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4.2 Unpublished membrane curvature estimation results

4.2.2 Curvature comparison between different organelles

To more closely compare curvatures of different organelles, we combined the AVV results for cER membranes from (Collado et al.,2019) with those for Golgi cisternae and Golgi-derived vesicles from (Salfer et al., 2020). Please note that this comparison is not ideal, because the cell types are very different. Figure 4.4A shows the curvedness of cER in WT yeast and its four main tether mutants and the curvedness of Golgi and vesicles in mouse neurons in one reverse-cumulative histogram. The solid line shows the mean value and the shaded region the standard error for each bin either among tomograms (in case of cER) or regions (in case of Golgi and vesicles). The nearly spherical vesicles have the highest curvedness, even higher than the cER in the mostly tubular Tcb1/2/3-only mutant. The narrow Golgi cisternae show the lowest curvedness, even lower than the cER in the Scs2/22-only mutant that consists mostly of thin sheets.

To compare our curvature estimation results to the organelle shapes and sizes described by Kozlov et al. (2014), Figure 4.4B shows κ1 histograms of the WT and Tcb1/2/3-only cER, the Golgi and the vesicles. According toKozlov et al.(2014), ER tubules are 30–50 nm thick (radius of 15–25 nm). Thus, κ1 of cER tubules should be around 0.04-0.07 nm-¹. The distribution ofκ1 of the cER in Tcb1/2/3-only mutant is quite broad but includes substantially more values in that range than the WT cER (Figure 4.4B). This is consistent with our observation that the cER in this mutant is more tubular than in the WT (Collado et al., 2019). Moreover, Kozlov et al. (2014) report that cisternae of the Golgi complex are 10–20 nm thick (radius of 5–10 nm). This corresponds to the maximum κ1 at the cisternae sides between 0.1 and 0.2 nm-¹. Our data complied with this as the maximum κ1of the Golgi is 0.14 nm-¹.



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