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The research that has been done within the scope of this thesis clearly revealed increased vStr activation in patients with schizophrenia when performing in a reward-based decision making task, consistent with the well-known subcortical hyperdopaminergic state in schizophrenia.

Moreover, this thesis provided for the first time direct evidence for a disturbed top-down control of mesolimbic reward signals by prefrontal brain regions in schizophrenia, as proven by an impaired functional connectivity between the vStr and the avPFC as well as VMPFC.

Consequently, these findings add to a growing body of literature concerning reward processing abnormalities in schizophrenia. However, the review of previous published research disclosed that recent findings are rather diverse. By applying various paradigms and investigating different aspects of reward processing (anticipation and feedback phase, prediction error processing), previous studies either reported reduced reward-related activation in schizophrenia or enhanced neural responses or rather a lack of activation differences between schizophrenic patients and healthy subjects. Therefore, it is of particular importance to identify and characterize behavioral and biological markers that are intrinsic to this complex disorder. As already described in the introduction of this thesis, schizophrenia is characterized by various altered behavioral and neural responses which are mediated by genetic, neurobiological and psychological processes. Future studies are needed to accurately examine trait markers representing the characteristics of behavioral and biological processes that are assumed to play a causal role in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia (Chen et al., 2006). Despite significant progress in this field it remains challenging to state which of the altered functional responses to rewards represent trait markers in schizophrenia. Identifying these markers may help to better understand the implicated pathomechanisms in schizophrenia.

A more comprehensive approach for future research would be to also raise genetic information as well as information about the environmental experience of adversity during childhood or lifetime for example. Such a combined analysis could account for reward-related functional activity or connectivity findings influenced by a particular genotype or by exposure of life-impairing experiences. Considering that dopamine has been shown to be strongly involved in schizophrenia, this thesis focused on the investigation of the dopaminergic reward system in schizophrenic individuals. Further research will be required to investigate interactions of dopamine with other neurotransmitters such as glutamate and to conclude whether abnormalities in neurotransmission of dopamine or glutamate are primary changes in the development of schizophrenia.

In the second study I demonstrated how the manipulation of salience through relative frequency modulated behavior as well as functional activity and connectivity within the reward circuitry. By

General discussion

71 showing that saliency per se led to an increase of activation, and in addition coding of infrequent rewards gave rise to a boosting of activation in the mesolimbic reward system, these findings contribute to the growing understanding of how brain mechanisms process and integrate the influence of salient and rewarding information on decision making. In future studies it would be interesting to examine how different salient attributes may be separately represented in various parts of the VTA and striatum taking into account the spatial and temporal aspects in processing salience. This could be achieved by the use of a higher spatial resolution of fMRI and a region-of-interest approach focusing on the key regions of the mesolimbic system.

Furthermore, a significantly increased functional coupling between the VTA and vStr could be revealed. The presented findings also highlight the existence of multiple increased functional interactions between brain regions within and beyond the mesolimbic reward system underlying adaptive processing of salient events and successful behavioral decision making. The functional connectivity findings would benefit from further research making use of a dynamic causal modeling approach investigating the effective connectivity in order to draw conclusions about the information flow between the observed brain regions.

With regard to the aberrant salience hypothesis, a future study applying the modified saliency paradigm to patients with schizophrenia is of particular relevance to contribute to the understanding how infrequent rewarding events and infrequent neutral events are processed in schizophrenic patients. This modified paradigm would allow investigating disorder-specific disturbances regarding the functioning of the mesocorticolimbic system in the context of salience processing and motivation.

Altogether, the presented findings provide new insight into the functioning of the mesocorticolimbic system, into the extent of pathophysiological changes on behavior, functional activity and connectivity in schizophrenia and into the neural correlates of salience processing during reward-related decision making.



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