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Conclusion: Functional and Political Considerations Shaped the Banking Union


7 Conclusion: Functional and Political Considerations


to the particular implementation and design of the SSM. This was due to distributional conflicts: Since they had linked the creation of the SSM to the establishment of the ESM, a crisis resolution tool which should eventually be able to directly recapitalize euro area banks by providing public money, some member states – especially Germany and northern EU countries – were suddenly worried about who pays how much. They especially feared having to pay the bill for inherited liabilities, that means mistakes banks in other EU member states had made even before the SSM had been able to control those banks. Therefore, they tried to delay the start of the SSM and at the same time to gain more power and control over EU supervision. This eventually led to the creation of a Supervisory Board with equal voting rights for all member states. Additionally, due to specific features of the German banking sector, the distributional conflict was characterized by asymmetry: Germany has a very specific kind of banking sector with a large amount of very small public banks which enjoy regulatory advantages in the national supervisory system. If those small public banks were put under EU level supervision of the ECB, Germany would have faced higher implementation and adaption costs than most other EU member states whose banking sectors were made up of big banking groups. Furthermore, the German government would have had to fear the resentment of the strong lobby group of the public banks shortly before national elections.

Consequently – like Hypothesis 2 suggests – Germany was reluctant to give up supervisory power over small banks and eventually managed to exclude them from the SSM. Those conflicts about political preferences and power issues highly influenced the design of the Single Supervisory Mechanism. Therefore, both hypotheses could be confirmed: Functional needs led to the SSM’s creation, whereas the design was shaped by political interests.

The same goes for the SRM: Since hardly any EU regulation on the resolution of banks existed, this led to high costs in the European banking sector. Especially the resolution of cross-border banks failed regularly during the financial crisis. This regulatory functional gap made EU policy makers call for a Single Resolution Mechanism. For them, it was clear that it had to be an agency on the EU level because it offered two core advantages: It was able to minimize home bias (meaning that member states privilege their own national banks) and was supposed to ensure common resolution standards across member states. A network would have been too loose to guarantee strong resolution. And an agency had the advantage over an institution that it was able to include several different actors with their specific know-how, for example the NRAs. The creation of the SRM was therefore again shaped by functional considerations.


But when it came to implementation and design, especially the member states tried to maximize their political influence. The SRM was characterized by a high distributional conflict because it was all about who has to pay how much in the case of the resolution of a failing bank. This was especially due to the fact that the suggestion for a common resolution mechanism also foresaw the creation of a mutualized resolution fund. Several member states perceived this as an interference with their national budgetary rights. Consequently, member states were reluctant to give up power. Furthermore, Germany was again burdened with an asymmetrical distributional conflict: On the one hand, this was again due to the special features of its public banking sector. On the other hand, it was also because Germany had already created an own national resolution fund – and feared that it would have to pay for the failing banks of others during the transitional period until the SRF was fully operational.

Together, these factors led to the SRM being weakened by a difficult decision-making process which involves various EU actors. The political and power-based interests of the member states led to this particular SRM design. In conclusion, also for the SRM both hypotheses were confirmed by evidence.

This shows that the combined functional-political approach is able to give an adequate explanation for the creation and design of the European Banking Union. Whereas the creation was motivated by functional considerations and the need for common banking regulation, the design was shaped by political preferences and power struggles among the main EU actors.

When looking more closely at the process tracing analysis, it seems to be surprising at first that in political negotiations for the SSM as well as for the SRM the European Parliament actually managed to push through with some preferences. In the common political approach, the European Parliament is often described as a rather weak negotiator, which nevertheless always aims at strengthening the EU level as well at its own power and capacities (Kelemen/Tarrant 2011: 928ff.). But in the case of the SSM and SRM the EP was able to influence the design because it found itself in favorable negotiation positions. In the case of the SSM, the EP’s political preference of strictly separating the monetary and supervisory tasks of the ECB was backed by the genuine interests of powerful member states, especially of Germany. In the SRM, the upcoming elections for the European Parliament increased the bargaining power of the EP, because it could credibly threaten to at least delay the deal for the SRM until after the elections. Therefore, the political part of the causal chain provides sufficient explanatory power to account for the EP’s medium negotiation successes.

However, no theoretical approach can account for everything in the empirical world – and this also goes for the combined functional-political approach. What remains questionable


throughout the analysis of the SSM and SRM is why the functional need for both came up at exactly that point in time. However, historical institutionalism – which was introduced as a possible alternative explanation earlier in this paper – offers a plausible explanation. Critical junctures like the Cypriot banking crisis or the burst of the Spanish housing bubble actually made the need for banking resolution and supervision visible. Such critical junctures certainly played a crucial role in the creation of the SSM and SRM. In 2013, Jörg Asmussen, a member of the ECB Governance Council, quoted Jean Monnet who said: “Men only accept change in a time of need – and they only see need in a time of crisis” (Asmussen 2013). Asmussen therefore concluded, that EU policy makers should quickly continue to establish the Banking Union – before the window of opportunity closed (Asmussen 2013). Possibly, those HI critical junctures to which obviously also Asmussen referred even happened to be catalysts for the Banking Union. But to draw firm conclusions this would have to be examined in detail in further studies.

For now, it is necessary to be aware that the EU has opted for more and intensified banking regulation, because functional gaps made it necessary. The European Banking Union was created out of the necessity to react to banking problems and regulatory deficits. Its design however – especially the decision-making procedures – was not the result of functional considerations but rather of political and power-based preferences. Furthermore, Hypotheses 1 and 2 were supported by evidence and thus strengthen the idea to fruitfully combine functional and political power-based ideas. If both theoretical lenses are used and combined, we create eyeglasses which are very well suited to explain the complex case of the Banking Union.


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