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Based on the fact that refugees in Germany face a relatively strict immigration and naturalisation law and, thus, have no opportunities for formal political participation, this work explored informal opportunities for political participation. Hence, self-organisations of refugees should represent powerful means to engage politically. Taking this assumption into account, the aim of the work was to answer the question of how RSOs exert influence on the policy-making process at the local level. This question was answered on the basis of a framework for analysis, which was presented in Section 2 by a case comparison of two RSOs in the city of Cologne. The framework applied for the evaluation of endogenous resources and exogenous political opportunity structures allowed for a critical assessment of the hypotheses put forward. Answering the question of “How do RSOs exert influence on political decision-making processes on the local level?” remains complicated and needs

to be assessed on a case-by-case basis. Statements about generalisability of this paper’s findings must, therefore, be made with caution.

The qualitative findings of the case comparison showed that participation through refugee-led organisations is a powerful means for refugees and asylum-seekers to be politically active. However, it also revealed that opportunities and possibilities are not equally available for all cases. This study provides information on the strategies and tactics used by the two presented organisations in the case comparison to exert influence. It became evident that different resources and opportunity structures also allow for the use of different sets of strategies and tactics. Consequently, the organisation that can choose between more alternatives also has more powerful options to choose from. The most powerful tools proved to be direct influence through an informational strategy, which were only available for one of the two organisations. The strategy of embarrassment and confrontation (e.g., through protest), on the other hand, proved to be less effective in influencing decision-making processes at the municipal level. The other forms of strategy mentioned in the theory, law and members’ influence and pressure played no role or merely a subordinate role.

In the course of this study, it became apparent that RSOs can play an important role in the integration process of refugees because they increase the social capital of certain groups and its members by endowing them with social capabilities. From the findings, recommendations can be derived for municipal decision-makers if they want to integrate refugees in the municipalities according to the Sustainable Development Goals, which the city of Cologne has committed itself to achieving. The local government should create direct access points where refugees can report their needs and concerns to decision-makers. The existing consultative bodies, such as the Integration Council of the City of Cologne or the Cologne Table for Refugee Issues, naturally take into account the positions of refugees but are at most indirect communication bodies for this group. In addition, the city should promote the formation of self-organisations in a more targeted way. Refugees must be concretely encouraged to articulate their interests and, thus, realise that there are other refugees with similar interests. The next step would be to provide refugees with the resources to do political work. Infrastructural resources are important for this, as are financial resources. Policymakers should join forces with civil society, as civil society organisations are important actors in promoting refugee empowerment. However, care must be taken that refugees are not “taken over” by civil society organisations. Finally, the Integration Council should also take on a more promotional role. It is true that refugees who are still in the asylum process cannot be elected to the council. However, the Integration Council could create access points to bring refugees and asylum-seekers together with representatives of the municipality.


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