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be derived via

T Ei =E[

eui i]

(2.4) as presented by Kumbhakar and Lovell (2000).

2.3 Data and Empirical Specification

2.3.1 Data

This research here relies on a socio-economic household survey profiling 600 smallholders from the Province of Jambi on Sumatra, Indonesia. The household survey was conducted at the end of 2012 and covered five regions (Sarolangun, Batanghari, Muara Jambi, Tebo, and Bungo). As a sampling procedure, a stratified sampling approach seemed the best fit in reflecting the geographical and regional dissimilarities of the province. In a two-step random-selection procedure, 40 villages from the five chosen regions were selected.

Within each region, four districts and two villages per district were selected randomly.

Significant diversity in terms of population size between the villages precluded constant sampling numbers. To reduce the magnitude of this problem, randomly selected villages were reorganized into subsections of four quarters. From these quarters – 6 to 12, 18, and 24 – households were selected randomly (Faust et al., 2013). This avoids any under-representation of households from larger villages and over-under-representation of households from smaller villages.

2.3.2 Descriptive statistics

The focus of this research lies in the differences and determinants of productivity and efficiency in the two production systems of rubber and oil palm plantations. As some farmers cultivate several plots and fruits simultaneously, we separate and analyse the data on a plot level for each production system. An overview of the main sample characteristics of the variables and efficiency effects is presented in Table A.1. Comparing two different types of output, the mean yield does not give any further insight into either the production or the productivity.

Nevertheless, the descriptions of the inputs and general allocation hints at some differences in the production systems. The most striking disparity appears in the inputs of labour and cost of fertilizer. Oil palm cultivation engages one-sixth of the hours used for rubber production, but results in a six times higher share of fertilizer costs. This may already indicate a labour-intensive rubber production. The mean age of the trees and palms shows a longer average production duration for rubber trees, nearly double that of the oil palm usage. The morphology of oil palm generally allows harvesting to start earlier than in the case of rubber, although the first fruit bunches are comparatively small. According to literature, the suggested production length for oil palm cultivation is between 28 and


30 years, while for rubber it ranges from 30 to 35 years. In recent times, the latter has lessened to 25 years thanks to new high-yielding varieties of rubber (Rehm and Espig,1991;

Corley and Tinker, 2003). A higher allocation of capital is found in oil palm production, which coincides with the cost of chemicals (herbicides and fertilizer) hinting at a more capital-intensive production in comparison to rubber. Finally, the share of herbicides and fertilizer with respect to the total chemical application is higher in rubber production at 35%, compared to 10% in oil palm production.

2.3.3 Stochastic frontier specification

For our estimations, we choose the general empirical model in the form of the translog (transcendental logarithmic) production function to allow for high flexibility. The fit of the translog functional form was tested against the Cobb-Douglas form, confirming our choice in both productions at a 1% significance level. Testing the model for goodness of fit, the underlying data set for oil palm production shows the necessity for a split estimation, separating the groups of transmigrants and autochthon farmers. The F-test allows us to reject the zero hypothesis, claiming a pooled estimation in favor of the alternative split estimation at a 1% level. In the case of rubber, the test whether a pooled estimation is a better fit to the underlying production is rejected. Therefore the differences between transmigrant producers and the autochthon producers do not significantly influence the production frontier. Consequently we specify and estimate three models for this research:

a) Oil palm - Transmigrant model

The underlying production function used to describe transmigrant production in-cludes variables for plot size, hours of labour, plantation age, and the cost of herbi-cides. This specification was tested for the selection of variables (inputs) to avoid overestimation and omitted variable bias using the LR-test.

b) Oil palm - autochthon model

For the oil palm production of autochthon smallholders, the coefficients differ in terms of the utilization of chemicals. Thus the autochthon oil palm estimation includes the cost of fertilizer instead of the cost of herbicides. Otherwise, the models are identical in terms of inputs and were again tested for the inclusion of the correct variables to avoid over or underestimation.

c) Rubber

The rubber production of smallholders is defined by plot size, hours of labour, plan-tation age, cost of chemicals, and the allocated capital.

As mentioned in the methodology, we expect variation at the technical efficiency level


due to farm-specific characteristics (contractual support, production specialization, man-agement settings etc.), so we take advantage of the Wang and Schmidt (2002) scaling property in our stochastic frontier estimation. The latter was chosen due to the estima-tion of the technical efficiency while acknowledging the effects of random errors in the estimation. Nevertheless, we proceed to test the fit of the SFA against OLS.

Keeping the production specification in mind, the general model can be written as:

lnyi =β0+

Here, yi denotes the yield in kg/year of the farmer per plot, and xji denotes the inputs which are specific to the production process. In the estimation, we scale all variables by their sample mean prior to taking the logarithms to facilitate the convergence of the likelihood function. Additionally, we add a regional dummy for oil palm production to explore productivity differences between the five regions (Sarolangun, Batanghari, Muara Jambi, Tebo,and Bungo).

Moreover, for the analysis of the impact of producers’ characteristics, z variables, on the efficiency, we specify further h(zi;δ) functions via the scaling property introduced by Wang and Schmidt (2002):

h(zi;δ)RP = exp(δ1+δ2lnLSi+δ3Dii+δ4Di2i +δ5Cyi+δ6Shi) h(zi;δ)OP T M = exp(δ1+δ2lnDPi+δ3CSi+δ4Spi+δ5Sii)

h(zi;δ)OP AT = exp(δ1+δ2lnDPi+δ3CSi+δ4LSi+δ5Dii +δ6Di2i)

RP = Rubber,OP TM = Oil palm Transmigrant,OP AT = Oil palm autochthon


whereLSi reflects the share of land owned by the farmer which is given a value between 0, meaning no land certificate, and 1 where the certificate is held for the complete plot. Dii and Di2i measure the distance between the buyer and the output,Cyi is a categorical vari-able representing the harvesting interval and LSi is a dummy for entering sharecropping arrangements. Additional variables included in the scaling property of oil palm produc-tion are DPi, representing a dummy which describes whether the farmer produces oil palm and rubber; CSi is a second dummy variable indicating support through