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Distributed Optimizer Algorithm


B.2 Distributed Optimizer Algorithm

In the following, we will explain the algorithm which we implemented to find the optimal distribution strategy for a distributed training job. The algorithm is based on our cost model which has been explained in section 7.4.2 and section B.1. Algorithm 1 describes the distribution parameters selection; at the very beginning, an enumeration step is performed to produce different possible distribution configurations. For example, if the cluster has 10 nodes, then the enumeration step will produce 9 different configurations starting from 1psand 1wto 1psand 9wbecause at least 1 parameter server can be used in a distributed training. These are default settings that will be evaluated in the next steps. In line 2, the transfer probability of sending data to a parameter server is calculated as described in equation 7.1. The value presents the transfer probability of a single, and an exclusive worker has transfer timeTt over a time period of length T.

The evaluation of the configurations list starts by iterating on the configurations one by one. We first check if the transfer probability in equation 7.3 can be used to calculate the transfer probability of different collisions. This step is done by checking the constraintcon f.W < T tT +1, if the condition does not hold, we calculatemmin as described in equation B.1 in section B.1, otherwise we assign 2 to mminsince 2 present the minimal number of intersection between workers. For each configuration, we calculate the transfer probability for all possible collisions between workers in that configuration. Once the probabilities of the configuration are calculated, we calculate the expected bandwidth according to the equation B.4.

The last step of the algorithm is to find the optimal configuration from the list of the evaluated configurations. To pick the configuration with maximum throughput, we sort the list of the distribution configurations ascendingly. We then iterate from the last configuration in the sorted list until we meet a configuration where the sum of its workers and recommended parameter servers can be obtained from the cluster, such thatcon f.w+con f.PS≤cluster.n.

Algorithm 1:Distribution Parameters Selection

input :number of nodes in Clustern,Tt,T,BWw,BWPS output :Optimal distribution setup (W,PS) from a cluster

1 initialize:distributionCon f s←enumerateCon f(cluster.n);

2 initialize:tProb←Tt/T;

3 foreachcon f in distributionCon f sdo

4 ifcheckTrans f erProbConstraint(con f.W,Tt,T )then

5 form←2to con f.W do

6 tProbMWorker←calT ProbMWorkers(m,con f.W,tProb);

7 con f.insertT Prob(m,tProbMWorker);

8 end

9 tProbNoOrMinIntersection←calT ProbNoOrMinIntersections(con f,2);

10 settProbNoOrMinIntersectioninCon f;

11 EBW ←calExpectedBW ForCon f(con f,BWworker);

12 PS←calRecommendedPS(EBW,BWPS);

13 con f.setRecommendedPS(PS);

14 else

15 mmin←calExclusiveIntersection(con f.W,Tt,T);

16 form←mminto con f.W do

17 Lines 6 - 7;

18 end

19 tProbNoOrMinIntersection←calT ProbNoOrMinIntersections(con f,mmin); Lines 10 -13;

20 end

21 end


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