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The present dissertation showed harmful stereotype threat effects caused by the activation of a negatively stereotyped social identity related to the ethnicity of Turkish-origin students. The finding that negative ability-related stereotypes about Turkish-origin migrants led to a performance decrease is a possible reason for the frequently cited, but not yet fully explained academic underperformance of Turkish-origin migrants in Germany. Furthermore, the present dissertation explored how Turkish-origin students cope with stereotype threat, which is important to maintain a positive self-esteem. The findings of the present work suggested that ethnic minority students who experience stereotype threat engage in individual mobility in the achievement context if possible, or increase their sense of belonging to their ethnic group when "joining" higher status groups is not possible.

Knowledge about coping strategies can be a basis for future interventions in educational settings, which may help to protect negatively stereotyped students from the detrimental effects of negative stereotypes on their self-views and their motivation to engage in school.

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