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9.5   Conclusion

In sum, adolescence is a time of extensive change and challenge in the lives of young individuals. Although most adolescents have been shown to deal with these challenges in a well-adjusted way, a substantial number of adolescents experience pronounced emotional and behavioral difficulties during this time. As one of the most common mental health problems during adolescence, depressive symptoms are associated with high stability and a variety of associated functioning difficulties in multiple life domains. Emphasizing the importance of school as a developmental environment, the present dissertation revealed the disadvantaged position of adolescents with depressive symptoms regarding various domains of functioning as well as social information processing. The dissertation also contributed to advances in the promising field of (school-based) depression prevention by detecting moderating factors that enhance the effects of cognitive-behavioral depression prevention programs. By combining theoretical and methodological concepts from multiple disciplines (i.e., clinical psychology, educational science, and developmental psychology), the present dissertation contributed importantly to the current research body on depressive symptoms in adolescents. Moreover, the findings presented here lead to tentative recommendations for practitioners and policy makers, as well as novel ideas for future investigations linking various disciplines. To conclude, interdisciplinary research efforts like the ones presented in this dissertation and a continued improvement of prevention opportunities will serve to further our understanding of adolescent depression. It is the hope of the author that in the future this kind of knowledge may aid to decrease the burden of depression for each affected adolescent as well as for society.


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