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9 Conclusions and Future Work

In this article, two mixed integer programming approaches for solving the bmax-Survivable Network Design Problem (bmax-SNDP) have been considered. These are based on an exponential number of so-called connec-tion variables and can be solved by branch-and-price. We showed how to significantly speed up the soluconnec-tion of both models by using alternative dual-optimal solutions in the pricing subproblems. Using a polyhedral comparison we further showed that both proposed models theoretically dominate existing ones and that the second model, which is a directed variant of the first one, dominates its undirected counterpart.

Computational results show that both branch-and-price approaches perform reasonably well on medium sized instances. While, the undirected model yields tight optimality gaps already after relatively short time, it sometimes has problems to further raise the obtained lower bounds in order to prove optimality of a solution.

For solving the linear relaxation of its directed counterpart much more computational effort is needed. The obtained solutions are, however, already integral and thus proven optimal solutions in the majority of test cases.

Interesting areas for further research include the development of methods based on the multilevel approach;

see e.g. [46] for a survey. These might use the methods proposed in this article for solving smaller subproblems and can be used to tackle very large scale instances of bmax-SNDP. Furthermore, considering additional algorithms and methods for solving theN P-hard pricing subproblems of the directed connection formulation might allow for solving even larger instances to proven optimality.


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