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2. First study

2.5. Conclusions

This study presents a newly developed approach to assess external timber quality attributes of European beech using TLS. The results showed that TLS is useful to examine external stem characteristics of European beech nondestructively. Thus, our study supports the findings of earlier research that characterised TLS as an objective (Liang et al. 2011) and quantitative method with great potential for nondestructive measurements (Schütt et al. 2004; van Goethem et al. 2008; Kankare et al. 2014; Stängle et al. 2014). Using the newly introduced TLS-based measures number of bark anomalies per metre and stem non-circularity, we showed that external quality-related stem properties were quality-related to increasing competition, indicating increasing timber value for these trees. Hence, by controlling competition intensity, silvicultural management can improve stem value potential for these trees. Collectively, these results demonstrate the potential utility of the TLS approach in quantifying external stem characteristics in addition to identifying a principal determinant governing their development (local competition intensity). Based on the new approach, our study may further enhance optimisation of stand management towards the production of high-quality timber. The point cloud processing procedure can be applied to mobile laser scanning data, drone-based 3D data from scanning or photogrammetric approaches, and 3D data from other approaches in the same way as shown here for tripod-based data. Hence, it may offer opportunities for future applications that consider more trees, mixed stands, or other target species. In the near future, point clouds from mobile and handheld laser scanning are likely to replace laboriously acquired data from tripod-based laser scanning (as conducted in our study) and thus increase the probability for practical applications of the approach used.

First study Acknowledgements

The present work was realised under the joint project “Materialforschung Holz” funded by the Lower Saxony Ministry for Science and Culture. We thank Axel Pampe, the Director of the Lower Saxony Forest Office of Reinhausen, for supporting this work and giving us access to sites and trees. We also thank the district foresters Bernd Ohnesorge, Ernst Kreysern, Henning Freiesleben, Harald Höhne, and Henning Merten for their assistance during fieldwork and their close cooperation; Andreas Parth, Torsten Vor and Ulrike Westphal for supporting fieldwork;

and the anonymous reviewers for their comments and notes on the manuscript, which led to a considerable improvement of this work. Finally, we thank Dylan Cross for proofreading the manuscript.


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Chapter 3

Analyzing effects of intra- and interspecific competition on timber quality attributes of Fagus sylvatica L. - from quality assessments on standing trees to sawn boards

Kirsten Höwler1*, Torsten Vor1, Dominik Seidel1, Peter Annighöfer1, Christian Ammer1

1Silviculture and Forest Ecology of the Temperate Zones, Faculty of Forest Sciences, University of Göttingen, Büsgenweg 1, 37077 Göttingen, Germany.

This chapter is published as a research article in European Journal of Forest Research, Volume 138, 29th January 2019, pp. 327-343, doi: 10.1007/s10342-019-01173-7, Springer.

*Kirsten Höwler was responsible for literature and data collection, data analyses, presenting results and writing the manuscript. Kirsten Höwler performed computations with support from Peter Annighöfer. Torsten Vor, Dominik Seidel, Peter Annighöfer, and Christian Ammer supported the development of a method to process the recorded data and supervised the

Second study