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Effect of AA-supplemented media on adipogenesis of ADSCs

Im Dokument 2-D and 3-D Adipocyte Cell Culture (Seite 65-77)

Evaluation of Culture Conditions

3. Materials and Methods Materials

4.5. Effect of AA-supplemented media on adipogenesis of ADSCs

A promoting effect of AA on adipogenesis of BMSCs was previously reported by Weiser et al. [37]. Accordingly, we tested the influence of AA on the adipogenic conversion of ADSCs.

For this purpose, expansion, induction and differentiation of ADSCs were performed in the presence of 50 µg/ml AA. Afterwards, adipogenic differentiation of ADSCs was monitored at day 12 after induction (Figure 6). Oil red O staining revealed that AA supplementation remarkably decreased the number of differentiated ADSCs when compared to the respective group propagated without AA (Figure 6 A), whereas the proliferation of ADSCs was increased in presence of AA (Figure 6 A, right). The reduced adipogenic potential of ADSCs

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in the presence of AA was confirmed by quantification of the intracellular TG (Figure 6 B) and by measurement of the GPDH activity (Figure 6 C).

Figure 6: Effect of AA on the TG accumulation of ADSCs. ADSCs were expanded and, subsequently, induced to undergo adipogenesis in the absence or presence of 50 µg/ml AA. TG accumulation was determined at day 12 after induction. A) Oil red O staining of intracellular lipid droplets. Bar=200 µm.

B) Quantification of intracellular TG content (n=3). TG contents were normalized to DNA contents.

C) Measurement of specific GPDH activity (n=3). Enzyme activity was normalized to DNA contents.

* indicates statistically significant differences to the control group (p<0.05).

5. Discussion

ADSCs are an attractive in vitro model system to study adipocyte biology or adipose-related diseases such as obesity or type 2 diabetes. The major advantages of ADSCs are their easy harvest in a large quantity as well as their expansion and differentiation capacity in vitro.

However, to date, studies using ADSCs in different models have yielded varying results.

Variability may reflect differences between individual donors as well as differences in isolation, culturing, and expansion methods.

In this study we tested different conditions for ADSC isolation and in vitro expansion as well as adipogenic differentiation, some of them already being used in experimental protocols.

Chapter 3 Evaluation of in vitro Culture Conditions of Human ADSCs

Evaluation of the isolation procedure

The standard protocol for isolation of ADSCs from adipose tissue introduced by Rodbell et al.

and broadly applied by most scientists is performed by enzymatic digestion and subsequent centrifugation [47,48]. We modified this standard isolation procedure according to Rodbell et al. as well as Schling et al. [54] to improve the yield of isolated ADSCs and their adipogenic differentiation potential. Firstly, we introduced two filtration steps after the digestion and tested the effect on adipogenic differentiation of ADSCs. The additional filtrations enhanced the purity of the cell suspension. Debris of digested connective tissue and other ECM components as well as mature adipocytes were removed. Thus, the percentage of adipogenic progenitors within the heterogeneous cell population was enriched and, accordingly, the differentiation efficiency as well. Some protocols reported in literature have implemented the lysis of erythrocytes after the centrifugation [55,56] which is another possibility to advance the purity of ADSCs. In our studies, the erythrocyte lysis did not affect the adipogenic capacity of the cells. Washing of the cells one day after seeding apparently also removed non-adherent cells including erythrocytes, and therefore, it had the same effect than erythrocyte lysis. Besides the modifications in isolation procedure that we have performed, the recovery of ADSCs can be improved further by manipulating the centrifugation speed [57].

Nevertheless, even if we observed an influence of the isolation procedure on adipogenic differentiation, Mizuno et al. have described that the immunophenotype of ADSCs was relatively constant regardless of differences in isolation and culture procedures [8].

In conclusion, we modified the standard isolation procedure from Rodbell et al. by introduction of two additional filtration steps which was proven to be beneficial for ADSC adipocyte culture. In contrast, the lysis of erythrocytes was not effective and, therefore, not implemented in the protocol.

Differences in adipogenic potential of ADSCs from multiple donors

We have observed that ADSCs isolated from eleven individual human donors showed varying adipogenic differentiation capacity in response to adipogenic stimulation in vitro.

Microscopic inspection as well as flow cytometry examining lipid accumulation revealed that the fraction of cells within the heterogeneous cell population which was able to differentiate into adipocytes under adipogenic conditions differed extensively between the tested donors.

The variability found in ADSC cultures is commonly known. Bunnell et al. have previously reported that the percentage of preadipocytes obtained from the SVF after digestion is patient-dependent and, therefore, the differentiation efficiency as well [58]. Various factors such as age, gender or disease state of the donor are discussed to be responsible for the heterogeneous

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behavior of ADSCs in vitro [9,59-61]. Additionally, different genetic constitution of the donors may play a role for the patient-to-patient variability [62]. Furthermore, different characteristics of ADSCs isolated from different regions of the body have been reported [59,63-66]. For example, human subcutaneous adipose tissue contained more ADSCs compared to omental adipose tissue, and the ADSCs from subcutaneous tissue had a higher adipogenic differentiation capacity [65].

In independent studies, we investigated whether the method to obtain adipose tissue has an influence on the differentiation potential of ADSCs. We compared ADSCs obtained from abdominoplasties and lipoaspirates of the same donor regarding their adipogenic differentiation capacity. The different procedures did not influence the yield as well as the adipogenic potential of isolated ADSCs (data not shown). Differences in ADSC culture depending on the fat harvesting technique used are controversially discussed in literature.

Some studies reported that lipoaspiration yielded more isolated ADSCs with better proliferation and adipogenic differentiation rate [67-69], whereas, in contrast, Yoshimura et al. reported that disruption of cells was caused in ultrasound-assisted liposuction and the number of isolated ADSC as well as their proliferative capacity was reduced [70]. In turn, other researchers reported that the type of surgical procedure did not affect the total number of viable cells that can be obtained from the SVF [71-73].

Addition of human plasma

It was supposed that human plasma contains multiple components with the potential to promote adipogenic differentiation of ADSCs. However, we have observed that the supplementation of human plasma into the medium during the entire culture period did not enhance the adipogenic potential of ADSCs. In other studies, a positive effect of human plasma on adipogenesis of various cells was reported. Lin et al. have shown that a medium supplemented with 10% human plasma promoted the propagation of BMSCs and preserved the adipogenic differentiation capacity of the cells [22]. Furthermore, it was reported that differentiation capacity depended on the concentration of plasma and adult serum as well as the species the plasma was derived from [21,74]. However, comparisons with data from literature are difficult due to different cell species, human plasma, and cultivation conditions.

Addition of bFGF

Under our culture conditions, bFGF did not affect proliferation of ADSCs, whereas adipogenic conversion was significantly increased in the presence of bFGF. The absent effect of bFGF on the proliferation of ADSCs was somehow unexpected since in literature an increasing proliferation was described [75,76]. Different culture conditions including varying

Chapter 3 Evaluation of in vitro Culture Conditions of Human ADSCs

bFGF concentrations could be the reason for this inconsistency. With regard to adipogenesis, a promoting effect of bFGF has previously been reported in BMSCs [29]. Simultaneously to our experiments, Kakudo et al. also investigated the effect of bFGF on the adipogenic differentiation of ADSCs and they also observed an enhanced adipogenesis [75].

Additionally, recent studies from Lee et al. revealed that ADSCs which were expanded in vitro with bFGF and dexamethasone exhibited a higher tendency to differentiate into both osteoblasts and adipocytes [77].

The underlying mechanisms by which bFGF influences proliferation and differentiation of MSCs are poorly characterized. Different hypotheses for this are discussed in literature. It has been reported that bFGF modulates the cell morphology via alterations of the cytoskeletal and ECM organization [78,79] and it is known that matrix remodeling is important for adipocyte conversion during which adipocytes change their morphology from a spread to a spherical shape [80]. Another discussed theory includes bFGF as mitogen for a distinct subset of MSCs [52,79]. Basic FGF is assumed to stimulate the proliferation of a subpopulation of ADSCs within the heterogeneous cell pool which preferentially differentiates into adipocytes. This hypothesis has to be further investigated by culturing single cell clones of ADSCs. Finally, bFGF could influence the adipogenesis of ADSCs on the molecular level. In 3T3-L1, bFGF directly increased the expression of adipogenic key transcription factors like PPARγ and CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein α (C/EBPα) via the MEK/ERK signaling pathways [75,81].

In conclusion, the addition of bFGF was found to be suitable for ADSC culture, most notably due to its enhancing effect on adipogenic differentiation.

Addition of AA

We have demonstrated that AA increased the proliferation of ADSCs, whereas the adipogenic differentiation potential was decreased. However, our findings are inconsistent with data from literature in which AA stimulated both the proliferation and the adipogenic differentiation of various cell types such as 3T3-L1, BMSCs or ADSCs [35,37,38,67]. However, different cell systems as well as culture conditions make the comparison of our results with literature difficult.

We assumed that AA promoted the proliferation of a subpopulation within the heterogeneous cell population that was not capable of undergoing adipogenesis, similar to the hypothesis for bFGF as discussed above. Consequently, the percentage of adipogenic progenitors would be reduced resulting in a decreased adipogenic differentiation rate. The effect of AA is often linked to collagen synthesis and secretion [36,67,82]. AA is an important cofactor for the

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activity of prolyl hydroxylase which is responsible for the hydroxylation of proline and lysine residues [39,83]. These hydroxylations are essential for the assembly of collagens into triple helices and subsequent secretion. Although the importance of matrix remodeling including alterations in collagen structures in adipogenesis was previously reported [80,84], we suppose that increased collagen synthesis may be obstructive for the expansion of lipid droplets.

During maturation, adipocytes storing TGs within lipid droplets demand flexible surroundings for their development and expansion. Khan et al. have reported if the rigidity of the ECM surrounding adipocytes increased, the adipocytes were constricted to further expand due to massive pressure on the plasma membrane [85]. Thus, the correct assembly of the ECM during differentiation is important for adipocyte conversion. Finally, it cannot be excluded that other actions or mechanisms triggered by AA are responsible for the decreased adipogenic differentiation.

In conclusion, we determined an isolation procedure as well as culture conditions for the adipogenic differentiation of ADSCs in vitro. Concerning the isolation procedure, we introduced two additional filtration steps resulting in a more purified SVF. Subsequently, the adipogenic culture of the ADSCs was advanced by addition of bFGF into the conventionally used growth, induction, and differentiation media. The developed in vitro adipocyte model system with human ADSCs was used for the study of the effect of substances used for injection lipolysis in the following chapter.

Chapter 3 Evaluation of in vitro Culture Conditions of Human ADSCs


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Im Dokument 2-D and 3-D Adipocyte Cell Culture (Seite 65-77)