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been reached. Moreover, because of the norm institutionalization through an international organization, it is feasible to think that the concept is situated at the second stage of the theoretical model.

Some reasons that could explain why it hasn’t been adopted by more states could rely on aspects like legitimacy, reputation and esteem.

Even when the quality and clarity of the Ecuadorian Buen Vivir can be proved, Ecuador doesn’t have the same reputation as, for example, Brazil which is considered the regional hegemon. Maybe if it was Brazil instead of Ecuador, the one who promoted the norms of Buen Vivir, they would have had more prominence and more countries would assimilate them at a domestic level.


it is feasible to say that the Buen Vivir has a big influence in the shaping of the Ecuadorian foreign policies. Moreover, the example of the role of Ecuador is given in UNASUR, where its attempts to be a Buen Vivir entrepreneur, resembled clear through Correa’s speech. All in all, I consider that the presence of Buen Vivir in the Ecuadorian foreign policies go beyond the diplomatic representation of Ecuador in international organizations. According to the Ecuadorian Foreign Ministry, there are different examples where Ecuador attempts to bring the Buen Vivir to its migrants among different countries. In any case, what could be discussed and better investigated is if this actions can be considered as special representations of the Buen Vivir as such, or rather they are practiced by other governments that don’t necessarily consider the norms of Buen Vivir, but still would implement them for the well-being of its citizens.

Another prospects for future research could be an investigation of the maintenance or desertion of the Buen Vivir in the future. Especially in the case that a change of government occurs, it would be interesting to see if these norms will be considered as a habit among the Ecuadorian society.

The notion of Sumak Kawsay has existed among many native societies around the world, and I consider that it is increasingly becoming a part of the western civilization as well. Nonetheless, what could be seen as conflictive or positive, depending on the point of view, is the fact that the concept is still undergoing construction and improvement.

All in all, it is a matter of time until we see if through this paradigm the expected changes and improvements can reach a bigger scale. In the end, to repair our essential relation with Mother Nature in order to ensure our planet future existence, and to arouse our social awareness, a true and profound change must start with the human conscience. Unfortunately this is the hardest part.

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