,y) =

(where s is the singular point of E) has the form g((z1)) = Wrat(c,d)g[z] and the corresponding Lagrangian subalgebra Wrat(c,d) ⊂ g((z1))was explicitly described in

[16, Lemma 9.2]. ♦

7.2. Explicit geometrization of quasi-constant solutions of CYBE. Letgbe a simple Lie algebra. According to the Whitehead’s lemma, we have: H1


=0. Moreover, it can be shown that any Lie bialgebra structureg −→δ g⊗gis of the form δ = t, wheret∈g⊗gis such that

[t12,t13]+[t12,t23]+[t13,t23] =0 and t12+t21=λγ (102) for someλ∈C, i.e.tis a solution of the classical Yang–Baxter equation for constants (cCYBE); see e.g. [24, Section 5.1]. Of course, without loss of generality we may assume thatλ∈ {0,1}.

The following result is due to Stolin [49].

Theorem 7.4.Solutions of cCYBE can be described in the following terms.

(a) Tensorstg⊗gsatisfying

[t12,t13]+[t12,t23]+[t13,t23] =0 and t12+t21=γ (103) stand in bijection with Manin triplesd=cw, where


(a,a)|a ∈g

⊂d:=g×g and the bilinear formd×d−→F Cis given by the rule:


(a,b), (a,b)


(b) Tensorstg⊗gsatisfying

[t12,t13]+[t12,t23]+[t13,t23] =0 and t12+t21=0 (104) stand in bijection with Manin triplesd=cw, where




and the bilinear form bilinear formd×d−→F Cis given by the rule:


(a+εb), (a+εb)


Comment to the proof. The correspondence between solutions of cCYBE and Manin triples is as follows. Let(g1, . . . ,gq)be a basis ofg.

(a) Let((w+1, w1), . . . , (w+q, wq)

be the basis ofw⊂d=g×g, which is dual to the basis

(g1,g1), . . . , (gq,gq)

ofc. Then the solution of (103) corresponding tow is given by the formula


q i=1

giwi+; (105)

see [49, Section 6].

(b) Similarly, let

h1+εg1, . . . ,hq+εgq

be the basis ofw⊂d =g[ε]/(ε2), which is dual to the basis

g1, . . . ,gq)ofc. Then the solution of (104) corresponding to wis given by the formula


q i=1

gihi = − q i=1

higi; (106)

see [49, Theorem 3.12].

Remark 7.5.All solutions of (103) were classified by Belavin and Drinfeld in [8, Section 6]. On the other hand, let g = sln(C)anda,b ∈ gbe such that [a,b] = 0. Then t=absatisfies (104). This implies that classification of all solutions of (104) is a

representation-wild problem; see [27]. ♦

Remark 7.6.Any solutiont∈g⊗gof cCYBE defines a solution of CYBE.

(a) Ift∈g⊗gsatisfies (103) thenr(x,y)= y

x+tsatisfies (36).

(b) Ift∈g⊗gsatisfies (104) thenr(x,y)= 1

x+tsatisfies (36).

Such solutions of CYBE are calledquasi-constant.

Theorem 7.7.Letg×g=cwbe a Manin triple as in Theorem7.4andtg⊗gbe the corresponding solution of (103), given by the formula (105). Choose homogeneous coordinates onP1and define a nodal Weierstraß curve E via the pushout diagram (76), where s+=(0:1)and s=(1:0). Define the sheaf of Lie algebrasAas the pullback

A //

w _

B ev //g×g


in the categoryCoh(E), whereB:=g⊗C


, whereaswandg×gare consid-ered as skyscraper shaves supported at the singular point sE andevis induced by the canonical isomorphismsOP1


∼=C. Then(E,A)is a geometric CYBE datum and the corresponding geometric r -matrix is the quasi-constant solution r(x,y)= y

x+t of (36).

Proof. It follows from the definition of Athat A = (U,A) = (U,B) ∼= L = g


. Next, (E,B) ∼= gand H1(E,B) = 0. From (107) we obtain an exact sequence

0−→H0(E,A)−→cw−→= (g×g)−→H1(E,A)−→0,

which implies that H0(E,A)= 0 = H1(E,A). From (58) we get a direct sum de-compositionA=AA, whereAis the completion of the stalk ofAatsandAis its rational hull. We have:A∼=g((x+))×g((x))andA∼=

ax+k,axk a ∈g,k∈N0

. Moreover, it follows from (107) thatA∼=x+gx++xgx+w.In particular,Ais a Lagrangian Lie subalgebra ofAand(E,A)is a geometric CYBE datum, as asserted.

The recipe to compute the geometric r-matrix of (E,A) is given by (74). Let (g1, . . . ,gq)be a basis ofg,(g1, . . . ,gq)be the corresponding dual basis with respect to the Killing form and


be the corresponding basis of L. Note that the elementsw(k,i)defined by (69) belong tox+gx++xgx+wfor k=0. As a consequence, the elementsh(k,i)given by (70) are zero fork=0.


(w1+, w1), . . . , (w+q, wq)

be a basis ofwdual to the basis

(g1,g1), . . . , (gq,gq) ofc. For any 1 ≤ iq there exists a uniquely determined elementvi ∈ gsuch that (−gi,0)+(vi, vi)=(−w+i,−wi). It follows from (70) thath(0,i) =vi = −wi for all 1≤iqandw+i =gi+wi(here we use thatK

gi,gj)=κ(gi,gj)=δi j). From (74) we conclude that

r(x,y) = y x+

q i=1

wigi = y x+

q i=1


= x x

q i=1


Sincer(x,y)is skew-symmetric, we have:

r(x,y)= −r21(y,x)= y x+

q i=1


as asserted.

Remark 7.8.An analogous statement is true for the rational quasi-constant solutions.

Let g[ε]/(ε2) = cwbe a Manin triple as in Theorem 7.4and t ∈ g⊗gbe the corresponding solution of (104). Choose homogeneous coordinates onP1and define a cuspidal Weierstraß curveEvia the pulldown diagram


C[ε]/(ε2)  η˜ //

˜ ν



Spec(C)  η // E


where the image ofη˜is the scheme supported at(1:0). Similarly to the nodal case, we define the sheaf of Lie algebrasAas the pullback

A //

w _ B ev //g[ε]/(ε2)


where B := g⊗C


. LetU be the regular part of E. Then we have: A = (U,A)∼=g[z]. As in the nodal case, it follows thatAs =AsA(s)is a Manin triple, which can be identified with the Manin tripleg((z1))=Ag[z],where the symmetric non-degenerate bilinear formAs×As F


−→Ccan be identified with

g((z1))×g((z1))−→F C, (azk,bzl)δk+l+1,0κ(a,b). (110)

In these terms, we have:A=z2gz1+w, where we identifyw⊆g[ε]/(ε2)with a subspace ofg+z1g. It is precisely the setting of Stolin’s theory of rational solutions [48]. As in the nodal case, one can derive from the formula (75) that the corresponding geometricr-matrix is given by the formula

r(x,y)= 1

x−t= 1 x +

q i=1



h1+εg1, . . . ,hq+εgq

is the basis ofw⊂d=g[ε]/(ε2)dual to

g1, . . . ,gq).

Acknowledgement. The work of both authors was supported by the DFG project Bu-1866/5-1. We are grateful to Stepan Maximov and Alexander Stolin for fruitful discussions as well as to both anonymous referees for their helpful comments and remarks.

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8. Appendices

8.1. Road map to this work. LetKbe the Kac–Moody Lie algebra overCassociated with an arbitrary symmetrizable generalized Cartan matrix A. It is well-knownKadmits a natural triangular decompositionK=K+⊕H⊕K.Moreover,Khas finite dimensional root spaces as well as an essentially unique non-degenerate symmetric invariant bilinear formK×K−→B C(which coincides with the Killing form ifKis finite dimensional); see [31]. As discovered by Drinfeld [22],Khas a structure of a Lie bialgebraK−→δ K⊗K, called in this paperstandard. Existence ofδfollows from the root space decomposition ofKand as well as invariancy and non-degeneracy of the bilinear formB. The action of δon the Cartan–Weyl generators ofKcan be expressed purely in terms of the entries of the matrix A.

The Lie algebraE=K×Kis also equipped with a symmetric non-degenerate invariant bilinear form

E×E−→F C,

(a1,b1), (a2,b2)


IdentifyingKwith the diagonal inE, we get a direct sum decompositionE=KW, whereW=

(c+,h), (c,h)

(K+⊕H)×(K⊕H)c±∈K±,h ∈H . More-over,KandWare Lagrangian Lie subalgebras ofEwith respect to the form F. The Manin tripleE=KW“determines” the cobracketδin the following sense:


δ(c), w1w2


c,[w1, w2]

forall c∈K andw1, w2∈W.

Following the work of Karolinsky and Stolin [35], we study “twisted” Lie bialgebra cobrackets of the formδt=δ+t, wheret∈ ∧2(K)andt(a)=

a⊗1 + 1⊗a,t fora∈K. By Proposition2.3(see also [35, Theorem 7]),δtis a Lie bialgebra cobracket if and only if the tensor



− [t12,t13] − [t12,t23] − [t13,t23] ∈K3

is ad-invariant, wherealt(abc):=abc+cab+bcafora,b,c∈K.

In Section2, we elaborate a general framework to study twists of a given Lie bialgebra structure (generalizing and extending results known in the finite dimensional case [35]) and prove that suchtare parametrized by Manin triples of the formE=KW,where Wis a Lie subalgebra ofEcommensurable withW; see Theorem2.10.

From the point of view of applications in the theory of classical integrable systems as well as from the purely algebraic point of view, the most interesting and rich case is when K=Gis anaffineKac–Moody algebra. Then the centerZof the Lie algebraGis one-dimensional. LetG=G/Zbe the “reduced” affine Lie algebra, whereG=G,G

. It follows from the explicit formulae forδthat one gets an induced Lie bialgebra cobracket G−→δ G⊗G. Aninconspicuous but decisive advantageto pass fromKtoGis due to the fact that for anyn ∈ N, then-fold tensor productGndoes not have non-zero ad-invariant elements; see Proposition3.4. As a consequence,t∈ ∧2(G)defines a twisted Lie bialgebra cobracketG−→δt G⊗Gif and only if it satisfies thetwist equation



− [t12,t13] − [t12,t23] − [t13,t23] =0 introduced in [35], which is an incarnation of the classical Yang–Baxter equation r12(x1,x2),r23(x2,x3)


r12(x1,x2),r13(x1,x3) +



To see the latter statement, recall that the “reduced” affine Lie algebraGis isomorphic to a twisted loop algebraL=L(g, σ), wheregis a finite dimensional simple Lie algebra andσis an automorphism of its Dynkin diagram [18,31].

Let us for simplicity assume that the affine Cartan matrixAcorresponds to an extended Dynkin diagram. In this case, the automorphismσ is trivial andL =g

z,z1 is the usual loop algebra. We have a non-degenerate invariant bilinear form

L×L−→B C, B(azk,bzl)=κ(a,b)δk+l,0,

whereκ denotes the Killing form ofg. A theorem due to Gabber and Kac asserts that there exists an isomorphism of Lie algebrasG−→= Lidentifying both non-degenerate invariant bilinear forms onGandLup to a rescaling; see [31, Theorem 8.5]. We show (see Corollary6.6) that under this identification, the standard Lie bialgebra cobracketδ onLis given by the formula

L−→ ∧δ 2(L), f(z)

f(x)⊗1 + 1⊗ f(y),r(x,y) , wherer(x,y)= 1

2 x+y


α e−αeα is the “standard” solution of CYBE. As a consequence, twists of the standard Lie bialgebra cobracketL−→ ∧δ 2(L)have the form

L−→ ∧δt 2(L), f(z)

f(x)⊗1 + 1⊗ f(y),rt(x,y) ,



is such thatrt(x,y)=r(x,y)+t(x,y)is a solution of CYBE; see Theorem6.9. It turns out that any such solution of CYBE is equivalent (with respect to the equivalence relation given by (38) and (39)) to a trigonometric solution of CYBE with one spectral parameter (41); see Proposition6.11.

Trigonometric solutions of CYBE were completely classified by Belavin and Drinfeld [6]. However, our work is completely independent of that classification and in particular provides an alternative approach to the theory of trigonometric solutions of CYBE.

The latter point is explained by the algebro-geometric perspective on Lie bialgebra structures on twisted loop algebras. To proceed to this, we first show that twistst ∈

2(L)of the standard Lie bialgebra cobracketL−→ ∧δ 2(L)are in bijection with Manin triples

D=C W, WW, where D = L+×L = L×L andC =

(f, f)| f ∈ L

; see Theorem 4.1. If L =L(g, σ)⊆g


thenL :=L g, σ1

⊆ g

z,z1 and

azk+) =azk. The key statement is thatWis stable under multiplications by the elements of the algebra


(f+, f)∈C

t+] ×C[t] |f+(0)= f(0) ,

wheret±=zm±andmis the order of the automorphismσ; see Lemma4.3. Its proof uses the fact that any bounded coisotropic Lie subalgebra ofLis stable under the multiplica-tion by the elements ofC[t]; see Theorem3.11. In its turn, the proof of Theorem3.11 is based on properties of affine root systems as well as on the result of Kac and Wang [32, Proposition 2.8].

The crux of our work is that Manin triplesD = CW, W W are of algebro-geometric nature. Projecting the Lie algebraWto each factorL±ofD, we get a pair of Lie algebrasW±⊂L±, which can be glued to a Lie algebra bundleBon the projective line P1, whose generic fibers are isomorphic to the Lie algebrag; see Proposition6.3. Letw= W/(t+,t)W,w± = W±/t±Wandw θ w+×wbe the canonical embedding.

Using the theory of torsion free sheaves on singular projective curves developed in [9,11], we attach to the datum(B,w, θ)a sheaf of Lie algebrasAon a plane nodal cubic curve E = V(u2v3v2)⊂P2; see Proposition6.4. This sheaf has the following properties.


p∼=gfor all p∈ ˘E, whereE˘ is the smooth part ofE.

Ahas vanishing cohomology:H0(E,A)=0=H1(E,A).

As is a Lagrangian Lie subalgebra of the rational hull ofA(which is a simple Lie algebra over the field of rational functions ofE), wheresis the unique singular point of E.

The constructed geometric datum(E,A)fits precisely into the framework of the algebro-geometric theory of solutions of CYBE developed by Burban and Galinat [14, Theorem 4.3]. In that work, the authors constructed a canonical section (called geometricr-matrix)

ρE˘× ˘E\,AA), where⊂ ˘E× ˘E is the diagonal, which satisfies a sheaf-theoretic version of the classical Yang–Baxter equation:

ρ12, ρ13 +

ρ13, ρ23 +

ρ12, ρ23

=0 andρ(p1,p2)= −ρ21(p2,p1)forp1,p2∈ ˘E.

In [14, Proposition 4.12] it was shown that (E,˘ A)is a Lie bialgebra: the linear map (E,˘ A)−→δρ (E,˘ A) (E,˘ A), f(t)

f(u)⊗1 + 1⊗ f(v), ρ(u, v) is a skew-symmetric one-cocycle satisfying the co-Jacobi identity. It follows from the construction of(E,A)that (E,˘ OE)∼=C


and (E,˘ A)∼=L. In Theorem6.9 we show that Lie bialgebras

(E˘,A), δρ

and(L, δt)are isomorphic. This statement also allows to identify the trivialized geometricr-matrixρwith the solutionrt(x,y)= r(x,y)+t(x,y)of CYBE. The latter fact in particular means that any trigonometric solution of CYBE arises from an appropriate geometric datum(E,A), concluding the geometrization programme started in [14].

In Sect.7, we deal with concrete examples. In Theorem7.7, we describe Manin triples g((z+))×g((z))=g

z,z1 W,

corresponding to quasi-constant trigonometric solutions of CYBE. In Theorem7.1, we describe the corresponding Lagrangian subalgebras W for a special class of (quasi)-trigonometric solutions of CYBE forg=sln(C), which were obtained in [15, Theorem A].

8.2. Infinite dimensional Lie bialgebras. As usual, letgbe a finite dimensional simple complex Lie algebra andr(x,y)be a solution of the classical Yang–Baxter Eq. (36).

There are several essentially different possibilities to attach tor(x,y)a Lie bialgebra.

1. There is a “universal procedure”, applicable for all three types of solutions of (41):

elliptic, trigonometric and rational. As was explained in Sect.5.1, any solution of (47) defines a Manin triple of the formg((z))=gzWand the linear map

W−→δr W⊗W, w(z)

w(x)⊗1 + 1⊗w(y),r(x,y)

is a Lie bialgebra cobracket onW. For elliptic solutions, such Manin triples appeared for the first time in [44]. A description of the corresponding Lie algebrasWvia generators and relations was given in [29,46].

2. Let(z)be a trigonometric solution of CYBE with the lattice of poles 2πiZ. Then there existsσ ∈AutC(g)such that

(z+ 2πi)=

σ ⊗1g


1gσ1 (z).

Moreover, there existsm ∈ Nsuch thatσm =1g; see [6, Theorem 6.1]. It turns out that (after an appropriate change of coordinates)defines a Lie bialgebra cobracket on the twisted loop algebraL = L(g, σ), which is a twist of the standard Lie bialgebra structure onL. In this paper we prove that such twists are classified by Manin triples of the form

L×L=CW, WW, where C =

(f, f) f ∈ L ∼= LandW is the Lie algebra corresponding to the standard Lie bialgebra cobracket onL. From this perspective, the theory of trigonometric solutions of CYBE appears in a parallel way to the theory of of solutions of cCYBE.

Methods developed in this work should be applicable to study analogues of trigonometric solutions of CYBE for simple Lie algebras defined over arbitrary fields.

3. Lie bialgebra structures on the Lie algebragzwere studied in [40]. For any

we have the corresponding Lie bialgebra cobracketsgz−→δr gx⊗gy. It turns out that for any other Lie bialgebra cobracket gz −→δ gx⊗gy, the corresponding

x quasi-trigonometric case x y

x quasi-rational case.

For any suchr(x,y)we have a Lie bialgebra cobracketg[z]−→δr g[x] ⊗g[y].Such Lie bialgebra structures ofg[z]are controlled by Manin triples of different shapes (depending onrst(x,y)). According to [48], rational solutions of (36) are parametrized by Manin triples of the form

g((z1))=g[z]W, Wz1gz1.

The theory of Manin triples for quasi-trigonometric and quasi-rational solutions od CYBE is given in [36] and [50], respectively. It turns out that any quasi-trigonometric solution is equivalent (with respect to the transformation rules (38) and (39)) to a trigono-metric solution of (41); see [36]. Therefore, quasi-trigonotrigono-metric solutions of CYBE can be used to define Lie bialgebra cobrackets both ong[z]andg

z,z1 .

5. A relation between trigonometric and quasi-trigonometric solutions was also explored in [1, Section 4.2 and Section 4.3]. In particular, letg=sln(C)and(z)be a trigonomet-ric solution of (41) such that the corresponding monodromy automorphismσ ∈AutC(g) induces the trivial automorphism of the Dynkin diagram ofg. Then(z)is equivalent to a quasi-trigonometric solution; see [1, Lemma 4.10 and Remark 4.11].

8.3. Twists of the standard Lie bialgebra structure on a twisted loop algebra. Letg be a finite dimensional simple complex Lie algebra,σ ∈AutC(g)be an automorphism of finite orderm andL = L(g, σ)be the corresponding twisted loop algebra. In [1]

it is shown that results of this work (in particular, Proposition6.11and Theorem6.9) can be used to extend the Belavin–Drinfeld classification of trigonometric solutions of CYBE to a classification of twists of the standard Lie bialgebra cobracketL−→ ∧δ 2(L).

The key observation is thereby that for two classical twistst,t∈ ∧2(L)ofδthe Lie

see [1, Theorem 3.7 and Theorem 5.8]. A proof of this statement uses the algebro-geometric theory of the CYBE developed in Section5and Theorem6.9. In particular, as an intermediate step it is shown that the sheaves of Lie algebrasAtandAt from Theorem6.9are isomorphic in this case.

In the setting of Remark 6.7 (i.e. when σ is a Coxeter automorphism of a diagram automorphism ofg) this fact already yields the desired classification of classical twists ofδ. Combining Proposition6.11with the classification of trigonometric solutions of (41) presented in Sect.6.4it follows thatrtis equivalent torQ given by formula (92) for an appropriate Belavin–Drinfeld quadruple Q. It follows that(L, δt)is isomorphic to(L, δQ), whereδQ =δ+tQ andtQis given by (91).

For an arbitrary automorphismσ this classification needs a slight adjustment; see [1, Lemma 3.2] as well as [6, Lemma 6.22]. We keep the notation of Sect.3.2. In this setting, a Belavin–Drinfeld quadrupleQ=

( 1, 2, τ),s

consists of (possibly empty) proper subsets 1, 2of the set⊂h×N0of simple roots of(L,h), a bijection 1−→τ 2

and a tensors∈ ∧2(h)satisfying the following conditions:


τ(α), τ(α)

=κ(α, α)for all(α,k), (α,k)1;

• for any(α,k)1there existsl ∈ Nsuch that(α,k), . . . , τl1(α,k)1but τl(α,k) /1;

β⊗1+1⊗α s+ γ0

2 =0 for all(α,k)1, whereτ(α,k)=(β,t).

Fori∈ {1,2}consider Lie algebrass±i := x±j ji ⊂Landsi := x+j,xj j

i ⊂ L, where x±j ∈ L(±αjsj) =g±αjz±sj are Chevalley generators ofL corre-sponding to(±αj,±sj)±. Since iis a proper subset of, the Lie algebrasiis finite dimensional and semisimple. It is clear thatτ induces an isomorphisms1−→τ˜ s2given by the formulax±j −→xτ(±j)for all j1(where we identifywith

0,1, . . . ,r ).

We have:τ(˜ s±1)=s±2.

It is clear that there exists a finite subseti\ {(0,0)}and a Lie subalgebrahi ⊂h such thatsi =hi⊕ ⊕(α,k)∈iL(α,k)ands±i = ⊕(α,k)∈±

i L(α,k), where±i =i±. Letϑbe the nilpotentC-linear endomorphism ofLgiven as the composition

L−→π→s+1 −→τ˜ s+2ı L,

whereπandıare the canonical projection and embedding with respect to the direct sum decompositionL= ⊕(α,k)∈L(α,k). We put:ψ= ϑ

1−ϑ =


ϑl ∈EndC(L). Finally, let us choose a family


(α,k)∈1such thatB



for all(α,k), (β,t)1. The following statement is one of main results of [1].

Theorem. LetQ=

( 1, 2, τ),s

be a Belavin–Drinfeld quadruple and tQ =s+


b(−α,−k)ψ(b(α,k)∈ ∧2(L).

ThenδQ =δ+tQ is a twist of the standard Lie bialgebra cobracketL−→ ∧δ 2(L).

ThenδQ =δ+tQ is a twist of the standard Lie bialgebra cobracketL−→ ∧δ 2(L).