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In the last two chapters, we have introduced and applied an algebraic multigrid method for discrete Stokes and Oseen problems under a specific point-wise ordering of the variables. For several examples, we could demonstrate the efficiency of the method. Especially, with decreasingh, we often observe an almost mesh independent convergence, in contrast to Krylov solvers.

Only for extremely small values of ν and strongly varying convection fields, we experienced a degradation of the method, if not optimal coarsening and relaxation parameters are chosen. As mentioned, this is to a large extent also a matter of smoothing, thus it seems to be necessary to apply and investigate other smoothers. Since the SOR and SSOR methods are known to be sensible to changes of the numbering of the unknowns, we suggest to use adapted methods, that changes the ordering of relaxation. This can be done either by applying a downwind numbering before the coarsening, or by first relaxing the C and then the F points (as it is suggested in [St¨u99]). Also the

point block versions of ILU and its several variants (cf. Section 8.2.1) can be employed as smoothers.

Another possibility is to use a true Vanka smoother, that in contrast to the SOR, does an element-wise relaxation, instead of a point-wise.

Another issue in the finite element context are higher order elements. Although the point-wise AMG approach is not applicable to e.g. Taylor-Hood elements, it is – at least in principle – not restricted to P1-P1 elements, but could also be used for higher equal order elements.

Yet, for higher-order elements, other difficulties have to be overcome. Not only that the according matrices have much more nonzero entries, they are also ill-conditioned for usual equidistant grids and nodal bases. Recent research showed, that the type of basis functions, and the node locations play an important role, when applying AMG to higher order discretizations ([HMMO05]).

The application of the point-wise coupled AMG method to three-dimensional problems is straight-forward. However, as for the scalar 3D problems in Section 6.2.2, we have to deal with the increased operator complexity, and therefore longer setup-times. Here, a stronger coarsening, that also considers the indirect connections (agressive coarsening) may lead to more sparse coarse level operators.

Generally, it has to be said, that the acceleration of the AMG with a Krylov method surely can improve the convergence compared to the stand-alone approach. Acceleration here simply means, that AMG serves as a preconditioner for the Krylov method. Especially since the residual reduction of AMG within the first few steps is immense, the combination of both methods seems to be promising.

Concerning the convergence theory, we admit, that a general convergence statement, especially for unsymmetric problems, is out of reach. However, at least, it should be possible, to transfer a proposition like Theorem 5.2.19 to the vector-valued context of the point-wise approach. A smoothing property of usual splitting methods, such as Gauss-Seidel and SSOR, however is still not verified for unsymmetric matrices.

Finally we would like to conclude with a few words about parallelization. Of course the sparse matrix-matrix multiplication required for the setup, and the matrix-vector multiplications for the multigrid cycles, can be easily split up into several parts, that can be executed by as many threads as there are CPU’s in the system. Parallel versions of the according functions exist in MiLTON, utilizing thePartitionLayerand POSIX threads. Here, the crucial point however is indeed a parallel smoother. Classical smoothers, from Gauss-Seidel to SSOR, and nearly all ILU methods, however are highly recursive in nature. Jacobi methods can easily be parallelized, but have a lack of robustness.

Instead, multi-color SOR methods ([AO82]) or sparse approximate inverses (SPAI, [GH97]) are more likely to be used in a parallel environment.



Simple data structures

A.1 Iterators

Constant value iterators

This iterator template is mainly devised for the constant value sequences (Section A.2). The value of the constant is only known at run time. It is a random access iterator since constant tag inher-its from std::random access iterator tag. Note that the default constructor can only be used, if ValueTypehas a default constructor.

Constant value iterator template <class ValueType, class DifferenceType>

class constant_value_iterator {


typedef ValueType value_type;

typedef DifferenceType difference_type;

typedef value_type& reference;

typedef value_type* pointer;

typedef constant_tag iterator_category;


value_type x;

difference_type j;


constant_value_iterator(const DifferenceType j_=0) : j(j_) {}

constant_value_iterator(const value_type& x_, const difference_type j_) : x(x_), j(j_)


const value_type& operator*() {

return x;


constant_value_iterator& operator++() {


return *this;

} };


Here, only a few features of the class are displayed. The rest of the implementation is straight-forward and can be viewed in the class text in the file ”BaseIterators.hh”.

Fixed value iterators

The fixed value iterators are designed for sequences which store one value that is known at compile time already (cf. Section A.2). The fixed value must be given as a template parameter. However, the type of ValueTypeis restricted to integer types, because floating-point types are not yet allowed by the C++ Standard ([Str97]). This may be only possible in the future, which is proposed in ([VJ03]).

fixed value iterator

template <class ValueType, class DifferenceType, ValueType x>

class fixed_value_iterator {


typedef fixed_tag iterator_category;


difference_type j;


static const value_type value=x;


fixed_value_iterator(const difference_type j_=0) : j(j_) {}

fixed_value_iterator(const fixed_value_iterator& other) : j(other.j) {}

const value_type operator*() {

return x;

} };

Function value iterators

The class templatefunction value iteratorimplements the iterator belonging to the function value sequence. It generates the value at position iusing the according functorf.

Function value iterator template <class Functor>

class function_value_iterator {


typedef typename Functor::result_type value_type;

typedef typename Functor::argument_type difference_type;

typedef value_type reference;

typedef value_type* pointer;

typedef functor_tag iterator_category;


Functor f;

difference_type j;


function_value_iterator(const difference_type j_=0) : j(j_)


function_value_iterator(const Functor& f_, const difference_type j_=0) : f(f_), j(j_)


const value_type operator*() {

return f(j);

} };

A.2 Sequences

Constant value sequence

A sequence with run time constant value is implemented as follows (for the complete code we refer to the library source code):

Constant value sequence template <class ValueType, class SizeType>

class ConstantValueSequence {


typedef ValueType value_type;

typedef SizeType size_type;

typedef constant_value_iterator<ValueType,SizeType> iterator;


size_type dataSize;

value_type x;


ConstantValueSequence(const size_type n, const value_type& x_) : dataSize(n), x(x_)


size_type size() const {

return dataSize;


iterator begin() {

return iterator(x,0);


iterator end() {

return iterator(x,dataSize);

} };

This of course is a quite simple piece of code, however we needed this in order to provide e.g. an according first row index sequence for the first targets layer (se the according item in Section 3.3.6).

Since this type of container didn’t exist we had to create it.

Fixed value sequence

We mainly present the differences to the constant value sequence:

Fixed value sequence

template <class ValueType, class DifferenceType, ValueType x>

class FixedValueSequence {


typedef fixed_value_iterator<ValueType,DifferenceType,x> iterator;


FixedValueSequence() : dataSize(0) {}

FixedValueSequence(const size_type n) : dataSize(n) {}

iterator begin() {

return iterator(0);


iterator end() {

return iterator(dataSize);

} };

It is also possible to think of a version with a fixed length (known at compile time), since it is important for small data structures whether an additional integer variable has to be stored or not:

Fixed value sequence with fixed length template <class ValueType, class DifferenceType,

ValueType x, DifferenceType dataSize>

class FixedValueFixedLengthSequence {


FixedValueFixedLengthSequence() {}

static const size_type size() {

return dataSize;


static iterator begin() {

return iterator(0);


static iterator end() {

return iterator(dataSize);

} };

Function value sequence

The function value sequence was originally intended for matrix types, where index information can be computed out of other information. For example, the column index of the first nonzero entry of row i in a diagonal matrix isf(i) =i. The computation is done by an appropriate functor. Similar applications are e.g. band matrices.

But also the value of the matrix entries may be computable completely out of the indices, e.g. if we think of Hilbert matrices, where we have

H ∈Rn×n, Hij := (i+j−1)−1, i, j= 1, . . . , n.

Since we intend to store the matrix entries in our data structures in one long sequence, we somehow need a mapping from the position in the edge sequence to the (i, j) position. Lete∈E(g) be thek-th edge of g= Φ−1(H), we would have the indices

i(e) :=⌊k/n⌋, and j(k) :=k mod n

for a (row wise ordered) full dense Hilbert matrix H. The according functor would be f(e) := Φ(i(e), j(e)) := (⌊k/n⌋+ (k modn)−1)−1

for the entry value of e.

Function value sequence template <class FunctionType>

class FunctionSequence {


typedef typename FunctionType::argument_type size_type;

typedef typename FunctionType::result_type value_type;

typedef function_value_iterator<FunctionType> iterator;


FunctionType f;


FunctionSequence(const size_type n=0) : dataSize(n) {}

FunctionSequence(const size_type n, const FunctionType& f_) : dataSize(n), f(f_)


iterator begin() {

return iterator(f,0);


iterator end() {

return iterator(f,dataSize);

} };

Arbitrary value sequence

The arbitrary value sequence very much resembles the std::vector class. It is implemented in the DataSequenceclass template. The main difference to the vector class in the STL is one assignment

operator, that allows to assign values from any other sequence. However it would be sufficient in many cases to simply use std::vector.

Arbitrary value sequence template <class ValueType, class SizeType>

class DataSequence {


typedef ValueType value_type;

typedef SizeType size_type;

typedef value_type* iterator;

typedef value_type& reference;


size_type dataSize;

value_type* dataStore;


DataSequence(const size_type n=0)

: dataSize(n), dataStore(new value_type[n]) {}

DataSequence(const size_type n, const value_type& initvalue) : dataSize(n), dataStore(new value_type[n])




~DataSequence() {

delete[] dataStore;


template <class Sequence>

DataSequence& operator=(Sequence& other) {

delete[] dataStore;

dataStore = new value_type[other.size()];

copy(other.begin(), other.end(), dataStore);

dataSize = other.size();

return *this;


iterator begin() {

return dataStore;


iterator end() {

return dataStore+dataSize;

} };

Of more importance (especially for small data structures) is the fixed length variant, since there is no appropriate class in the STL.

Arbitrary value sequence with fixed length template <class ValueType, class SizeType, SizeType dataSize>

class FixedLengthDataSequence {



value_type dataStore[dataSize];


FixedLengthDataSequence() : dataStore() {}

FixedLengthDataSequence(const value_type& initvalue) {



static const size_type size() {

return dataSize;

} };

Test platform

All numerical experiments and benchmarks were carried out on the following hardware/software plat-forms:

• processor: Intel Pentium 4E 3.0 GHz

• main memory: between 2 GB and 4 GB on different machines

• level 1 cache: 16 KB

• level 2 cache: 1 MB

• operating system: SUSE Linux 9.3, kernel 2.6.11

• GNU compiler 3.4.1


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