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Chapter 8: Conclusions

8.5 Concluding Remarks

Considering the entire discussion in this chapter, it could be said that, this study managed to fulfil its aim. One important lesson that protrudes from this study is that pictures are not as general as they appear. This lesson is in line with the dictates of image science which emphasise on the scientific and systematic study of images as opposed to a general and undefined trajectory. The “scientific” study of the iconic pictures depicting Zimbabwe’s Crisis led to findings and conclusions that would not have been reached through a general and “unscientific”

approach. Judging from this study, it could be said that the scientific study of images seems to be the most appropriate approach. Also, the pictorial images depicting Zimbabwe’s Crisis have been embedded into the country’s history and will exist for generations to come. Therefore, such pictorial images should not be taken at face value as they have serious political and economic repercussions.


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The Economist (2007) The face of oppression: Another ugly political crackdown: But also signs of hope, The Economist [Online] Available at: