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at different scene scales, too. For example, four scales could be distinguished if dealing with building detection: building parts (roof planes, chimneys), single buildings (shadow, front yards), building blocks (characteristic pattern of streets, trees, building rows), and settlement (inner city cores versus suburban areas). In addition, completely representing a scene topology in multiple scales with a graph would enable inter-scale contextual learning. Region-ancestry concepts as suggested by Lim et al. [2009] could be included and re-formulated in a CRF.

The ISC-CRF does not learn highly complex urban context of object class subcategories appro-priately. One idea is to consider the shapes of regions for context histogram ranges. Instead of simply drawing circular ranges around the region centroid, one could enlarge the original region, keeping its shape, by certain ranges. Elongated street regions, for example, sticking out of the first circular range and being counted twice (again in the second range), would be extended by the same distance in any direction thus avoiding double counting. Circular ranges reach out further into the image perpendicularly to an elongated region, with respect to its boundaries, than lengthwise.

Introduction of shape would avoid this bias and give equal importance to any direction.

Another idea would be to turn implicit scene context into a partially explicit scene context de-scriptor. A multi-class CRF could be designed, training data still being only partially labeled, but with more than two different classes. In remote sensing data, for example, one could seman-tically annotate buildings, streets, grassland, and high vegetation. All remaining classes would be contained in a background class. Context histograms could then learn characteristic patterns of explicitly labeled classes as well as of unsupervised clustered subcategories of the background class.

Furthermore, hidden subcategories could be formulated probabilistically as latent variables within a Hidden Conditional Random Field as suggested by Quattoni et al. [2007].

SAR double-bounce lines did not significantly improve classification, which is, first and foremost, due to the simple linear discriminant function of the CRF. More sophisticated functions should be introduced, either directly into the CRF or via feature space mapping with kernel functions of higher order than quadratic. It will lead to much more accurate decision surfaces, capable of better adaption to training data, thus improving results in general and reducing the over-smoothing effect.

In general, the CRF prior has not been used to explicitly learn contextual relations of object categories, yet. It basically has stayed a smoothing term, where smoothing degree is tuned. Fur-thermore, only local to regional context has been learned, yet, although the CRF allows for global context learning. One idea would be to use large cartographic databases, for example Open Street Map or ATKIS c, to train global contextual relations between urban objects like roads, buildings, and vegetated areas. Learning this global context would be rather fast because cartographic data already exists in vector format. We could exploit very large cartographic databases in a relatively short time. Instead of only determining one-by-one relations of the node of interest to a neighboring node we could think of detecting particular context constellations. The basic idea is that certain groups of objects are hints for nearby buildings, for example. However, as soon as we move away from pair-wise relations towards comparisons of more than two nodes, we have to adapt training

and inference [Kohli et al., 2009]. Another promising possibility for learning context in cartographic databases isGraph Matching. It has lately been deployed to handwriting recognition and to object recognition in imagery. Applying Graph Matching to global context training in order to support building detection seems to have a great potential although combinatorical issues will arise. Instead of relying solely on Graph Matching, it could be integrated via an additional potential into a CRF.

The association potential of the CRF framework would then learn local object features, the interac-tion potential regional context, and global patterns in cartographic data could be learned via Graph Matching. These directions of thought will be focussed on in future research.

Height estimation

Reconsidering the second objective, accuracy assessment of building height estimation based on a single SAR acquisition and one optical image,least squares adjustment with functionally dependent parameters led to buildings heights of meter accuracy. For the first time, multiple height measure-ment possibilities of such fused data are combined in asound stochastic framework and and jointly adjusted. Posterior standard deviations act as measure of precision facilitating to judge reliability of height estimates. Achieved height accuracies can be viewed as the best possible with the data configuration at hand.

Concepts for building height estimation could potentially be used as prior knowledge to facilitate phase unwrapping in urban areas. For example, one could think of introducing double-bounce lines in front of buildings as discontinuity constraint during phase unwrapping, which assumes smooth surfaces without any height jumps in state-of-the-art algorithms. Furthermore, an optical image could be added to InSAR data to estimate initial rough building heights with the concepts outlined in section 3.2. Those initial height guesses could potentially serve as prior knowledge if the height accuracy is better than the2π phase unwrapping disambiguity.


Both objectives of this thesis have been met successfully. Probabilistic contextual object detection, learning its parameters, is a highly useful tool for a wide range of applications. Conditional Random Fields in particular provide great flexibility for contextual classification with a single comprehensive probabilistic framework. Nonetheless, more in-depth research has to deal with this topic. Instead of suppressing a smoothing term, learning of explicit contextual relations between object categories is needed. The simple linear discriminant function is to be replaced by a higher order model, either through direct formulation in the CRF energy term, via feature space mapping, or both.

Over-smoothing would potentially be avoided and SAR double-bounce lines could be recognized as essential building hints by the classifier. With respect to object detection in remote sensing data, big semantically annotated training datasets should be established to unleash the full power of learning techniques. They could serve as benchmark to ease comparisons between different methods, too.


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