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4404 Reference Manual @ 2-147


Process a set of files, performing the specified operation on each file if it is newer than the file it is compared to. _ SYNTAX

update [<make_file_name>] [+q]


The "update" command reads the specified "makefile", which must conform to a special format, and conditionally performs the command or commands in that file. By default, the

"update" sends informative messages to standard output

telling the user what it is doing. The command is most often used to recompile programs whose sources have been updated.


<make file name>

Format of the "make file"

The name of the file to read for

instructions. This file must be in a special format (see Format of the

"makefile"). The default is the file

"makefile" in the working directory.

The "makefile" is composed of modules, each of which is terminated with a percent sign, '%', in col~n 1. A module

itself is composed of up to two parts. The first part specifies the process that "update" is to perform. The format for this first part is as follows:


where <item one> and <item two> are the names of files; "::" is the "is newer than" operator; and the semicolon, ' ; ' , separates the file names from the command sequence.

The command sequence is composed of one or more operating system commands. The "update" command replaces any sequence of more than one space character with a single space. Multiple commands are separated by additional semicolons. If the commands do not fit on one line, the user must begin and end the sequence with an exclamation point, '!', which serves to delimit the entire

command sequence. If the first portion of the module uses more than one line, the second exclamation point marks the boundary between the first and second portions of the module. The command sequence is executed if <item 1> is newer than <item 2>.

2-148 @ 4404 Reference Manual

The ~ser may sQbstitQte an ampersand, '&', for any character or

seq~ence of characters in <item one>, <item two>, or the command seq\lence. In sllch a case the "lipdate" command SQbsti tutes

for all ampersands the strings specified in the second portion of the module. If the second portion of the file is absent, no

command seq\lence is performed. This portion consists of one or more lines, each of which contains a single string to sQbstitQte for the ampersands. The "Qpdate" command replaces each

OCCQrrence of an ampersand with the string on the first line of the second portion of the modQle and performs the command

seq~ence if <item one> is newer than <item 2>. It then replaces all ampersands with the string from the second line, continQing in this fashion Qntil it reaches the end of the second portion of the module (marked by a percent sign in col~n 1).

If the file represented by <item two> does not exist,

"Qpdate" considers that <item one> is newer than <item two>.

If the file represented by <item one> does not exist, or if

neither the file represented by <item one> nor <item two> exists,

<item one> is not considered to be newer than <item two>.

For instance, consider the following "makefile":

&::&.b;asm & +sly file 1


file n


An "u.pdate" command which references this file makes the following translation:

If "file 1 " is newer than "file 1 . b" , execQte the command

"asm file 1 +sly".

-If "fi 1 e 2" is newer than "file 2.b", execQte the command

"asm file 2 +sly".

-It continues in this fashion until "file n" is processed.

The percent sign in colwnn 1 marks the end of the module, and becau.se it is the only modQle in the file, the

":.1pdate" command terminates.

More than one set of commands can be processed with a single

"makefi le" if the Qser includes more than one module in the file.

4404 Reference Man~al @ 2-149

Options Available

q Do not send informative messages to standard OQtp~t.


o The "chd" command has no effect in a "makefile".

o The" Qpdate" command always tries to sllbsti tQte the

strings strings specified in the second portion of a modQle for all ampersands which appear in the first portion. ThQs, the command seqQence itself cannot contain an ampersand.

Consequ.ently, tasks specified in a "makefile" cannot be execQted in the backgroQnd (al thoQgh the "Qpdate"

command itself may be sent to the backgroQnd).



Can't access Makefile "<file name>" aborted!

The operating system retQrned an error when "u.pdate" tried to open <file name> for reading. Most probably, the file

specificatIon is incorrect, the file does not exist, or the Qser does not have read permission for the file.

a*** Error: Command too complicated.


After substittltion for the am~ersands has taken place, the command sequence is too long (the limit is 512 characters).

*** Error: Pattern too complicated.


The pattern for the command seqQence (before SUbS~l~u~lon for ampersands takes place) is too long (the limit is 512

characters) .

Makefile syntax error aborted

The "update" command was u.nable to interpret the "makefile".

@ 4404 Reference ManQal

Syntax: update [<make_file_name>] [+q]

The "llpdate" command reqllires exactly one argllIDent. This message indicates that the argllIDent count is wrong.

Unknown option: <char>

The option specified by <char> is not a valid option to the

"update" command.


4404 Reference Manllal @ 2-1 51


Wait for a backgroQnd task to complete before accepting any more inp~t.


wait [<task_ID>]


The "wait" command, which is part of the shell program, tells the shell program not to accept any more commands until the specified backgroQnd task is complete. The termination statQs of the task

is reported when the task is complete. If the Qser does not specify a task ID, the shell program waits for all active backgroQnd tasks that are children of the shell program that

issQed the "wait" command to finish before accepting any new commands. The Qser may interrQpt the "wait" command with a control-C.


<task ID>



1. wait 495 2. wait 3. wait any

The ID of the task to wait for. The shell program reports the ID when it sends a task to the backgroQnd. The ID may also be

obtained by execQting either the "jobs" or the "statQs" command.

If the Qser specifies the argwnent "any", the shell program waits for anyone backgroQnd task that is one of its children to finish before accepting a new command.

The first example tells the shell program to accept no further commands until task 495 is complete.

The second example tells the shell program to accept no further commands from the Qser Qntil all backgroQnd tasks belonging to that shell program are complete.

The third example tells the shell program to accept no further commands from the user Qntil one backgroQnd task belonging to that shell is complete.

2-152 @ 4404 Reference Manual


No tasks rQnning in the background.

The shell program has no tasks running in the background.

Specified task not running in the background.

The task specified either is not a child of the current shell program or does not exist.

SEE ALSO jobs shell statQs

4404 Reference ManQal @ 2-153


These utilities are generally reserved for the user logged in as

"system." They tend to be either powerfu.l ~tilities, with great potential for misuse, or utilities that should be reserved to a limited number of u.sers where many accounts are set up.

User "system" generally has the directory "/etc" defined in the search path, and needs only enter the name of the utility to invoke it. The full path name is given here, however, to emphasize the special purpose of these utilities.


Add a new user to the system.


/etc/addu.ser <user name>


The "addQser" command is used to add a new ~ser to the system.

The specified user name must be unique to the system. It must be between one and eight letters long. All letters must be

lower-case. Only the "system" user may invoke this command.

The "adduser" command performs the following tasks:

1. Adds the new name to the end of the password file,


2. Assigns a user ID to the user.

3. Creates a home directory owned by the new user with

"rwxr-x" permissions. The name of this directory is



user_name>" .

The "system" user or the new user should use the "password"

command to enSQre protection of the new Qser's files.

4404 Reference Manual @ 3-1


< u.ser name> A u.niqQe name assigned to the new Qser for ase in response to the login prompt.


/etc/addQser chris

This example adds the u.ser name "chris" to the bottom of the file

"/etc/log7password", assigns a u.ser ID, and creates the directory

"/chris"--which is owned by "chris" and has permissions



Error adding "<u.ser_name>" to password file: <reason>

The operating system retu.rned an error when "addu.ser" tried to add

"<u.ser name>" to the password file. This message is followed by an interpretation of the error retu.rned by the operating system.

Error assigning owner to "/<u.ser_name>": <reason>

The operating system retu.rned an error when "addQser" tried to make the specified u.ser the owner of the file "/<u.ser name>".

This message is followed by an interpretation of the error retu.rned by the operating system.

Error creating "/<u.ser_name>": <reason>

The operating system retu.rned an error when "addu.ser" tried to create the file "/<u.ser name>". This message is followed by an interpretation of the error retu.rned by the operating system.

Error creating "." file: <reason>

The operating system retu.rned an error when "addaser" tried to create the file ".". This message is followed by an

interpretation of the error retu.rned by the operating system.

Error creating " .. " file: <reason>

The operating system retarned an error when "addu.ser" tried to create the file " .. ". This message is followed by an

interpretation of the error retu.rned by the operating system.

Name mu.st be 1 to 8 lowercase letters.

3-2 @ 4404 Reference Manu.al

The specified user name must be between one and eight letters long. All letters must be lowercase.

Syntax: /etc/addQser <user_name>

The "addQser" command expects exactly one argu.ment. This message indicates that the argu.ment count is wrong.

The name "<user name>" is already in use.

The specified Qser name must be unique to the system.

You must be system manager to run "addllser".

Only the "system" user may execute the "addQser" command.

SEE ALSO deluser password perms

4404 Reference Manllal @ 3-3


Check the integrity of the allocation of all blocks used in files and of the free list on the specified device.


/etc/blockcheck <dev name>


"blockcheck" checks the integrity of the block allocation used in the files and free list on the specified device. It locates

problems stlch as duplicate blocks, missing blocks, and invalid block addresses.

This command is primarily intended for use by the "diskrepair"

utility, which calls it. It may also be used on its own as a diagnostic utility; however, "blockcheck" can only check the disk; it cannot repair it. If "blocheck's" output suggests that the disk is damaged, use "diskrepair" on the disk.

You should only use "blockcheck" if no other tasks are active on the system; otherwise, the results are unpredictable.


<dev name>


The name of the device to check. It mllst be a block device.

/etc/blockcheck /dev/floppy

This example checks the integrity of the the allocation of blocks on the floppy disk.



devcheck diskrepair fdncheck

@ 4404 Reference Manual


Remove a user from the system.


/etc/deluser <user name> [x]


The "deluser" command removes the specified user from the system.

It removes the corresponding entry from the file

"jetc/log/password" and destroys files and subdirectories in the user's home directory that are owned by that user. It also deletes the home directory itself if it is empty after all the deletions are complete. Only the "system" user may execute this command.


< user name>


The name of the user to delete from the system.

x Delete the user, but do not delete the user's files from the system.


/etc/deluser chris

This example deletes the line containing the entry for the user name "chris" from the file "/etc/log/password". It also deletes all files and subdirectories in the directory "/chris," as

well as that directory itself.


This command should be used with great care as it may recursively descend the user's directory tree, deleting all files within it that are owned by the specified user.

4404 Reference Manual @ 3-5


Cannot delete a ~ser with an ID of 0 or 1.

The "deluser" command cannot delete user ID 0 (system) or 1 (public).

Cannot exec~te "remove".

<user name>" not removed from system.

The "remove" command, which is called by "delllser" is not in

"/bin" or "/bin". The command aborts without editing the password file.

Name mllst be 1 to 8 lowercase letters.

The specified llser name m~st be between one and eight letters long. All letters must be lowercase.

Syntax: /etc/deluser <user_name>

The "delllser" command expects exactly one argument. This illessage indicates that the argument count is wrong.

<user name>" is not in the password file.

The file "/etc/log/password" does not contain an entry for the specified user name.

You must be system manager to run "delJ.ser".

Only the "system" llser may execute the "del:.lser" command.



adduser remove

@ 4404 Reference Manllal


Check a device for I/O errors.


/etc/devcheck <dev name> [+fsv]


The "devcheck" command checks the specified device for I/O

errors. As it checks the device, it prints informative messages, which tell the user what part of the device is being checked. It always checks the boot sector and the system information record

(SIR). By default, it also checks the fdn space, the swap space, and the volume space.

Every time it finds a bad block, it prints a mBssage giving the address of the block in hexadecimal. When it is finished,

"devcheck" prints a message reporting the total nu.mber of bad blocks on the disk.

If a floppy disk contains one or more bad blocks, it should probably be discarded. If a hard disk contains one or more bad blocks, it should be reformatted with the addresses of all bad blocks placed in the file ".badblocks". It is wise to rlln this command immediately after formatting a disk.


The name of the device to check. It mllst be a block device.


o Check only the fdn space.

o Check only the swap space.

o Check only the volume space.


1. /etc/devcheck /dev/floPPY 2. /etc/devcheck /dev/floppy +v

The first example checks the entire disk in the floppy drive for I/O errors.

4404 Reference Manual @ 3-7

The second example checks the boot sector, the SIR, and the volQme space of the disk in the floppy drive for 1/0 errors.


Badblocks file too large - continQing withoQt list.

"Devcheck" cannot read a ".badblocks" file that has more than 138 bad blocks in it. CQrrently, this theoretical limitation on the nQmber of bad blocks is unlikely to present a practical

limitation. The nQmber of bad blocks on a disk shoQld not even approach 138.

Can't open character device '<dev name>'.

The "devcheck" command cannot open the character device which corresponds to the block device specified on the command line.

Most probably, either the device does not exist or the Qser does not have the permissions necessary to open it. In SQch a case the command continQes, bQt it may report the blocks in the file

" . badblocks" as bad.

Can't read' .badblocks' file - continQing withoQt list.

The "devcheck" command encoQntered an I/O error when it tried to read the file ".badblocks".

File' .badblocks' not fOQnd - continQing with check.

The device specified does not contain a file named ".badblocks", or due to damage in the logical structure of the disk, "devcheck"

cannot locate the file.


Can't open '<dev_name>'.

The "devcheck" command cannot open the device specified on the command line. Most probably, either the device does not exist or the user does not have the permissions necessary to open it.

File '<file name>' is not a block device.

The "devcheck" command can only check a block device.

Unknown option '<char>' - option ignored.

The option specified by <char> is not a valid option to the

"devcheck" command.


blockcheck diskrepair fdncheck

3-8 @ 4404 Reference Manual


Check and, optionally, repair inconsistencies in the logical structure of a disk.


/etc/diskrepair <dev name list> [+bfmnpqruv]


The "diskrepair" utility checks the structure of the disk or disks specified in <dev name list>. The structure of the disk refers to the layout of-and the connections among files,

directories, free space, swap space, and other information that makes up the file system. Any inconsistencies in the structure are reported and, optionally, repaired. "Diskrepair" does not check or repair media errors (I/O errors).

Related Utilities

While it is operating, "diskrepair" calls two other

utilities--"blockcheck" and "fdncheck", which are both located in the directory "/etc".

o "Blockcheck" is concerned with the allocation of blocks on the disk. It locates problems such as duplicate blocks, missing blocks, and invalid block addresses.

o "Fdncheck" is concerned with the directories on the disk.

It locates problems such as unreferenced files, file names with invalid associated files, and so forth.

Major Modes of Operation

There are two major modes of operation, simple and verbose.

o The simple mode is selected by default; the verbose mode is selected by the 'v' option.

o In the verbose mode "diskrepair" reports all detected errors. In the simple mode it reports only those errors which require the deletion of files or of directory entries.

o If executed in simple mode, "diskrepair" issues a message upon completion which informs the user whether or not the disk is in need of repair. By default, all detected errors are automatically repaired (if possibl~).

4404 Reference Manual @ 3-9


Two options ('n' and 'p') exist to alter the handling of errors.

Two options ('n' and 'p') exist to alter the handling of errors.