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frameworks the respective ‘actors’ are the single countries, or, more precisely, the organizations of the single countries that feel affected by the given empiri-cal matter. Consequently, the autonomy of the single countries must be upheld if solutions should be provided that correspond to these countries’ realities.

This autonomy finally must be conceived of as sine qua non if the impor-tance of local knowledge under conditions of globalization should become a resource for the solution of present and future border crossing problems.

maneu-vers in the respective networks, but the organizations’ maneumaneu-vers in turn be-came the guiding principles for the law.

Irrespective the concrete outcome, these developments also are instruc-tive for law’s possible future role in knowledge society. Instead of clinging to ... the law in both cases has acknowledged the autonomy of those involved in the regulatory process. In so doing, the regulatees (and those who felt affected by the issue) were given the opportunity to develop coping strategies that they had considered as appropriate, given their respective perception of the network.

Consequently, they could design practices that seem to fit the demands of the network as well as the regulatees aim in the networks. However, this autonomy especially in the German case has been ‘bought’ at the expense of certainty. As in the German case the legal rule has mobilized a so far unusual self-responsibility, the organizations had to go through a long and therefore costly process in order to finally achieve the certainty that was needed and on the other hand, adequately respond to their environments’ demands. This retreat from traditionally legal services points to an arrangement whereby not only the law but also the potential regulatees are assigned a new role in that the law

‘only’ defines goals of a regulation while the organizations themselves define the performance program to achieve this goal. These programs can then draw on more heterarchical arrangements like contracting and cooperating, thus ac-knowledging their autonomy. The law on the other side no longer runs the risk of being confronted with the avoidance of the breach of its rules, as is often the case since these rules seem to be based upon knowledge that does not seem to fit with the ‘realities’ of the given empirical matter. Thus, the law discharges itself with the need to regulate and the ‘risks’ contained therein (Luhmann 1987).

The drawback of this arrangement finally is to be found within a loss of certainty that gives expression to another feature of knowledge society. Its novel dependence on knowledge and non-knowledge has to be ‘bought’ at the expense of a destabilization of so far stabile institutions and rules and thus must lead to the development of new governance regimes and other ‘experi-ments’, which are effects of an increasing ‘regulatory competition’ (Willke 2001). But from that point in time, such an understanding of how ‘regulation’

can be fulfilled given the societal conditions, seems to be the less risky option for the law in that uncertainty is rather socially acceptable than is illegitimacy.

In sum, this understanding of regulation can be brought into line with the conception of society as a laboratory (Krohn & Weyer 1994) in that ‘regula-tion’ than evolves as a model of experimental decision-making. By doing so, regulation is carried out while at the same being aware of its insufficient knowledge base and thus its problems to control behavior and prevent or settle conflicts (Bora 2002). In that sense, the present study has presented neither evil

tidings nor a promise of salvation but rather stressed the various ways that can lead to accepted outcomes under the effect of cognitive uncertainty. Finally, in the opening chapter of the present study the assumption was made that private law’s reliance on social autonomy and structural coupling could become a model for the new ways in which law opens up to the dynamics of ‘civil soci-ety’. Given that modern society increasingly has to be described as knowledge society, the conclusion can now be drawn that the outlined processes of regula-tion can be described as the law’s way to cope with the increasing relevance of non-knowledge and uncertainty.


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