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1994, 1996). Similarly, loss-of function mutations in Sema2a did not generate detectable abnormalities in the Drosophila CNS (Kolodkin et al., 1993). Another possibility is that the expression of CD24 at the midline had its importance at other developmental stages. The different glycoforms of CD24 seem to play an important role in its functions. Different cell types have been shown to exhibit different glycosylations (Kleene et al., 2001). The binding onto L1 crucially depends on sialic acid and the sugar LewisX. Whether these glycosylations are found on CD24 expressed at the midline is currently unknown. Several in vitro studies using cerebellar and dorsal root ganglion neurons show L1 dependent effects of CD24 on neurite outgrowth (Shewan et al. 1996;

Kleene et al. 2001). To investigate whether a similar effect can be found using motoneurons or cortical explants will help to understand the role of CD24 at the pyramidal decussation. In addition it will be interesting to investigate projections that are suggested by the in vitro data such as the dorsal root ganglia afferents and efferents.

Such investigations will elucidate CD24’s role in axonal guidance also in respect to a possible interplay with Sema3A and L1.


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