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The findings of this study indicate that while an overarching framework exists promoting the concept of age-diverse recruitment by way of policies at EU and national levels, there is still substantial work to be done for these policies to be realised at the enterprise level.

The problems and resistance associated with implementing age-diverse recruitment are magnified within the ICT sector. At the same time, the study has shown that there are significant materials available and a range of proven practices to draw upon for those wishing to develop age-diverse recruitment procedures within their organisations.

We have seen the urgent need to generalise the direct experiences of those organisations that have introduced and successfully followed age diversity in recruitment. The findings of this study justify the next phase of the mature@eu project, which is to develop an online environment that can facilitate the dissemination of the best experiences and material available as well as provide a learning environment for use by trade unionists, members of works councils, employees and employers.

We also believe that it is people, not processes or policies, that make change and so we hope that those engaged with the task of undermining discrimination based on age will find this report and its attendant website-learning environment useful tools in their work.


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