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4. Discussion

4.2 Silique and seed development

4.2.4 Conclusion and perspectives

place in the reproductive organs: ovules and pollination tubes. Whithout fully contradicting the hypothesis from Brehélin et al. (2003), it can be suggested that the induction of antioxidative systems such as the cytosolic Prx and the PrxIIE in young and/or meristematic tissues plays a role in protection of membranes against lipid peroxidation by developmentally triggered ROS sources. In addition, as postulated by Dietz (2003a) these enzymes may have a signalling function by antagonizing ROS-signals.

Consistent with the decreased accumulation during development, silique walls from AtS2-S3 contained more protein than those in AtS5. The protein levels were lower in older seeds than in the silique walls from the same stage in Arabidopsis, but younger seeds showed equivalent Prx levels as in Brassica. These results indicate that the protein levels decreased in both carpels and seeds with development, confirming the importance of these enzymes for the protection of young tissues.

Next to the end of maturation (S5), only the embryo contained high chlorophyll levels, while the seed coats lacked chlorophyll-a fluorescence and revealed emission only observed in the green-yellow region of the visible spectrum (Fig 19 A-B). This suggests accumulation of other pigments such as carotenoids and flavonoids. It is interesting to note that the pigment distribution in embryos of this stage was already differentiated: shoots and cotyledons accumulated chlorophyll, while it was abscent in the axial and radicle meristems. These observations demonstrate the dynamic evolution of the differentiation processes in the seeds and suggest an adaption of antioxidative systems. Immunolocalization of the chloroplastic, mitochondrial and cytosolic Prx has been initiated to study regulation of antioxidant enzymes with the seeds and especially in the embryos.


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