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One of the potential explanations has been described in the previous studies: the decay rate of the lacZ is highly dependent on the proportion of its transcription and translation rates (Yarchuk et al, 1992). RNase E sites within the coding region of LacZ become accessible to cleavage by RNase E in the case of the low translation initiation rate, since fewer translating ribosomes are present to prevent degradation (Yarchuk et al, 1992). This mechanism could reason the low lacZ transcript numbers, which would lead to the reduced number of ribosomes sequestered for translating lacZ in this construct. Altogether, this explain the lack of a stress response for this construct compared to the PK-LacZ.

caused by a combination of strong over-expression of gene10 and mis-folding stress raised from incompletely synthesized peptides (Guo & Gross, 2014).

The stress response induced by a strong pseudoknot has not been reported and de-scribed previously, which suggests the novelty of our study where we revealed a new branch of research for the future exploration.



The chapters 3 to 5 of the current thesis are based on the three different studies. All of them used a combination of the various deep sequencing approaches, which served as a crucial component for the successful research outcome. Those results would be impossible to achieve without a specific bioinformatics analysis pipeline developed uniquely for each of these studies.

I have shown that the correct interplay of the different types of sequencing datasets, such as RNA-Seq, Ribo-Seq, PAR-CLIP-Seq and even more specific MeRIP-Seq, can reveal multiple features of the cell biology and uncover the hidden aspects of the processes taking place in the cell under the changing conditions.

I demonstrated how the integration of the analysis of the deep sequencing data into the other experiments can serve as an additional evidence for the findings and unveil the new hidden details on a single-gene level due to the high depth, specificity and precision of the method compared to the other experimental technics.

Most importantly, the bioinformatics component in each of the studies included an appropriate selection, usage and adaptation of variety of existing tools in combina-tion with self-written scripts and pipelines. This part should not be underestimated, since the depth of the information hidden in the sequencing data can be revealed only through the algorithms, which in majority of the cases cannot be unified.

To conclude, the big data analysis is a necessary part of a cutting-edge research process and not only a technical service provided by bioinformaticians to the other scientists as often assumed.


First, I am extremely grateful to Prof. Andrew Torda, who, initially being my second supervisor, did not refuse me and supported my desire to complete PhD.

I would like to thank to my current research group - Oxford Vaccine Group, Depart-ment of Paediatrics, University of Oxford, for their warm welcome, valuable discus-sions and appreciation of my achievements and skills. Particularly, I am thankful to Dr. Daniel O’Connor, who believed in my abilities and promoted my candidature after the interview, so Prof. Andrew Pollard offered me this PostDoctoral research position in University of Oxford even before I finished PhD.

Besides, I would like to thank my previous academic supervisor, Prof. Zoya Ignatova, with whom I have been working since my Master thesis and majorly during my PhD.

With her, I went through the challenging life and professional circumstances, and left them with dignity. Thanks to her I grew up as a scientist and as a person during these years, having gained a lot of lessons and experience, which would be crucially helpful in my further scientific career. I thank the lab members of AG Ignatova for the ability to remain sincere, supportive and attempt to be independent of the imposed opinion.

My special thank you to Dr. Alexander Laatsch; without his timely advices on the good scientific practice I would not be able to finish and submit my thesis. I would like to thank Mrs. Waltraud Wallenius from Studienburo of Chemistry Department for her kind support and assistance in my complicated situation. Also, I am thankful to Prof. Chris Meier, the Head of the Doctoral committee, for his understanding and fair assessment of my work.

I am grateful to all the scientific collaborators I had a chance to work with. Two chapters of this thesis are based on the results obtained via collaborations with Prof.

Cecília Arraiano and her lab members, from Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal;

and Dr. Thomas Gorochowski from University of Bristol, the United Kingdom. I was involved in many more collaborative projects during my PhD, and even so the results are not included to the final version of the thesis, I would like to particularly thank Prof. Alexander Mankin and the members of his lab for the productive discussions.

Furthermore, I would like to thank the University of Hamburg for the scholarship, which allowed me to start my PhD here. I am grateful to Studierendenwerk for the support during the tough periods, for the childcare for my son over the weekends and for the kindly provided flat in the dormitory. I would like to thank my recent funding program, SPP 2002 from DFG, which provided me with another year to finish my thesis.

I am grateful to the former Head of the Russian National Research Medical Univer-sity, where I obtained my Diploma, Prof. Dr. Andrey Kamkin, who helped me to believe that science has no boundaries. I would like to express my gratitude to As-sistant Professor Natalia Popova, who always made high demands on me and thus instilled a deep interest in biology.

I wish to thank my first primary school teacher, Natalia Solovieva, who was always especially strict but noticed my potential and proposed me an academic career when I was only 7 years old.

Importantly, I am immensely grateful to Dr. Ulla Döhnert from AKK, who made me believe that even incurable diagnosis is not a death sentence, but a new stage.

I would like to thank my ex-neighbours and wonderful friends, Yulia, Waldemar and Mamoun, for the late evening discussions over tea, coffee and vine.

Finally, very kind and deepest thank you to my family: to my parents who regularly helped me to take care of my old son, and especially to my parents in law, who raised my small son during the whole period of my Doctoral studies. Thank you for being my biggest supporters. I would like to thank my children for their patience and understanding.


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