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2017) or adaptive learning technology (Walkington, 2013; Forsyth, Kimble, Birch, Deel,

& Brauer, 2013), critics might argue that the need for teachers’ diagnostic competence might diminish in the future. However, even success of these forms of learning have shown to demand teacher planning, instruction, and decision making (A. J. Martin &

Steinbeck, 2017). Additionally, aspects like teacher-student-interactions are not expected to vanish from everyday instruction. They are, on the one side, shaped profoundly by teacher perceptions and judgments (Cornbleth & Korth, 1980) and, on the other side, tremendously impact students’ cognitive and motivational-affective development (D. Martin & Rimm-Kaufman, 2015; Cadima, Leal, & Burchinal, 2010). Hence, despite innovative developments in the field of education, teacher judgments will remain at the core of educational quality and students’ learning success. Quite to the contrary, due to the current discussion and political implementation of inclusion measures in schools (United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization, 2009) as well as the integration of immigrant and refugee students into classrooms throughout different educational systems (Blossfeld et al., 2016), the question of diversity will only grow more pressing.

Therefore, both, calls for additional teacher education and professional develop-ment and the defacto impledevelop-mentation of individualized instruction demand additional time from teachers – as scholars already note (Schlaaff, 2015). Hence, the role of teachers will continue to grow challenging. Withal, exciting newer developments in practice can serve as role models for coping with these challenges. For instance in Spain, former special education faculty are starting to take on new roles in encouraging teachers as well as other agents in the community to share their role of attending to and supporting student diversity (G´omez-Zepeda, Petre˜nas, Sabando, & Puigdell´ıvol, 2017).

8.5 Conclusion

This dissertation provided further empirical support for the individual differences between students with regards to their learning dispositions and the diversity and commenness of incoherences within these dispositions. It did so by employing new methodology to investigate, compare, or account for this diversity and highlight

incoher-116 Chapter 8. Discussion ences in the interplay of cognitive and non-cognitive components of learning dipositions.

Further, this thesis revealed that teachers do not yet fully recognize the diversity of their students – a precondition for providing adequate individual support. Findings suggested that teachers struggle especially in recognizing the incoherences within dispositions.

On the other hand, the dissertation gave first hints at what might be possible in the support of students with incoherent dispositions: Considerable positive development of self-underestimating students was observable over only one school year (but not yet the norm) and this positive development was connected to students’ perception of their cognitive and motivational internal learning processes. Hence, teachers might be able to support those students by shaping learning environments accordingly. All together, the thesis is a renewed appeal on educational research and practice to focus on the individual students and their learning dispositions.


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