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In this thesis it has been shown that the chimeric IL-6/sIL-6R fusion protein cannot maintain pluripotency in hPSCs. It failed to activate Stat3 signaling in hPSCs, and application to mPSCs and HepG2 revealed that this LIF agonist is not as potent as LIF itself. The results still need to be confirmed in different cell lines.

It was shown that functional synthetic TALEN mRNAs against Stat3 can be generated. Transfection into hPSCs resulted in an editing efficiency of the Stat3 gene of 5%.

Synthetic mRNAs represent a robust tool to manipulate hPSCs as they could be transfected efficiently. Furthermore, hPSCs as well as their derivatives lt-NES cells could be transfected more efficiently with unmodified than with modified synthetic mRNA, whereas human fibroblasts showed opposite results. Fibroblasts could be transfected with unmodified synthetic mRNA when IFN signaling was inhibited. This led to the suggestion that the immune response in hPSCs upon synthetic mRNA transfection is attenuated. This assumption was supported by the fact that hPSCs and lt-NES cells show low IFN! expression upon synthetic mRNA transfection.

This knowledge may be useful to further improve mRNA mediated hPSC manipulation such as genomic engineering with synthetic TALEN mRNAs.

5 Summary

Human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) hold great promises as a model for development as well as a source for cells in regenerative medicine. Although hPSC research came into focus in the last decade, many aspects of the biology of hPSCs still remain unclear. Maintenance of pluripotency in murine pluripotent stem cells (mPSCs) depend on LIF-activated Stat3 signaling, whereas human PSCs appear not to require activation of this signaling pathway. In order to investigate the potential role of Stat3 signaling in hPSCs, cells were treated with a chimeric fusion protein (“IL-6/sIL-6R”). The chimeric fusion protein is supposed to be a potent LIF agonist and thus Stat3 signaling activator. While it was reported before that hPSCs can be maintained pluripotent in suspension cultures in the presence of the chimeric protein, here IL-6/sIL-6R failed to maintain pluripotency in adherent cultures. Activation of Stat3 signaling could be observed neither at protein nor at mRNA level. To further analyze the role of Stat3 in hPSCs, a targeted gene inactivation should be established. Classical DNA transfection methods did not lead to an efficient editing.

Previously, synthetic mRNA could be transfected into hPSCs with an efficiency up to 78%. Therefore, synthetic Transcription Activator-like Effector Nuclease (TALEN) mRNAs targeting the Stat3 locus were generated. Synthetic TALEN mRNAs edited the hPSC genome with an efficiency of 5%.

In order to improve efficiencies, transfection with several types of synthetic mRNAs should be investigated. Synthetic mRNAs usually contain modified nucleotides in order to prevent innate immunity activation. In order to investigate if innate immunity plays a role in hPSCs, it was tested whether synthetic mRNAs without modified nucleotides (“unmodified mRNA”) can be used. As a proof of principle, hPSCs and their derivatives lt-NES cells (multipotent neural precursors) were transfected with unmodified GFP mRNA. Surprisingly, the average efficiency (51.57% for hPSCs;

43.63% for lt-NESCs) was even higher than for transfection with modified GFP mRNA (41.83% for hPSCs; 28.87% for lt-NESCs). Furthermore, the fluorescence of the translated protein appeared to be stronger. Human fibroblasts, representing somatic cells, could be transfected more efficiently (59.57%) with GFP mRNA synthesized with modified nucleotides. Unmodified GFP mRNA transfection resulted in low efficiency (42.08%) and weak fluorescence intensity, most likely due to innate immunity responses.

In order to test whether attenuated immune response is the reason for accessibility for unmodified mRNAs, the innate immunity associated Interferon signaling was blocked using the inhibitor B18R. Inhibition of Interferon signaling in human fibroblasts resulted in an increase of efficiency from 32.5% up to 59.35% when unmodified mRNA was transfected.

Moreover, fibroblasts expressed higher levels of IFN! upon transfection with unmodified mRNA compared to hPSCs and lt-NES cells. Together, this let suggest that the IFN! mediated immune response is attenuated in multi- and pluripotent cells.

These findings may be of interest for further applications of synthetic mRNAs in hPSCs. For example, generation of unmodified synthetic TALEN mRNAs should lead to improved genetic engineering.

6 Declaration

I hereby declare that the work in this thesis is original and has been carried out by myself at the Institute for Reconstructive Neurobiology, Medical Center, University of Bonn. This thesis was prepared under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Frank Edenhofer in fulfillment of the requirements of the doctoral degree of natural sciences of the University of Bonn. I further declare that this work has not been the basis for the awarding of any degree, diploma, fellowship, associateship or similar title at any university or institution.

Bonn, July 2014


Sabrina Schoeps

7 Acknowledgments

First of all, I want to thank Prof. Dr. Frank Edenhofer for giving me the opportunity to work on this challenging topic and for the supervision throughout the years.

I thank Prof. Dr. Hubert Schorle who agreed to act as a second assessor of this thesis. Furthermore I thank Prof. Dr. Michael Hoch and Dr. Gregor Kirfel for the willingness to be part of the Promotionskommission.

Also I want to thank Prof. Dr. Oliver Brüstle and the whole RNB team.

For the support in the TALEN project and for the expertise in innate immunity I want to thank Prof. Dr. Veit Hornung, Tobias Schmidt and Jonathan Schmid-Burgk.

Many thanks go to all members and former members of the Stem Cell Engineering Group. Next to a perfect working atmosphere and scientific support you provided me with lots of cake, chocolate, coffee and, not least, fun. Despite all, I loved being an Edi!

Special thanks go to Sandra Meyer, Dominic Seiferling, Philipp Wörsdörfer, Katharina Günther, Berni Münst, Raffaela Bung, Raaj Thummer, Steffi Mielke, Nicole Russ, Kathrin Vogt, Meffi Gebhardt, Asif Kadari, Oli Hommerding.

My deepest thanks go to my friends! You took care that I never forget what really matters. I need to list some friends that gave their full support, no matter whether in scientific, motivational, emotional, typographic or whatever issues: Sandra Meyer, Timm Reinhardt, Meike Knispel, Jo Karg - Thank you with all my heart!

Last, but definitely not least, I want to thank my family for the unconditional support and love.



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