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Most important conclusions to emerge from this thesis are:

Varved clays offer a good opportunity to study geological settings of the landslides due to laminated design;

For the modelling varved clays are difficult material because of the heterogeneity inside a single varve and gradually changing soil properties towards depth;

Detailed description of geological setting and morphology of the Audru landslide was presented;

Audru landslide is a retrogressive, complex slide, consisting of numerous previous, smaller scale slides;

Minor scarps on the main sliding body of the Audru slide are most likely former slide scarps;

Varve correlation was useful tool as it gave an opportunity for detailed core correlation and correspondingly additional information about the location of the ruptured zone and interslide events;

Slip surface in the upper part of the Audru landslide starts as a sharp discontinuity and evolves to up to 1 m thick ruptured zone;

Part of the ruptured zone in the lower part of the sliding body is missing, material was pressed out into the river channel;

Strength properties of the lower clay complex in Audru landslide vary significantly from those in upper complexes;

Small scale slides are mainly controlled by the strength of the upper clay section, by the depth of the river channel and the water table in the Audru River;

Larger slides depend mostly of the piezometric groundwater level and of the strength of the lower clay complex;

Large scale failures are „exploiting“ previous slip surfaces, they are probably progressive slides;

Part of the sliding body showed flow-like behaviour.

Acknowledgements: the author would like to thank IPT Projektijuhtimine for sharing their

software and knowledge, also his supervisors, Tiit Hang and Peeter Talviste, for patience and faith.

Acknowledge goes to Kobras AS, especially to Urmas Uri who allowed the use of their equipment.

Last but not least, a bow to my family for their time and support.

The study was funded by Estonian Science Foundation Grant 5681.


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