• Keine Ergebnisse gefunden

Col. III. Line 28: Possibly descended from a notable family (stemma, P.A., 5003).

Col. IV. Line 19: The name jbaQtopv is new in Athens.

The surface of the stele below the register is little if any more damaged than the rest of the surface. The stele is preserved almost completely at the bottom. No slightest trace of a citation can be detected: although there was ample room (0.33 m.), the citations simply were not inscribed, probably through mere neglect, although there is one con- temporary parallel (76).

78. Agora I 1325. Fragment of Hymettian marble, broken on all sides except the right, found on February 10, 1934, from a modern house wall

at the northwest corner of the excavation, actually ;

belonging to Section 0.


Height, 0.189 m.; width, 0.092 m.; thickness, S 0.084 m.

Height of letters, 0.006 m. No. 78



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ca. 160 B.c. ca. 36

[_--- - EiEV- E-tEl6--] - ---

[ot 7revz&YEIraiive Azzg loo I S e O UCeIrav [o 'rQvTavEi rt; iTO Taxuog xal o deaftrot grat,n]

[aavseg xal aTEfavd(aavreS d&rofgal'ova]iv [rer flov]

[)r6 v rUav zlav 'v Xovco eg eavr6v --_3-] 'e rdv 2o [v]

5 [Vta Ta:g Te OvalagS TEOUXvat &rdaa]g T&; xaO


[xo6Vaa iev et rQvravTla8L 67qt i E T8 T; #o]Vt; %zal v

[rov drjliov, srrlisfet6Xi at de xc al r6iv ia]aXow &rr4[y]

[TroV aXr(iB xal plkortltog'S dyaOeEl Tvet] deSd'XOxt [ti ftovhi iSratvE'oaaIt v Tapalav -2_- X]Qay

10 [.ovvlEa xat erspapv7aat Oall ou a(e?p] v)t, T t] at

[vEOat 68 xOal TOv y1Qap7aTEa - - _a - 4 T l']ne'a Xatl [dr6v


TO- 6TTJVV2 - - - - -ca. 12- 2X_C - - -]Ea v [6ov yQa^plaTea rigS jBovXil xat Tov 6Ryov] drtyl vv

['r,otV 4oioX)lort' xa at ro vi'royrlotlaaz'a 'H] yAtoxov 15 [IL4r1vtca Xal TOV XijQVXa i2S-r flovjgis Xcl To]v 6iTov

[En,,xAv TQiv?st,l?a xat rov ai3TZ)v KaX]htxQd v [rTv oeoQlXtov XOat TV Tat lav TrSg jovkrg -a-] ic)va [lleiQada xal arjc,av&aat g'zaarov air6ov a]atoUv [aTsdivwCtot dvayOdfpat 68 ro,s'6 TO, prjtpltara TOV 7]Q a

20 [pamTEa dTV xara iQVr vTavavs, XTZ.]

In both No. 77 and the present document, the name of the Secretary of the Boule and Demos appears as diJry-, and the Treasurer of the Boule as - - - -. It may be assumed that they are of the same year, and when the various restorations of names are made from one document to the other, the assumption is confirmed. Its most im- portant result is that study of the spacing in both yields a preference for the shorter name for the Herald, rather than the longer (lhtoxXrv TQtvsetesa). This would determine the date as 165/4 or later (p. 17); the lower limit is the Flutist's, 156/5-a period which suits the distinctive style, familiar to us in Nos. 84, 71 and 77 itself.

79. Agora I 2539. Fragments of Pentelic marble. The descriptions of fragments, proveniences, and measurements are discussed below, p. 206f.

Height of letters, 0.008 m.

159/8 or 158/7 B.C. ERECHTEI CTOIX. 37 FrAG. ['Erti .... .... &'lovzolo] t Ti 'rg 'EQsx[6e'ldog v]

A [efl[ldtalS rQVTuravelagS Lt A]OVVa66wQdeO [iOtko6f]

[tsov ? ... . . . y. ..gyeappaTZE] VEV' *j tov [oPlaa V]

[ra' I'aprAtiroog sdexdaret vsar]at, li&t x[at elxo]

5 [azsel TrTg 7trvrelas' zxx]fala g,l Het [oatE Vv]

© American School of Classical Studies at Athens For personal use only. License: CC-BY-NC-ND.

I : ,

'- A '

1.!.'' 40

" iN' i

No. 79

The relation between the fragments is approximately correct, except that the mass at the top should be higher

© American School of Classical Studies at Athens For personal use only. License: CC-BY-NC-ND.

[rCDiv tqeo6dewv /les ] t< [ev fHJe] dxalt [oS - ca. _ _]

[... 14. .... Xot] a v~[ttQ6]e6([o p' S 'o,E (,]

[diSUor tvaav6dog 6]eoIy6o[v K]vd[aOevaileg si V]

[TeV I'iQ 5V &CaY]y)jOVvAlV [Oi .CQV/dveig 'og V]

10 ['EsQX&6lldoS ineq T']zV [QOv]qLt[IAv SJv 'OVOV dc& ce6 c7Yv]

[zxXljatiwv w&it ce 1'rdloviLt tSLt IHQOaTrcSlwt]

[xari et 4eQTeUldt ret BovacalaL xCat Tetl O() pod V]

[e?wt aci TolS &UoglS Oeotog os tg arQtov jv' aya v]

[OEl TVXEt deOXat c erl ftov2El T& diY dy/aC& v]

15 [d6XEOaLt wa yeyov6ra v Totg EIsQog ol ' 0ov v]

[ov i ytelat at aXol Q r at ifjL g re fiovg -xal V]

[rov ds Xov xaci rcaltwv xa yvvcatx&v xal Tciv (pl V]

[)kwv xat avcydZXov' Eire6d 6d otl tevtd'vsi Tag Te]

[Ovalag eOvaav &a7t ag &'aaL xxaOrov iv 'sr i-cv V]

20 [zasi'cla xaclo .d al qt;OTlotoiS, gee^s'nriOaav V]

[6S Yai TgT v avUo)y'jg Tg re fiovtig xcat TOv 6rj^iov v]

[zaxl TCv AiXwv &7noavrcwv u,v a0col g rQS Q raotrov]

[ot' TE VOd'p xaCti C& plpptlarCa cXo 6j lsov e7ratlV]

[acat tog GrQvrdveig YjSg 'EXCOel'tog xaC aefCpa]

FRAG. 25 [vci at aifroi XQovaii aefpvwa t ac] v xT]a: T [ vodiov]

B [eiasfBCTelaSg Vi a TZijS TeS6g T]Sbg Osov s x[ai osXo]

[TIIICCaS TrTS i 'g T.v fiovxiv 2


r 6v 6 ruo[v 'r6v 4 v]

[Or,vaiwov' dvcayQdtpat 6 doSe] z6 tip/tjpgw [a T6y ye v]

[aftsIiaTE'a ry XZara ' Qvccave]lav eiS nXnQ[CdrrjQl V]

30 [ov tllvov O Al azYOact af]r;6 gv cit TCi [Yl ca3t -]

[... eis d] Zv drj ea[v x ral cy)v]

[&,dOsatcv roto xnewwrqet] ov csqlrat c 6d[Y v adav]

[Cdiv aqaTKTovtzc c: Ysvd6c d ]oispov dvde[wt(o a]

vacat vacat

['E7r .... ? .... &ieXovtrog i]~t tig cswvr[iog oy]

35 [6oltr g QevravelaQS tL zlovv]o'6d(weo; 0i[Xoo6djlov?]

[.... .... yeapX',Tevep' #o]vtig; tz/pl[ffuaa v]

[iAvyeaTuQ'cSivog ts'otd6lt artac] VOV Twe [aQTr]

FRAG. [TS] rQVratv [eia;' fpovXl it 81 fovasv]7 eiwo[.lo ' Tiwv a V]

[Qe]OEQ)V i8[t?El .... ** ... . ] a-

40 "Eesiogr xal av[ltC6Qo'eQot v

P'oEv 8il /fov?la]

Avatavdeog Q [olp 6ov KvdaO,rvatiev sIeM ev 8et]



o't 7cevrdv[ElSg T-g 'Ee6XOE]'tMo [XCl Ot delai v]

D 'ot gcraivEo[avrTg xarl sTzep]av)aaol'[:eg &orpafi]

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vovatLv Tei [flovxil TO6V vaq]cY 8Ya v E'v[ovro ' iCeav]

45 T6iV KQenov [. . r.... g v]x vaa[; Te EXvaI]

aSg xacrx[ovOfag S ZEr 86C Qvra]vEIa[t, cltyiqmEtzfi]

aalI dE x[ait r(v &X'ov &7rcvrTw]v v YaX[dig xca ti Xorl]

g * acy [a6rl rvXEL 66JOdXOat T] i flo [vUeit icativ]

aat T6d[v rCatlav KcaQrov ... ]aCov [ . V. .8... v]

50 xct a [rspav,TOaa ait.rc8v Oaxlov



aa[t [l6 xa6 l r6v yQ7ailtarsa .. 0. .]Cov [a- - - ca.-8- _ _]

[---- xa;


Cela ro v ---]

[O ov~ ---o- ][... xai '6v i56o]

55 [yQatcarac - ----

- 14?- - - -] rba x[ca tb'v xrovxa]

[TrS fiov2Xgi xali rov d6ritov Eix]4'v TQ[tivesEda xal]

[rov avAtr,irv KaUlxerarnv 9]oQixto[v xai r6v Ta]

[tllav 'TUS fovAjgS .. oxAijv A4]xaQeva x[al areSGCavi]

[aa EXaarov acTz&v OaXrovi a],repavwto' &[vayadiPat]

60 [d zT68d T6 Vp riptatlca w6y yCayjL]area r6y [xara tqev]

[,aveelav elg xOr^nqjio), i/0] ]t[v]ov [xa;l aTiaal]


FRAG. Separate fragment with heading of a citation:

E [ f[ov]w

The arrangement is definitely stoichedon. We can observe on Frag. C that there was a wide margin between the left edge and the first stoichos. A similar wide margin on the right of the text is to be inferred; but it is also clear that this margin was generally neglected in the interest of syllabification. Thus one space (or, in line 5, two) might be left blank before the right margin proper; or the right margin might be invaded, but apparently only by one letter.

This is what one would expect, granted the stoichedon; but the arrangement is also violated by an excess of one letter in the missing first parts of lines 32, 56, and 59.

Syllabification is violated in lines 28-29 and 38-39. Vital parts of the restoration are not affected by these irregularities, and there can be no doubt, for instance, that the Herald was Eukles of Trinemeia and that the Flutist was Kallikrates of Thorikos. The date must therefore be after 166/5 and before 155/4 (pp. 17-18).

The stoichedon arrangement was generally abandoned in the period after 230. Modified as in the present instance, it occurs a very few times in the course of the second century (I. G., II2, 973; another at the Agora). Whether or not such instances are evidence of conscious archaizing, e models for the stoichedon design were of course abundantly visible on the Acropolis.

The document gives us the name of a hitherto unknown secretary; his patronymic may be guessed (N.P.A., p. 63), but the name Dionysodoros is common, and names in


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Dt- are numerous. Inspection of the list of archons (Ferguson, Tribal Cycles, pp. 29-30) presumably Av6avdreoS AvaavdQov IvSaqOjvatlevg, known from a grave monument attributed to the second century B.C. (. G., II, 2242).

Among the other names, that of KdoQrog, lines 45 and 49, is new to Athens.

A peculiar feature of the text is that the document, like 80, is to be inscribed sig XktQwTrQlov XlOtrov. This has enabled identification of one type of Athenian xk'Qowjvotov, for which see below, pp. 198 ff. With this in mind, the long gap between Fragments A

Register of prytaneis missing, except: 15 [---]&o?og

[- - - - [ -]

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The right side of the stele is preserved, as I.G., II2, implies. The use of slightly larger letters for the register is a sign of lateness; the lettering agrees with the date.

In the portion preserved, the lettering is very regular. The gaps left in lines 10 and 11 are explained by the assumption of dittography rather than of irregular spacing.

The part missing in line 12 is probably to be restored from 79 which is of the same year (see commentary on 79). That inscription, with careful study of spacing, is the basis of most of the new restorations. It is clear that the Undersecretary was not named in the body of either decree. From the Secretary's demotic in line 5 we learn that the prytaneis honored were of Ptolemais.

81. Ilesperia, II (1933), p. 162, no. 8. ca. 169/8-156/5 B.C. Most of the lines have close to 48 full letters, but line 5 has 51. No violation of syllabification need be admitted (lines 3, 5, 15, 18). Line 4: allow for the patronymic. Line 5: the letters preserved are PYTANE!. Line 8: no blank spaces; insert aocbv after awapav[Cacra. Line 9: the Secretary was not Ma - - but Mv - -. See the photograph (loc. cit.): as often, anything except a good squeeze is deceptive. Line 12: the Herald: [WD0tox)v TeLveti,a] or [EWxJlA,r TQive,6EIa].

Line 13: the Flutist's demotic: [OoQlxtov]. Line 15: no blank spaces. The Priest was not cited even by title (see p. 15).

82. Agora I 706. Lower part of stele inscribed in three columns, of Hymettian marble; the left side is smooth-dressed with a shoulder cut near the bottom; the right side is more roughly dressed, the back rough-picked, the bottom jagged. Found on May 8, 1933, in the wall of a late pit, inside the colonnade of the Hellenistic Metroon.

Height, 0.365 m.; width, below, 0.467 m.; width, above, 0.45 m.; thickness, 0.11 m.

Height of letters, 0.005 m.

The fragment preserves only the lower three of a probable six citations below the register of names:

ca. 169/8-ca. 14817 B.c.

ERxtv , TXv(o)va . ,vxi'axov Te.eavdlc iPDlyata t Oirov -the Herald (p. 17), the Flutist (p. 18) and

presumably the Treasurer of the Boule. The - latter is listed in a catalogue of hieropoioi

of the archonship of Lysiades (ca. 148/7?):

I. G., II2, 1938, line 43 (P.A., 9225). The lettering would by itself favor a date slightly

earlier, since the style appears in 71. No. 82


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83. Agora I 1582. Fragment of Hymettian marble made up of two joiniing pieces broken all around, found on March 16, 1934, in a late fill 15 in. northwest of the Tholos, in Section B.

Height, the 0.10 m.; width, period, ca. 180-15. B.C..

0.166 m.' thickness, 0.047 m. . _ Heirht of letters, 0.005-

0.006 m.

The spacing in the version

given does not work out per-. 56

fectly, and it is possible that Si ,


miiore syllables should be sub-;

tracte(l from the ends and adlded to the beginnings of

lines. The uncertainty is so v v : small as not to affect the re-

storation, which accords with No. 83

the period, ca. 180-155 B.c.,

to which the lettering belongs. It is in this period that the health and safety of the parties mentioned in lines 3-4 begin to be specified (p. 10).

ca. 180-15) B.C. PTOLEMAIS ca. 56

[--- --- --- dyoa



86h'Xcat L it (yi]li [o] l ca [,l{6v eyaOa aiXEuoat ca, yryovo'ra Ev TOlg]

[teQoit of Oi g 'Ov l V]etlat i


' xae am [wlre di clg re fiovig xato riova o eftov]

[xOti TCr tV sVtaXWV, r]EtbL 8 ot beQ[v],a[veetg n rg re Ovtal'g E'Ovaarv ptacrag]

5 [-bOatl xaOixo,v lv 'iLt ]jQTvaVeiCat xaXcig [E XCla ptotlrlWg, E. rEze6xO1iaav]

[]6 xca ,~fg aVXXO/7g] rT;g s fiVoig axa ,ov . 6[V [ov xa; 7ZDpv 6XrV]

[8 t XClt CI VOl5 ffQO(fE] TATWOV Ol ZE VOO t [YOV atP A T(MOV] C tOU

[rwr Jw acciroi[g 7reoUa]l:alov ,

o7 7s 0o'toc xac [ a qda~taTa vofi cWyuov]

[ratlvaacx ToigS fOv] [a] ?[]! S []g HoZSXeIq [~'toS xat a:s(epavc,aat ai]

[roi'g Xevat zasmqcwL xalra l:], voS'tov . E'lexa, [uefeiaS xz,. - ---] -

84. Ilesperia, III (1934), pp. 31-35, no. 21, plus four new fragments. There are now sev-en connected fragments of Hymettian marble from a stele broken near the bottom an(l preserved on the right edge very nearly to the moulding, the beginning of which, a slight outward curve, is preserved at the top. The thickness is original. The lower two fragments were found late in 1932 in the wall of a modern house 632jlB in Section Z, and on March 30, 1933 in the samie place a third fragment was discovered. These were published by Meritt in Hesperia, III (1934), pp. 31 35, no. 21. On June 29, 1933, too late for more than brief notice at the end( of Meritt's article, four more fragments were discovered in the removal of more of the foundations of the same house, which had not been accessible theretofore. It appears likely

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from the freshness of the breaks that the builders of this house found the stele at a classical level in digging for their deep cellar, and broke it up for use in walls. The same vicinity produced several other prytany decrees. For the place of finding, see Ilesperia, IV (1935), p.474.

The fragments have been joined and measured as one.

Height, 0.84 m.; width, 0.43 m.; thickness, 0.135 m.

Height of letters, 0.005 m.


155/4 B.C. ca. 44

['E^t MvrLatOleov iSQeXrog tll rtg ('IirtoOwvridog S dVT]'Qqa[g 7rQv]

[1rar ctag tt ' Oilaxog KaoroS IHatavievg eqa^1tL] CaTevE. [v' Me]

[rayetrvi:vYo; TQea6lt taraptaov Tecarelst ig 7rQv] TaveilaS [flovX lt flovAEvTrieild * cov trQeoCQwv ?i7rEp6/jp] !e?v 4ya 5 [- :- oalov AXaeQvebS z.a avlnirQo'eQOt v

E'oBev] Tel #ovA2l [' HqdxxiteLog zTQdtvoSg vsiSg Ei rsV' e teQ Sv &fr]qyyA(Xova[iv]

[op rQev'Tdvsreg g I avitovildog TirhT rwzv Ovuaiv 63]v eOvov r[a&]

[7qr TiOv iztXraiLv To-t T5E Arro'wvLt rTjL HoaTaCTt]o,lQit xacl sl [FA4eqTdlt rel Bov)alat xcai olSg lXoig QsoT g olSg rcT]etov r v vv

to [dyao,l rTXELt 6s6dXOat rel ovl6 tv r, t , deyaOe 6e]Xeffala T, [yeyovoda e'v roTg It ol ol og g Svov &fp' 6Viytlat xat ao]T]r iat Trg [ref ovjtg xa8 wovo T &~ov xa ral awv xal yvv]atx[ [v] xal T:Ov gpl [Xwov xal avpIaXdwZ frenst)i d oct revdveigal T]a cdg T[] Ovalag S Ov [aoav &7rdaag Satc xaOcrxov sv z:el 7revcTavslia]l xaxi(g zac otao

15 [ripLcog, 97spsAQOraav d6 xaKl T*C; ovA?oyrg] g] T?S8 ovj[Us v [xal tOV0 6cnpov xat' tiV &ilwov zalt7v (w 3v v Sv a'1ojtg 7reQoa,Txaretov [ol' Te vo'IOlt xal T & qirjqt1`aTa ToV


ov' f7n]ativuaft Toig rtQV [rhdV'sg TiSg avltovhrog xal arfefparvoat] aftoi'g XQvail aTe [cpavtot Eviaefelag EV?xv rtis trS6g robg OEo] ogi xaPl lpioriplCag 20 [r'S eig STV yIov 6 rTv Z 40ivarlwvv' dvayQ]dipat l ro'des 6 ?ip

[pLtalia T&V yqa^txar a xr xa'c& a vravYe]lav iv TajteLt Xt [Oivet xal awilaat iv (cot ZcQvvavrCx&c' esg E r] Tiv dvayeQaopiv [xal T,v] dvdaOe,iv [:j a:Tlri/g EQsolaat Td6] raylav rzw, a oea [ZIw]T,]lXiYv Td yevoYsdev[ov d,va'XWaa].

vacat 25 'O 7 HOg '

oH fovat ['H #ovit] 'H #BovX Toibg dv raplav [r6v ye]]qpua Ntxdio,aov tQVradvsgS 30 Aso d4 avd6ov c []] a 40 MvQetvovt~

zuEliQIa 35 [2jX] v6vY op

[I] q.avli vacat



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No. 84

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'Etc Mv['la] LtQOov &oxo(vroc) ( l r 'Is Ino0wovTrlog sEvsQoag r.qv Tarvlag ft OiLXlaXOg KqdrrTog Iltartai.g iyQa^adrev'ev Me TayeLTVtL&)Og TsQdclt iatrapLEov TETQdlrt Trrg 7QreL[apve]lag' 45 f1ovJ it ilvl ?OVeVT(Qlwl' TCOV fQO'6Q(Q)V 83it7 lCcpiqS[V Y -'a 3-] [vera]at rv Tasp1la '.AXaa[v6do]v E#SoovAov 2rT8IEIa Xal SavCePaC'

[aat] Oarlovi arepqdvwt, 7iica[tvrEa]at l xa6 l Trv yQaptTZiEa Zit7Iv6v

55 vacat IHatatl a xao TOY: [E]a Q TOV 7rwovvtiov NltKXotaXov Tie8 . .. . MvQeQvovaLtov zai ZOVy [yeqa]tiarea Trlg fovXtij xai, TOV djov [Xact] 6r [ti] ov vacat [Aaygr] rqe'a xzai bv, 6irroyQea^(ltIa'a rof [di^lov] [[Thv[Oa] y6Qtv]] 4yaSa [vr] a xaK TOV xtovxar


ov^g xai {[[i]]}

[rTo] dIjov Evxifv Tetve?ut[?a] xal TOv a6bilrTv Tixvwva OnPyatd[a]

60 [Xia] rOv TCa^lav T-j:g #ov)gig [As ]ayov Irffn.;Xat)vroog HgIv aa xat

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The text given above is complete in that it includes the part previously published by Meritt; but his discussion is naturally not repeated here, since further work has merely confirmed his conclusions. The restoration of the first decree may seem somewhat bold in view of the small number of letters actually preserved. This impression is not deceptive, but more can be said for the restoration as it stands than appears at first glance. It is based on a careful study of the spacing of the letters as determined by the (preserved) second decree; the spacing is highly regular. Even so, not certainty but mere probability has been attained. The name of the proposer, for instance, supplied in line 6 from line 36, gives a line of 451/2 letters, and the chairman of the proedroi, supplied as Iysaalag (or some such name) conforms to requirements equally well. There is more uncertainty in connection with the numerals in line 3, which has been restored exactly as line 44, where however the space available was greater.

A peculiar circumstance is to be noted in connection with the probability, yielded by the spacing, that the decrees were passed on the same day. The first decree, instead of being passed by the Demos, was passed by the Boule. This is a unique instance (p. 3, n. 2).

Since the Demos did in fact crown the prytaneis (lines 25-27), the constitutional irregularity is slight. It becomes intelligible in any case that the two decrees, one honoring the prytaneis and the other their officers, should have been voted in the same session, and even proposed by the same orator.

Also irregular are the citations between the two decrees. Besides the customary three, there is a fourth, for the Priest; possibly this additional honor was due to his having served as a prytanis (line 110). The citations for the other five officers probably followed the register.

Meritt's restoration of the secretary of the year of Mnesitheos in .LG., II2, 979 is now confirmed, and with it the new early date for the expressions xai' tSQovra and xar& 06edv. As has already been noted, the discrepancy of three days which these phrases specify in the sixth or seventh prytany had not appeared in the beginning of the second.

The tampering with the correct astronomical calendar, which xav' iSQeovra implies (Meritt in Hesperia, II [1933], p. 26), therefore took place at some time between the date of the present decree and of I.G., II2, 979. The total divergence of three days suggests an accumulation due to one day of discrepancy in each of three successive months, or in each of three pairs of months. For the count p^e' ExdSag, see Meritt in Hesperia, IV (1935), p. 559.