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Constructing Comprehensive Materials-Use Forecasts One fundamental requirement for achieving ecologically sustainable development

Conclusions and Further Applications of the Materials-Balance Approach

6.3. Constructing Comprehensive Materials-Use Forecasts One fundamental requirement for achieving ecologically sustainable development

of the biosphere is a better understanding of the linkages between development activities and the environment. These linkages must be elucidated in terms of past, present, and future trends.

Models for predicting environmental responses to given chemical inputs, although far from perfect, provide a methodological framework within which the environmental side of the linkage may be estimated. On the development side we need methods for estimating plausible scenarios in four broad sector: popula- tion; energy use; land use; and materials use. While scenarios for population and energy use have been the focus of numerous analyses over the last several decades, comparatively few analyses have been attempted for land and materials use.

One appropriate starting point for developing materials-use scenarios might be the methodology set forth in a landmark study published in 1963 by Resources for the Future, Inc. (RFF), (Landsberg et al., 1963). This work included projections of resource uses and requirements for the US for the period 1960 to 2000. The analysis was based on top down extrapolations, applying pro- jections of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and its major components (with high, medium, and low scenarios). It then derived demands for specific materials and fuels by a kind of hybrid physic-economic model based on physical input-output coefficients for materials and energy use per unit output of various consumption categories.

In retrospect this analysis appears somewhat naive. It relied too much on simple growth-rate extrapolations and made too little allowance for substitutions and technological changes. Subsequently, the projections did not match the actual reality very well. Since the 1960~1, there have been a number of attempts to build large-scale models for energy-economic analysis and various other pur- poses. World modeling became something of a fad in the early 1970s. However,

it is only fair to note that virtually all of these efforts have been subsequently labeled as failures. This is because the complexities (and non-linerarities) of the real world have proven to be far beyond the grasp of any modeler. Nor is there any source of reliable data for many of the factors one would like to quantify.

Yet past model-building efforts might have been judged worthwhile had they not focussed on revealing the actual future trajectory of the national or world economy, but rather, on exploring the dynamic consequences of some of the complex assumptions, interconnections and linkages. Had the RFF model, or others, been computerized and available on personal computers for analysts to use as a tool for scenario building, by ezperimenting with a variety of political, economic, technological, and other assumptions on-line, they might have had a greater impact.

Today, the computer and modeling technologies are available for just this sort of computer-aided scenario-building. The complexity of the real world is not a sufficient reason to avoid building models. On the contrary, it is such that without some assistance in organizing this complexity, decision makers are increasingly helpless and forced to make decisions without any real idea of their consequences.

The area of materials use, and the environmental consequences thereof, would be a good starting point. Whereas many soci~economic relationships are inherently fuzzy, sometimes to an extreme degree, the materialslenergy balance relationships between resource extraction, processing, use, and environmental disposal are inherently quite precise. Data may be incomplete, and technologies may change, but the sources of uncertainty are less great than in some other areas that have been tackled by modelers.

Without a clearer vision of how materials flow through the industrial econ- omy and their effects on the environment now and in the future, management strategies will continue to work mostly by trial and error, i.e., as a reaction to some already discovered environmental problem caused by chemical pollution that was not anticipated. Far more preferable would be the development of models that would generate a range of plausible scenarios describing the chemi- cal flows (i.e., quantitiea, types of usage and products, and geographical distribu- tion) of selected chemicals potentially harmful to the environment. These scenarios would provide inputs to the environmental models, which could esti- mate environmental effects for a given scenario. Decision makers would thus be informed of the environmental implications of alternative development paths for a given chemical use. In order to build such a model of chemical flows, it will be necessary to adopt the materials-balance approach discussed in this report.


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