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Distributing an Authorized Area with Links

Im Dokument Software Installing Domain (Seite 183-187)

The objects in an Authorized Area do not have to physically reside on the disk associated with that Authorized Area. Using standard UNIX and Aegis commands, you can replace objects in an Authorized Area with soft (symbol-ic) links to another directory or Authorized Area in the network. Replacing objects with links allows you to build an Authorized Area that is virtually larg-er than the space you want to commit from a single disk, and to build

multiple Authorized Areas without duplicating objects in them.

The procedure in this section describes how to replace a product directory in an Authorized Area with a link. A product directory contains a product's re-lease index and the objects that actually make up the product. Because of their relatively large space requirements, product directories are the most likely candidates for linking. You can easily adapt this procedure to distribute other Authorized Area components (the install/doc directory, for example) with links.

The only objects you should not distribute with links are subcomponents of a product. If you want to distribute product subcomponents, you must do it when you load the product from distribution media (see "Loading Products from Media into an Authorized Area" in Chapter 5).

You may have to be root to perform this procedure, depending on how the product's objects are protected.

1 Copy the product directory, if necessary.

Copy the product directory that you want to replace with a link to the desired location, if the same product directory does not already reside there. Use one of the following commands:

UNIX environment:

cp -rpsoP source _ AA/instaU/ri.apoUo4JroducC name.v.version target_directory Aegis environment:

cpt -pdt -sad source _ AA/instaU/ri.apollo4Jroduct _ name.v.version targeC directory /ri.apollo4Jroduct _ name.v.version

Manipulating Authorized Areas


source _ AA is the pathname of the Authorized Area containing the product directory that you want to replace with a link.

producC name is the name of the product.

version is the version number of the product.

target_directory is the pathname of the directory where you want the product directory to reside. If you want to use the target directory simply as extended storage space for the source Authorized Area and not as another location from which to install the product, the target directory can be any directory (Ilnode_name or Iinode_namelaa_extender, for example). If you want to be able to install the product from its new location - to use the new location as another source Authorized Area for the product - the target directory must be an install subdirectory. This can be the install subdirectory of another, existing Authorized Area (enter authorized_area_namelinstall as the target_di-rectory) or an install subdirectory that you create expressly for the purpose of holding the product. In all cases, targeCdirectory must exist before you copy the product directory.

2 Remove the product directory from the source Authorized Area.

UNIX environment:

rm -rf source _ AAlinstall/ri.apono~roduct _ name.v.version Aegis environment:

dlt -f -du source _ AAlinstall/ri.apoHo.producC name.v.version

The variables in these commands have the same meaning as in Step 1 and throughout the rest of this procedure.

3 Create a link from the source Authorized Area to the product directory at the target.

UNIX environment:

In -s targeC directory Iri.apono~roduct _ name.v.version source _ AAlinstall/rLapollo.product _ name.v.version Aegis environment:

cd source _ AAlinstaU/rLapoHo.product _name .v.version targeC directory Iri.apollo~roduct _ name.v.version



You can replace a product directory with a soft link even if the product is in-stalled on the Authorized Area node with hard links to the Authorized Area.

However, the space saved is minimal.

If you are replacing a product directory that contains a product subset (an aegis_small configuration of Domain/OS, for example) with a link, you can link to a product directory that contains the same product subset or a super-set (an aegis_large configuration, for example). However, do not link to a product directory that contains a smaller configuration than the source sub-set.

In the following example, we replace the SR10.4 product directory in the Au-thorized Area Ilnode_lIaa with a link to an SRIO.4 product directory in the node entry directory of Ilnode_2. We cannot install SRIO.4 from Ilnode_2, since the SRIO.4 product directory does not reside in an install subdirectory.

Using UNIX,

% cp -rpsoP Ilnode_lIaa/instalJ/ri.apollo.os.v.10.4 Ilnode_2

% rm -rf Ilnode_lIaa/install/ri.apollo.os.v.10.4

% In -s Ilnode_2/ri.apollo.os.v.10.4 Ilnode_lIaa/install/ri.apoilo.os.v.10.4 U sing Aegis,

$ cpt -pdt -sad Ilnode_lIaa/install/rLapollo.os.v.10.4 Ilnode_2/ri.apollo.os.v.10.4

$ dlt -f -du Ilnode_lIaa/install/ri.apollo.os.v.10.4

$ crl Ilnode_lIaa/install/ri.apollo.os.v.10.4 Ilnode_2/rLapollo.os.v.10.4 In the following example, we replace the SRIO.4 product directory in the Au-thorized Area Ilnode_lIaa with a link to the product directory in the existing Authorized Area Ilnode_2/aa_2.

Using UNIX,

% cp -rpsoP Ilnode_lIaa/install/ri.apolIo.os.v.10.4 Ilnode_2/aa_2/instaH

% rm -rf Ilnode_lIaa/install/ri.apolIo.os.v.10.4

% In -s Ilnode_2/aa_2/install/ri.apollo.os.v.10.4 I Inode _1 laa/install/ri.apollo.os.v.1 0.4

Manipulating Authorized Areas

Using Aegis,

$ cpt -pdt -sad Ilnode_lIaa/install/ri.apollo.os.v.l0.4 Ilnode_2/aa_2/install/rLapoUo.os.v.l0.4

$ dlt -f -du Ilnode_lIaa/install/ri.apoUo.os.v.l0.4

$ crl Ilnode_lIaa/install/ri.apoUo.os.v.l0.4 Ilnode_2/aaJ./install/ri.apoUo.os.v.l0.4

Im Dokument Software Installing Domain (Seite 183-187)