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Data processing of the H3K4me3 data set

78 B. Supplementary Material for Chapter 4


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I am very thankful to Prof. Dr. Ulrich Mansmann, Prof. Dr. Achim Tresch and Prof. Dr.

Julien Gagneur for giving me the opportunity to work on these projects as well as for their support and supervision during this period.

I am also grateful to the remaining members of my thesis committee, Prof. Dr. Heike Bickeb¨oller, Prof. Dr. Helmut K¨uchenhoff and Prof. Dr. Volker Schmid, for their time and support.

Many thanks go to Georg Stricker for a very pleasant cooperation on the GenoGAM project, to Anna Rieger for our fruitful discussions on the study design and estimation approaches for the EM algorithm, and to Thomas Uplasnik for his help with the figure design.

I would also like to acknowledge the Graduate School of Quantitative Biosciences Mu-nich (QBM) and the IMPRS at the Max Planck Institute of Plant Breeding Research for financial support during my work on these projects.

And last but not least, I send my sincere gratitute to my parents for their unwavering support and for enabling me to study the most interesting science of statistics.