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This article has explored the relationship between what a user remembers about email messages he is trying to re-find and how they perform when re-finding. We demonstrated that such a relationship exists, but it is more complicated than previous researchers have suggested. We discovered that remembering more does not generally equate to better performance and can, in fact, have the opposite effect. Our findings also suggest that remembering particular attributes of an email can affect the re-finding performance. We discovered that remembering when an email was sent had a positive influence while remembering what an email was about tended to have a negative influence. Other factors that influenced how the participants were able to re-find were the experience of the user, how difficult the user perceived the task to be before completing it and the experimental system being used. We discussed what our findings mean with respect to previous work and also to the design of future re-finding tools.

In our discussion we suggested many possible avenues for future exploration. Our work thus far has been concerned with building up a fuller understanding of PIM behaviour by examining our collected data from different perspectives. We are in the process of building on this work in a number of ways. Studying recollections for information objects is a challenging research question and the methodology we have used here has its limitations. To counter this and to add to our understanding, we are currently attempting to replicate our findings using other methods of investigation. We are also analysing our collected data to examine the features of email re-finding tasks that led the participants to perceive them as difficult. Further, we are exploring new interface features to determine whether they can support the user’s recollections while they are re-finding.


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