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Both chapters in this thesis represent steps towards a more complete understanding of the MSO and sound localisation in mammals. In Chapter 2, we provided evidence for high threshold potassium channels in MSO neurons, and suggest how they can contribute to voltage signalling within these neurons. In Chapter 3, we described the pattern of excitatory synaptic innervation of MSO neurons, the anatomical basis for voltage signalling in response to chemical signals from other neurons. We have shown that the pattern of innervation can affect the membrane voltage response to inputs of the same magnitude. By focussing on a system of known function—sound localisation using ITDs—these studies provide further clues to how membrane voltage signalling underlies complex neuronal computations. They provide further steps into the ongoing study of the biophysical basis of the computations performed by single neurons and the networks they form.


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Firstly I want to thank my supervisors: Felix, for welcoming me into his lab and supporting me in becoming an independent researcher, and Christian, for stepping in to supervise me and for taking the time to answer my many questions. Thank you also to Benedikt for insightful scientific advice in and out of TAC meetings, and also for providing, through the GSN, an invaluable scientific and social network. I also want to thank Lars and Conny for their feedback, suggestions and advice during TAC meetings.

Thank you to Alisha, Delwen, and Franzi, with whom I was very lucky to share an office. Thank you also to Julian and Sarah for helping me get started in the lab, and to the Felmy lab in Hannover for making me feel welcome when I visited. And thank you to my colleagues in the Neurobiology Department for all the entertaining lunches and tea breaks and for being a fantastic group of people to work with.

Thank you to Olga and Hilde for their crucial guidance in all things histological, to Mike for scientific advice, spontaneous lessons, and endless entertainment, as well as to Alex Loebel, a neverending source of advice on all matters.

Thank you to the GSN team for always being there to help with problems big and small.

Finally, I want to thank my family and friends, whose support was invaluable throughout my PhD. I couldn’t have done it without you.


Eidesstattliche Versicherung Affidavit

Hiermit versichere ich an Eides statt, dass ich die vorliegende Dissertation Voltage signalling in the medial superior olive selbstständig angefertigt habe, mich außer der angegebenen keiner weiteren Hilfsmittel bedient und alle Erkenntnisse, die aus dem Schrifttum ganz oder annähernd übernommen sind, als solche kenntlich gemacht und nach ihrer Herkunft unter Bezeichnung der Fundstelle einzeln nachgewiesen habe.

I hereby confirm that the dissertationVoltage signalling in the medial superior olive is the result of my own work and that I have only used sources or materials listed and specified in the dissertation.

München, den 7. März 2019 Munich, 7th March 2019

Alexander R. Callan