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with some k5 depending only on n and q. This proves the lemma.

In the following, we will omit the variables B,(Ci)i,(Di)i and N of G.

Notation 4.11 Gwill always denote the function introduced in Lemma 4.8 respectively in (4.11). We will suppress the arguments B,(Ci)i,(Di)i and N and write G=G(K, L).

We are now ready to define the Riccati-equation as an object in its own right.

4.4 The equation, inherent properties

By replacing x1u by G(K, L) in (4.8) we are led to the Riccati-equation. To the best of our knowledge, this generalization of the “conventional” Backward Stochastic Riccati Differential Equations is new.

Definition 4.12 LetA, B,(Ci)i,(Di)i, N, QandM be the coefficients of a problemP(τ,1) which either satisfy Assumption A1, A3 or A4. The Backward Stochastic Riccati Differ-ential Equation (BSRDE) for these coefficients is given by

dK =

4.4. THE EQUATION, INHERENT PROPERTIES 53 A solution of this equation is a pair of adapted processes K and L = (L1, . . . , Ld), the Li being real valued, such that

1. K ∈LF(τ, T;R)∩LF(Ω, C([τ, T];R)) and in addition

3. (K, L) satisfies the BSDE (4.17), (4.18), i.e.

K(t∨τ) =f(M)−

Note that we are not completely free in the choice of the coefficients for which we may formulate the Riccati-equation. We must make sure that the functionGis properly defined for these coefficients. As the definition of G involves K in a critical way, the definition of a solution must incorporate requirements on K such that the expression G(K, L) is well defined. Note that in the quadratic case this requirement that guarantees the existence of Gwould typically be formulated by demanding that

diag(N) +KPd



The main goal now is to show that K = f(y)x and L, given by (4.5), is a solution of the BSRDE. We straightaway encounter two major obstacles. First, the expression f(y)x is prop-erly defined only on [τ, τ0), and there is no evidence that K, as constructed in Proposition 4.1, possesses a differential outside this interval. Secondly, we also do not know whether L isP−a.s.pathwise square-integrable. These obstacles are closely related. Let us sketch the main ideas without going into details too much. Suppose that we were able to show thatL is pathwise square integrable on [τ, τ0), i.e. Rτ0

τ |L|2ds < ∞ P −a.s., where L is given by

(4.5). From Lemma 4.9-2,3 we then getRτ0

τ |G(K, L)|2ds <∞ P −a.s. Now note that on [τ, τ0) the equality (4.9) holds. Yet, the function G resolves this equality for given quanti-ties B,(Ci),(Di), N, K and L. As Gis unique among the mappings with this property, it follows that x1u = G(K, L), Leb⊗P −a.s. on [τ, τ0) (here the uniqueness of G becomes important). Consequently, we haveu=G(K, L)xon [τ, τ0), and from Lemma 3.8 we know that u= 0 on (τ0, T]. We may extend Gby G= 0 on [τ0, T] and hence getu=G(K, L)x, Leb⊗P−a.s., on all of [τ, T]. This is very good news, because it shows thatxis actually a stochastic exponential, dx={A+BG(K, L)}xds+Pd

i=1{Ci+DiG(K, L)}xdwi,x(τ) = 1, and the coefficients of this SDE are pathwise square integrable. From this integrability we can deduce thatP −a.s. we have x(t∨τ)>0 for all t, i.e. τ0 =T - this is the link to the first obstacle mentioned above, the integrability of L.

The preceding discussion is, of course, not completely rigorous, but it may have justified that it would be worth investigating the integrability ofL. The subsequent three theorems are crucial in this respect. They deal with a-priori estimates of the integrals of L, if L is known to be part of a solution of a Backward Riccati Equation (the reader will hopefully not be confused that we will denote generic solutions of the BSRDE by (K, L); we will try to make clear in the respective context if we mean such a solution or the particular processes defined in Section 4.2).

Besides that, the following theorems are very helpful for proving the solvability of the BS-DRE, they are a key insight and interesting in their own right. They exhibit a surprising property of these equations. Roughly speaking, they show that the strong requirements imposed onK entail strong integrability properties ofL. The method we use is taken from [T:GLQO]; there, the author considers the differential of K2, whereas we will investigate the differential of Kq−11 or K−r for some r >0. We will omit the case q = 2 for technical reasons (the quadratic case is meanwhile well covered in the literature, for example by the aforementioned article of Tang and in [KT:GAS]).

Theorem 4.13 Assume q < 2. Let (K, L) satisfy the differential equation (4.17) on [τ, T], where the coefficients satisfy Assumption A1. Assume that n ∈ N≥1 is such that (B,(Ci)i,(Di)i, N, K, L)∈ D(1)n , |A|,|Q| ≤n, Leb⊗P −a.s., and |M| ≤n, P −a.s..

Then, for every p∈[1,∞) there is a k >0 depending only on n, q, p and T such that E[

Z T τ

|L(s)|2ds p


Proof: Set l = q−11 . For j ∈N≥1 introduce the stopping times γj := inf{t≥τ :

Z t τ

|L|2ds≥j} ∧T, inf∅:=∞.

By Itˆo’s formula, (writing simply G instead ofG(K, L)) d(Kl(t∧γj)) = l1[τ,γj]Kl−1dK+ 1

2l(l−1)1[τ,γj]Kl−2d < K >


where the last inequality is due to the assumption q <2, i.e. l >1. By Lemma 4.9-1, l lBK+

Taking into account that the coefficients are bounded byn and that n1 ≤K ≤n, from this last inequality it follows that there is a k1 > 0 depending only on n, q and T such that P −a.s. for all j

Now choose ap >1. By the Burkholder-Gundy-Davis inequalities there is a constant c >0 depending only on p and T such that


Lemma 4.9-2 asserts the existence of constants a, b depending only on n and q such that

|G| ≤ a+b|L|. Using the relation |ξ+η|p ≤ 2p−1(|ξ|p+|η|p), ξ, η ∈ R, we can conclude that there are someki >0 depending only onn, p, q and T such that, starting from (4.20), the following estimates hold for all j:

E[ and we may continue (4.21) by


4.4. THE EQUATION, INHERENT PROPERTIES 57 and by the Monotone Convergence Theorem


The following theorem will enable us to establish the integrability of L if Assumption A4 is in force.

Theorem 4.14 Assume q >2and setl := q−11 . Let (K, L)be a solution of BSRDE (4.17) on [τ, T], where the coefficients satisfy Assumption A4. Assume that n∈N≥1 is such that (B,(Ci)i,(Di)i, N, K, L)∈ D(4)n , |A|,|Q| ≤n, Leb⊗P −a.s., and |M| ≤n, P −a.s..

Proof: Similarly as in Theorem 4.13, define the stopping times γj by γj := inf{t ≥τ :

Z t τ


ds≥j} ∧T, inf∅:=∞.

From (4.19) we get (the special form of γj does not affect the working up to this point), since l <1,

−l lBK+ and, since Q is non-negative,


Hence, according to the Lemma 4.9-3 and Corollary 4.10, there are ki depending only on n, q and T such that

We want the expressions in the fourth line of the preceding inequalities to be dominated by Kl−1|L|l+1

and some constants. For the first expression it is clear that Kl−1|L| ≤const.

1 + Kl−1|L|l+1 , for all K, L, with a constant depending only on l. Next, we have

Kl|L|l = K2−lKl−1|L|l


Now examine the last expression in the first line of (4.23). There, we have 1

nl Kl−1|L|2

≤K−l Kl−1|L|2


Putting all this together, from (4.23) we get that there is a k3 independent ofj such that Z T

With ak4 independent ofj. Taking expectations, the Burkholder-Gundy-Davis-inequality yields

and since l+12 <1 we can apply Jensen’s inequality for concave functions and get E[

where k6 is independent ofj. Sincel <1, there is a constant a >0 depending only onl, p

and the constant on the right hand side depends onn, T, q and ponly - in particular, it is independent of j. As 1[τ,γj](Kl−1|L|)2 ↑(Kl−1|L|)2, Leb⊗P −a.s., j → ∞, the lemma is

now proved by applying the Monotone Convergence Theorem.

Corollary 4.15 Suppose that the assumptions of Theorem 4.14 hold. Then, for all p >1 there is a constant k >0 depending only on n, q, T and p such that

Proof: Sincel <1 we haveKl−1|L| ≥nl−1|L|and the assertion follows from the preceding


Let us turn to the case of Assumption A3. In this case G is given explicitly. Set C = (C1, . . . , Cd)0 and let σ be given by (1.16). Then, under Assumption A3 we have We may enter this into the BSRDE (4.17) and firstly calculate that

− 1




q−1BK +σL+σCK 0

(σσ0)−1 1

q−1B0+ 1


= 1

(q−1)2B(σσ0)−1B0K+ 2

q−1B(σσ0)−1σCK+C0σ0(σσ0)−1σCK + 2

q−1B(σσ0)−1σL+ 2C0σ0(σσ0)−1σL+ 1

KL0σ0(σσ0)−1σL, and




Li+KCi+KDiG(K, L)2

= (L+KC+Kσ0G(K, L))0(L+KC+Kσ0G(K, L))

= K2|C|2+ 1


−2KC0σ0(σσ0)−1σL+ 2KC0L−L0σ0(σσ0)−1σL+|L|2.

If we replace the respective expressions in (4.17) we get, after some simplification, the following form of the BSRDE under Assumption A3:

dK =

−q0AK − q

2|C|2K+ q

2(q−1)2B(σσ0)−1B0K+q0B(σσ0)−1σCK + q

2C0σ0(σσ0)−1σCK −qC0L+q0B(σσ0)−1σL+qC0σ0(σσ0)−1σL +q

2 1

KL0σ0(σσ0)−1σL+ 2−q 2


K|L|2− 1



+L0dw, (4.27)

K(T) = f(M). (4.28)

Note that we made here no particular use of the fact that q > 2. Hence, (4.27) also represents the BSRDE for a problem that satisfies Assumption A1 with N = 0. For (4.27) an analogous statement to Theorem 4.13 holds.

Theorem 4.16 Assume q > 2. Let (K, L) satisfy the differential equation (4.27) on [τ, T], where the coefficients satisfy Assumption A3. Assume that n ∈ N≥1 is such that (B,(Ci)i,(Di)i, N, K, L)∈ D(1)n , |A|,|Q| ≤n, Leb⊗P −a.s., and |M| ≤n, P −a.s..

Then, for every p∈[1,∞) there is a k >0 depending only on m, d, n, q, p and T such that E[

Z T τ

|L(s)|2ds p


Proof: Letnbe such thatLeb⊗P−a.s.(B,(Ci)1≤i≤d,(Di)1≤i≤d, N, K, L)∈ Dn(1). Define γj as in the proof of Theorem 4.13. Since σσ0 is uniformly positive and σ is essentially

bounded, there are constants c1, c2 > 0 such that λ0(σσ0)−1λ ≤ c1|λ|2 and |σµ| ≤ c2|µ|, Leb⊗P −a.s. for all λ ∈Rm and µ∈Rd. Now choose an r >0 such that

r2+r−c1c22qr ≥0, and consider the differential of K−r. By Itˆo’s formula we get

d K−r(t∧γj)

=1[τ,γj] −r

Kr+1dK +1[τ,γj]−r(−r−1)

2Kr+2 d < K >


rq0AK−r+ rq

2|C|2K−r− rq



2 C0σ0(σσ0)−1σCK−r+ r



2K−r−2L0σ0(σσ0)−1σL− r(2−q)

2 K−r−2|L|2


−r1[τ,γj]K−r−1L0dw+ 1


Settingt =T, this yields, for all j Z T


1[τ,γj] 1




2 K−r−2|L|2


= K−rj ∧T)−K−r(τ)− Z T




2 |C|2K−r

− rq



2 C0σ0(σσ0)−1σCK−r+ r


−rqK−r−1C0σ0(σσ0)−1σLo ds−r

Z T τ

1[τ,γj]K−r−1L0dw. (4.29) Let us examine the very first line of the above expression, more precisely the integrand.

By the definition of c1 and c2, we have Leb⊗P −a.s. for all j 1



≥ 1



≥ 1




4.4. THE EQUATION, INHERENT PROPERTIES 63 Taking into account how how r was chosen, it follows that P −a.s.

Z T for all j. Thus, we get from (4.29) the estimate (note that q >2)


Now recall that all the coefficients of the problem, as well as K, are essentially bounded, and that K and σσ0 are uniformly positive. All upper and lower bounds depend on n.

Given that r is chosen depending on n and q, from (4.31) it now follows that there are constants ki >0 depending only on n, q and T such that for all j we have P −a.s. (note that K is uniformly positive)


The proof now follows exactly the same pattern as the proof of Theorem 4.13 after (4.20).

Remarks on Chapter 4In our presentation we have chosen not to postulate the BSRDE, but to develop it through the calculation of the differential of f(y)x . The equation might also have been derived via the Dynamic Programming Principle; see [YZ:SC], Chapter 6, for an application of this principle to linear quadratic problems with deterministic coefficients.

We have done this for some special cases. But as our approach completely relies on the FBSDE (as a special form of the Maximum Principle) we have not included our (heuristic) calculations using Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations.

The results of Section 4.1 were necessary to make the calculation of the differential of f(y)x rigorous on the interval [τ, τ0). Yet, these results are an example of the mutual benefits that a parallel investigation of stochastic linear isoelastic control problems and stochastic Riccati equations may yield. In our context it may seem quite artificial, in some sense, to oppose control problems and Riccati-equations, since in our presentation the control prob-lems are the essential reason for studying the Riccati-equation. However, in the quadratic

case, the long-standing open question of the solvability of the Riccati equation led to the development of highly sophisticated analytic techniques for treating Riccati equations, and so these equations developed “a life of their own right”, and (to avoid misunderstandings) we do not deny this right in any way. In the quadratic case, there are of course further applications of Riccati equations, for example in the theory of stabilizing systems and filter theory (the latter one is quite a “Hilbert-space-theory”, so Riccati equations for q6= 2 are not expected to be useful there).

The results for Section 4.1 are an extension of the “quadratic” theory, as found in [B:LQOC].

The new result is essentially to consider the representation y=ϕ(Kx) instead of y=Kx.

The statement of a “non-quadratic” BSRDE (i.e. a BSRDE for non-linear-quadratic prob-lems) is new. As already mentioned, the Theorems 4.13, 4.14 and 4.16 are non-trivial gen-eralizations to a non-quadratic BSRDE of a result of Tang, see Theorem 5.1 in [T:GLQO].

Chapter 5

Unique solvability, representation of the optimal control and the optimal cost

In this chapter we will show that the BSRDE is uniquely solvable under Assumptions A1, A3 and A4. For quadratic equations (q = 2) there have been various approaches to handle the problem of solvability via successive approximation. Due to the high non-linearity of the equation, this methods generally involve very demanding estimates for the approximating sequence. The method used here is, to the best of our knowledge, new and was developed independently by Tang (see [T:GLQO]) and the author (Tang considered linear quadratic problems with a n-dimensional state equation).

The method is based on the following observation: given the solution of a BSRDE, one can construct the optimal statexand the optimal controlu, as well as the solution (y, z) of the adjoint equation. But one can also reverse this construction: Given the solution (x, u, y, z) of the FBSDE (that is known to exist and to satisfy the auxiliary condition (3.14)), one defines the processes K and Lby

K := f(y)

x , Li := f0(y)zi

x −Cif(y)

x −Dif(y)

x2 u, i= 1, . . . , d, (5.1) and tries to show that (K, L) actually is “the” solution of the BSRDE. As already men-tioned, one main problem here is to show that x does not vanish - given this, it would be clear from the continuity of x and y, that L as constructed above is pathwise square integrable. Along with the results of Chapter 4, this would immediately show that (K, L) is a solution of the BSRDE (4.17), (4.18).

Yet, we proceed slightly different and first show in Section 5.1 thatLis “Hp-integrable” on [τ, τ0). This will entitle us to proof τ0 =T and hence solvabilty of the BSRDE in Section 5.2. Section 5.3 will address the question whether the solution of the BSRDE is unique.

It will turn out that this is question intimately related to the problem of constructing a solution for our control problem P(τ,1) out of an arbitrary solution of the BSRDE.


5.1 Integrability of L

Recall the discussion preceding Theorem 4.13. There, we argued why it would be of much importance to know thatRτ0

τ |L|2ds <∞, P−a.s., whereLis given by (5.1). In this section we will get an even stronger integrability of L with the help of the a-priori estimates of Theorem 4.13, Corollary 4.15 and Theorem 4.16. This is done by a truncation procedure that we take from [T:GLQO] and that carries over straightforward to the BSRDE with q6= 2.

The method is to “stop” the processxwhen he reaches the level 1j. It turns out that one can construct a family of control problems whose optimal state actually is this stopped process.

The optimal state of these modified problems never reaches zero. Roughly speaking, this means that everything we proved so far to hold “locally” on [τ, τ0) for the original problem holds on [τ, T] for the modified problem.

Consider (as “original” problem) problemP(τ,1) and let one of the Assumptions A1, A3 or A4 hold. Remember that (x, u, y, z) is the solution of the FBSDE (3.11)-(3.14) for problem P(τ,1). In particular we have x(τ) = 1.

Forj ∈N>1 let us introduce the stopping times τj := inf{t > τ :|x(t)| ≤ 1

j} ∧T, inf∅:=∞. (5.2)

Further, forj ∈N>1 and t ∈[0, T] set

xj(t∨τ) :=x(τ∨(t∧τj)), uj :=1[τ,τj], yj(t∨τ) := y(τ∨(t∧τj)), zj :=1[τ,τj], as well as on [τ, T]

Aj :=1[τ,τj]A, Bj :=1[τ,τj]B,

Cj :=1[τ,τj]C =1[τ,τj](C1, . . . , Cd) =: (Cj1, . . . , Cjd), Qj :=1[τ,τj]Q, Mj :=ϕ(Kj(T)) (Kj see below.) and finally, for t∈[0, T],

Kj(t∨τ) := f(yj(t∨τ)) xj(t∨τ) , Lij(t∨τ) := f0(yj(t∨τ))

xj(t∨τ) zji−Cji(t∨τ)Kj(t∨τ)

−Di(t∨τ)Kj(t∨τ) 1

xj(t∨τ)uj(t∨τ), Lj(t∨τ) := (L1j(t∨τ), . . . , Ldj(t∨τ)).

Note that due to the definition of τj these quantities are well defined, i.e. x1

j andf0(yj) are well defined on [τ, T] for all j. We want to show that (Kj, Lj) actually is a solution of the BSRDE (4.17), (4.18) with coefficients Aj, Bj,(Cji)1≤i≤d,(Di)1≤i≤d, Qj, N and Mj. Let us introduce the control problems corresponding to these coefficients.

5.1. INTEGRABILITY OF L 67 Definition 5.1 (ProblemPj(τ,1))

The problem Pj(τ,1) is the linear isoelastic stochastic control problem with coefficients Aj, Bj,(Cji)1≤i≤d,(Di)1≤i≤d, Qj, N and Mj.

From Lemma 4.2 we see that Kj is essentially bounded, Lemma 4.5 gives, that Kj is uniformly positive if Assumption A1 or A3 holds respectively strictly positive if Assumption A4 holds. As a consequence,Mj is uniformly respectively strictly positive if Assumption A1 or A3 respectively A4 holds. Note that the coefficients (Di)1≤i≤dandN remain unchanged in problemPj(τ,1). It follows that the coefficients of problemPj(τ,1) satisfy Assumption A1 or A3 respectively A4 if those of problem P(τ,1) do. Stopping the processes x and y shows thatxj and yj have the differentials

dxj = {Ajxj+Bjuj}ds+




Cjixj+Diuj dwi,

dyj = (





Cjizji −Qjϕ(xj) )





zijdwi, xj(τ) = 1, yj(T) =Mjϕ(xj(T)).

In addition, multiplying (3.14) with1[τ,τj] gives Bjyj +




Dizij+N ϕ(uj) = 0, Leb⊗P −a.s., (5.3) hence (xj, uj, yj, zj) turns out to be the solution of the FBSDE (3.11)-(3.14) corresponding to problem Pj(τ,1), i.e xj is the optimal state and uj the optimal control for this problem, see Proposition 3.5 and its Corollary. The “trick” of this truncation now is, of course, that xj does not vanish, hence all calculations and statements that hold on [τ, τ0) actually hold on [τ, T).

As xj(t)≥ 1j we get that

Z T τ

|Lj(s)|2ds <∞, P −a.s. (5.4) for all j.

It is clear, that for all j there is a n independent of j such that

(Bj,(Cji)1≤i≤d,(Di)1≤i≤d, N, Kj, Lj)∈ D(1)n , Leb⊗P −a.s. on [τ, T] (5.5) if Assumption A1 or A3 holds and

(Bj,(Cji)1≤i≤d,(Di)1≤i≤d, N, Kj, Lj)∈ Dn(4), Leb⊗P −a.s on [τ, T] (5.6) if Assumption A4 holds. Let us write

Gj(Kj, Lj) for G(Bj,(Cji)1≤i≤d,(Di)1≤i≤d, N, Kj, Lj). As in Section 4.2 we may cast (5.3)

in the form of (4.9) (withB,(Ci), . . .replaced byBj,(Cji), . . .), and Lemma 4.8 then shows, that x1

juj = Gj(Kj, Lj), Leb⊗P −a.s. on [τ, T] (note the uniqueness statement on G).

Calculating dKj yields

Lemma 5.2 For every j, (Kj, Lj) is a solution of the BSRDE (4.17), (4.18) for the coef-ficients A, Bj,(Cji)1≤i≤d,(Di)1≤i≤d, Qj, N and Mj of problem Pj(τ,1).

Proof: The proof is just a summing-up of the preceding arguments. Kj is essentially bounded and uniformly positive respectively strictly positive if Assumption A1, A3 respec-tively A4 holds; the process Lj isP −a.s. pathwise square integrable. Hence properties 1 and 2 of Definition 4.12 are satisfied, and we have to look at the differential ofKj. The cal-culations of Section 4.2 (applied to the situation of problemPj(τ,1)) show at first instance, that the differential of Kj is given on [τ, T] by a modification of (4.8), where the modifi-cation consists in substituting A, B,(Ci), Q, K, L, u and x with Aj, Bj,(Cji), Qj, Kj, Lj, uj andxj. The terminal conditionKj(T) =f(Mj) is obvious. By Lemma 4.8, condition (5.3) yields that x1

juj = G(Kj, Lj), Leb⊗P −a.s.. Substituting this into the modified (4.8) shows thatKj follows the desired differential equation, and the proof is finished.

This now yields what we wanted to know about the unmodified L. Note that we have definedL only on [τ, τ0)

Theorem 5.3 Let problemP(τ,1)be given, and let Assumption A1, A3 or A4 hold. Con-sider Las defined in (4.5) and extend it arbitrarily (but measurable and adapted) to [τ, τ0].

For every p > 1 we have


Z τ0


|L|2ds p


Proof: Fix a p > 1. Consider the stopping times τj from (5.2), the problems Pj(τ,1) and the processes (Kj, Lj) introduced in this section. Lemma 5.2 shows that the (Kj, Lj) satisfy a BSRDE. From (5.5) respectively (5.6) we know that we can apply Theorems 4.13, 4.16 respectively Corollary 4.15 to (Kj, Lj), hence there is ak > 0, independent ofj, such thatE[ Rτ0

τ |Lj|2dsp

]< k. As τj ↑τ0,j → ∞, we have|Lj| ↑ |L|, Leb⊗P−a.s.on [τ, τ0], since every term of the sum that defines Lj contains an indicator of [τ, τj]. The assertion

now follows from the Monotone Convergence Theorem.