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gene deletion mutants in combination with a phenotypic characterization of the biofilms will provide insights into the function of the respective proteins.

The quantitative proteomics method used here should also be applicable to investigate other cellular lifestyle changes or the effects of environmental parameters, like temperature, radiation or metals on biofilm formation. With regard to some effects observed, the investigation of additional cellular states like stationary phase cells is desireable, to evaluate whether mature biofilms represent a ‘resting condition’ of the cells. The present work using SWATH-LC/MS/MS represents the first one in archaea.

This thesis has shed light on multifaceted molecular processes taking place in Hbt. salinarum R1 during biofilm development. The results obtained are a starting point for future studies to elucidate the cellular mechanisms and regulation networks contributing to biofilm formation.

Figure 48 Overview of the proteins respectively processes associated with certain biological states.

Proteins/processes connected with distinct states, i.e. plankton (green), initial biofilms (blue) and mature biofilms (red) were found. Proteins/processes associated with two states are placed in the space between the two respective sectors. The citric acid cycle (TCA) did not undergo major changes and therefore is assigned to the center of all three states. Abbreviations indicate: Arc, fermentative arginine degradation;

BR, bacteriorhodopsin; Car, carbamoyl phosphate synthase; Dms, DMSO reductase; Hut, histidine utilization; PPP, pentose phosphate pathway; Pur, purine biosynthesis; RNR, ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase; Usp, universal stress proteins.


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