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environmental changes may therefore be challenging for cod in the Baltic Sea to tolerate, in particular due to direct and indirect consequences of concurrent decreases in oxygen.

For example, as hypoxic regions in the Baltic Sea are likely to increase during this century (Meier et al., 2011), cod prey availability is likely to be further affected. A decline in benthic organisms such as Mysis spp. and Saduria enhomon in EBC stomachs during the past decade has already been observed, and is postulated to be related to increasing hypoxic bottom areas in the Baltic Sea (Kulatska et al., 2019). With an increase in hypoxic areas, the diversity and quality of prey available to EBC may decrease further, with negative repercussions for growth.

In the western Baltic Sea, it is likely that the extent and frequency of anoxic regions will also increase with rising temperatures caused by climate change, and demersal species such as cod may be expected to decline because of this (Mackenzie et al., 2007). The refuges required by WBC to over-summer successfully may become scarcer, although if cod can tolerate the high temperatures in summer, it is possible that milder winters could have a positive effect on WBC growth (Drinkwater, 2005; Pedersen and Jobling, 1989).

The relative shallowness of the Baltic Sea makes it sensitive to global climate change (Meier et al., 2012), and it may be hard to predict how the various interacting factors will affect cod ecology. In general, there is high uncertainty associated with predictions of how Atlantic cod will respond to climate change, given the complex interplay of interacting abiotic (e.g. salinity, oxygen and temperature), anthropogenic (e.g. fishing pressure) and biotic (e.g. prey fields and plankton dynamics) factors (Drinkwater, 2005).


Validating the age-reading technique of WBC demonstrated the applicability of simple age validation methods, and revealed predictable relationships between otolith zone formation and seasonally varying factors (Chapters 2, 3). This rigorous age validation should ideally be applied to all fish stocks which are assessed using age-based methods.

The chemical marking techniques applied to WBC are already being applied to other commercially exploited demersal fish stocks in the Baltic Sea, including EBC. A systematic analysis of recaptured EBC otoliths could advance our understanding of otolith formation in this stock, may reveal under which circumstances EBC develop otolith zones, and provide conclusive evidence as to whether it is worthwhile to continue pursuing age-reading of EBC using traditional methods.

Given the uncertainties which are often associated with age-reading of even commercially exploited, well-studied fish species, tagging experiments provide a valuable source of independent data on individual fish growth. As demonstrated with the analysis of cod tag-recapture data from the western Baltic Sea, such datasets can be used to estimate robust growth functions, provided the data is representative of the population, and appropriate analysis methods are applied.

Although the recaptured cod from the eastern Baltic Sea are still too few to estimate robust growth functions, the preliminary results from tagging are still the best

contemporary data on EBC growth rates available, and were compared to those from the neighbouring stock to confirm the exceptionally slow growth rates suspected for this stock. Through the estimation of growth from WBC tag-recapture data, a tested framework is now available which can be used to estimate growth of EBC when sufficient data becomes available. Indeed, following the findings of Chapter 4, the GROTAG method has been applied to estimate growth from historical databases of EBC tagging results (Mion et al., under review) and to produce preliminary estimates using contemporary tagging data (ICES, 2019c, Mion, pers. comm.).

Baltic cod live in an extreme environment, subsisting at the limits of the species’

environmental tolerances. Evidence supporting this was found through the particularly slow growth rates of EBC and the development of translucent zones in the otoliths of WBC during the physiologically stressful summer. The populations are currently at low levels, due to anthropogenic and environmental stressors. Given their low productivity, recovery may be slow and hampered further by future climate change. This dissertation


presented methods and results relevant to the stock assessment of Baltic cod, and information relevant to understanding the ecology of cod in the Baltic Sea. It was demonstrated that even for well-studied, commercially important fish species, a re-examination of intrinsic population parameters using contemporary methods can deliver valuable new results.



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