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In order to answer the main research question of this thesis, namely “Why were technocratic governments appointed only in a small number of countries, although the majority of countries faced the same economic crisis and similar pressures for austerity measures?”, this research developed an interest group theory based on the Varieties of Capitalism approach connected to the economic aspects of the European debt crisis, which was then combined with an existing model that explains the likelihood of technocratic appointments. The dichotomous character of the “economic crisis”-parameter was identified as a weakness of the model, as it hides institutional factors that are expected to have an impact on the incentives for parliaments to appoint technocratic governments. In order to advance this technocracy likelihood model, the two strands of literature connected to the European debt crisis, namely research on the economic reasons of the crisis as well as scholarly work on the occurrence of technocratic governments, were combined, resulting in a proposal for including the VOC characteristic of a country into the model. The then carried out comparative analysis of reform processes and governments during the European debt crisis in three countries broadly confirms the need for that advancement. By looking in depth at the setups and reform events in Greece, Ireland and Italy, it became clear that the VOC setup of a country influences the incentives for parliaments to appoint a technocratic governments if an economic crisis is present. However, more work has to be done in order to develop a reliable model for explaining the likelihood of technocratic government appointments, but this thesis provides a starting point for further developments. The fact that the model, as proposed by Pastorella (2014c), only reflects a snapshot of currently carried out research highlights two important factors to consider: First, taking into account that no other cross-country analyses that focus on the appointment of technocratic governments in Europe have been published to this date, the topic provides ample opportunities to engage in this evolving discussion. Second, given the “work in progress” nature of the model, the assumptions and operationalisations proposed by Pastorella (2014c) should be developed further to increase the model’s robustness.



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The Democracy of European Fiscal Consolidation: Reform Governments in Greece, Ireland and Italy

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