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The general result of the presented projections of demand for the health care workforce seems trivial at first sight. Changes in the structure of the population will lead to an increase in the elderly people and a decrease in the share of youth and adults. This will further lead to an increase in the use of ambulatory, specialist and hospital care. Such an effect could lessen with shrinking population size.

Analysis of the foreseen workforce gap presents a slight modification of this effect, using two main demographic variants of performed projections.

In the friendly variant, with higher fertility rate, shortage of in every medical profession is observed in the last year of the projection period. In the tough variant, when more radical demographic changes are assumed, there is no shortage in the total number of medical personnel due to the fact that health needs are lower as a result of rapid population shrinkage and a change in population structure.

The only exception is a shortage in nurses and – to a lesser exten – physiotherapists and technical medical personnel.

The shortage in nursing personnel constitutes the main risk factor for the effectiveness (in terms of health outcomes) functioning of health care in the future. Results of the European Project RN4CAST12 indicate how big this risk can be. Results of one of the analysis show a significant correlation between the number of nurses employed in hospitals and patients’ mortality.

More in-depth analyses and projections, taking into account additional variables and scenarios, show a more differentiated picture, enabling the formulation of recommendations for health policy. The main results show that:

 When the prognosis of the health workforce demand in each of the three variants of demographic development (pure demographic, friendly and tough) takes into account “efficiency” indicators such as ALOS and hospital discharges, the demand for the health workforce is foreseen to be slightly lower than demographic changes would indicate. However, a further improvement of efficiency indicators is highly unlikely.

The dynamics of efficiency improvements in Poland have been very high in recent years due to the introduction of reforms aimed at streamlining

12 Forecasting nursing. Planning human resources in nursing – http://www.rn4cast.eu/en/index.php.

70 the management of health care units. It can be foreseen that the dynamics of improvement in efficiency indicators used in the projections will be lower in the coming years, especially when the older population is concerned. The projection of demand for different groups of medical professionals clearly shows that in every group of medical staff, the observed increase is high (11% growth) except for midwives in the constant scenario for Europop2010, where a decline in demand is observed (even over 20%). The most significant decline in the demand for midwives (as much as a 50% of decrease) appears in the tough population variant due to the highest fertility decrease accompanied by efficiency changes in ALOS. Generally, the projected changes in a structure of considered professional groups are very slight.

In the whole prognosis period, nurses represent 60-61% of the hospital workforce and physicians about 33%. In ambulatory care, the share of dentists is projected to be slightly less (1.3 percentage point) than in 2010, while a very slight increase in the share of primary care doctors and specialists is foreseen.

 When the prognosis of the health workforce demand in the variants of demographic development above take into account the supply side, namely employment trends in the total economy as well as in the human health and social work sectors (Q sector), the projected number of workers in the Q-sector increases between 2010 and 2025 by 6.4% in the friendly variant and 2.0% in the tough variant. As regards the structure of the supply of workforce in the Q sector, results indicate firstly, a higher share of qualified labour force in the Q sector (the projected share of better educated members of the workforce is high in general). Secondly, the results indicate a significant increase in the proportion of elderly (55+) employees among the medical staff and caretakers in the future.

This presents an important challenge for the development of the education of medical and social workers, which should be made a priority, unlike in recent years.


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