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Ensemble variance of the echo signal under imperfect preparation (Sec. 4.3.1)

In this appendix, we show Eq. (4.25). Exploiting (4.4) and (4.6), we first rewrite the variance of A(τ+δ+t) as



=E[ hAiρb(t)


]− E[hAiρb(t)]2

(E.64) Upon substitution of (4.15) into (4.16) and observing thatρ(0) =ρT, we obtain

hAiρb(t)= X











The ensemble average of these time-dependent expectation values during the backward phase was found to be given by



= hAiρf(τ−t)− hAiρmc

|dˆW(δ)|2+hAiρmc− 1

N2hAiρf(τ−t) (E.66) in the main text, cf. Eqs. (4.16) and (4.23). Squaring Eq. (E.65) gives



= X











4ν4. (E.67) To compute the average of this expression over the ensemble of scrambling operatorsW, we thus need the average over eight factors of transformation matrix elements ˜U(cf. Eq. (4.14)). Similarly to the fourth moment from Eq. (4.17), this average can be evaluated with the aid of Ref. [197]

by summing over all possible ways of pairing up the first and second indices of ˜U and ˜U factors.

This leads to


= X


vP,P0 4



δnjnP(j)δµjνP0(j), (E.68) where Sym(4) denotes the symmetric group of degree 4, i.e., the set of all permutations of{1,2,3,4}.

Hence the sum in (E.68) comprises (4!)2 = 576 terms. The symmetry factors vP,P0 depend only on the cyclic structure of the composed permutationP−1P0 ∈Sym(4). As in the main text, it is sufficient to consider the leading order in N 1, to which the vP,P0 coincide for the CUE and COE ensembles. Consulting Ref. [197], we find that

v1,1,1,1'N−4, v2,1,1' −N−5, v2,2'N−6, v3,1'2N−6, v4' −5N−7, (E.69) where the subscripts label the five different combinations of cycle lengths in Sym(4). Plug-ging (E.68) into (E.67), we observe that the sums over the nj and µj, νj factorize, so we can analyze them separately. For eachP ∈Sym(4), the corresponding sum over thenjis of the form

FP := X






δnjnP(j). (E.70)

The 4! = 24 different permutations P yield eight different terms as listed in Tab. E.1. Note that the order inN depends again on the cyclic structure ofP only.

For eachP0 ∈Sym(4), in turn, the sums overµj, νj are of the form GP0 := X





× ρµ1ν2(0)ρµ3ν4(0)Aµ2ν1Aµ4ν3 Y4




Table E.1:Contributions to the average of Eq. (E.67) from the sums overnjfor the different permutations P ∈Sym(4), cf. Eq. (E.70).

cycles P (cycle notation) FP

1,1,1,1 (1)(2)(3)(4) N4|dˆW(δ)|4

2,1,1 (1 2)(3)(4), (1 4)(2)(3), (1)(2 3)(4), (1)(2)(3 4) N3|dˆW(δ)|2

(1 3)(2)(4) N3dˆW(δ)2dˆW(2δ)

(1)(2 4)(3) N3dˆW(2δ) ˆdW(δ)2

2,2 (1 2)(3 4), (1 4)(2 3) N2

(1 3)(2 4) N2|dˆW(2δ)|2

3,1 (1 2 3)(4), (1 3 2)(4), (1 2 4)(3), (1 4 2)(3), (1 3 4)(2), (1 4 3)(2), (1)(2 3 4), (1)(2 4 3)

N2|dˆW(δ)|2 4 (1 2 3 4), (1 2 4 3), (1 3 2 4), (1 3 4 2), (1 4 2 3), (1 4 3 2) N

Table E.2:Contributions to the average of Eq. (E.67) from the sums overµj, νjfor the different permuta-tionsP0∈Sym(4), cf. Eq. (E.71).

P0 (cycle notation) GP0

(1)(2)(3)(4), (1 3)(2 4) (hAiρf(τ−t))2

(1 2)(3)(4), (1)(2)(3 4), (1 2 4 3), (1 3 4 2) NhAiρmchAiρf(τ−t)

(1 2)(3 4) N2(hAiρmc)2

(1)(2 3)(4), (1 4)(2)(3), (1 3 2 4), (1 4 2 3) tr[A2ρf(τ−t)2] (1 2 3)(4), (1)(2 3 4), (1 2 4)(3), (1 3 4)(2) NhAiρmctr[Aρf(τ−t)2] (1 3 2)(4), (1 4 2)(3), (1 4 3)(2), (1)(2 4 3) hA2iρf(τ−t)

(1 3)(2)(4), (1)(2 4)(3) tr{[ρf(τ−t)A]2}

(1 2 3 4) N2hAiρmctr[ρ2T]

(1 4 3 2) NhA2iρmc

(1 4)(2 3) NhA2iρmctr[ρ2T]

The various permutations P0 lead to the total of ten different expressions for GP0 collected in Tab. E.2.

To find the ensemble average of (E.67), we then have to combine the symmetry factors vP,P0 from (E.69), theFP from Eq. (E.70) and Tab. E.1, and theGP0 from Eq. (E.71) and Tab. E.2 for eachP, P0∈Sym(4). Assessing the order of each of these contributions inN is most conveniently achieved by means of computer algebra software. We find a total of nine terms of order 1, which cancel exactly in (E.64) against the nine terms of order 1 resulting from (E[hAiρb(t)])2, i.e., by squaring Eq. (E.66). Consequently, the variance (E.64) vanishes to order 1. At order N−1, the average of (E.67) contributes 42 terms and the square of (E.66) adds another six terms, leading to


h hAiρb(t)2i



= 1 N

2hAiρf(τ−t)hAiρmc−(hAiρmc)2tr(ρ2T) +2|dˆW(δ)|2

(hAiρf(τ−t))2− hAiρf(τ−t)hAiρmc+ tr[A2ρf(τ−t)2]

−2 tr[Aρf(τ−t)2]hAiρmc+ 2(hAiρmc)2tr(ρ2T) +h

dˆW(2δ) ˆdW(δ)∗2+ ˆdW(δ)2dˆW(2δ)i

(hAiρmc)2tr(ρ2T)−2 tr[Aρf(τ−t)2] + tr{[ρf(τ−t)A]2}


2 tr[A2ρf(τ−t)2]−8 tr[Aρf(τ−t)2]hAiρmc

+2 tr{[ρf(τ−t)A]2}+ 5(hAiρmc)2tr(ρ2T)

+O 1




We content ourselves with a simple upper bound of this quantity by exploiting the triangle inequal-ity on the right-hand side. The various combinations of traces over the observable and states can all be bounded by the squared operator norm kAk2 of A. Moreover, we can exploit|dˆW(δ)| ≤1.

Altogether, we then find E

h hAiρb(t)


−E hAiρb(t)


≤42kAk2 N +O

1 N2

. (E.73)

Together with (E.64) and taking kAk = ∆A/2 without loss of generality as usual because the variance is unchanged when adding an arbitrary constant, we finally obtain Eq. (4.25).


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