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Concluding remarks and potential directions

The thesis introduced several novel concepts and perspectives. Thebundling trick of MTT was developed to analyze the optimization problem of finding an ideal representation of transitions with a minimal number of bundles. As a consequence, the optimal placement of transition encoders in two dimensional space was found to be a hexagonal arrangement.

Given the assumption of distributed and independent dendritic computations, it was further possible to derive the error function of a grid cell. It was demonstrated that such a cell converges to a hexagonal arrangement of its response fields with only simple terms in the error function. Furthermore, the error function allowed to derive a competitive network of grid cells. The main reason for a purely inhibitory network were the mandatory constraints given by MTT and MTS, namely axioms to generate coherent and consistent trajectories, showing that neural computations can be derived from their algorithmic understanding and their computational purpose.

After demonstrating that a network of competitive grid cells cover the input space during simulations, their algorithmic interactions with place cells were examined. The computational point of view lead to the observation that the network in only a single scale has a behavioral issue, namely the runtime of the path planning operation.

Introduction of a scale-space representation of transitions, encoded by multi-scale grid cells, lead to an exponential speed-up of the computation and thereby solved the problem. The model exposes several requirements and consequences which can be related to biological observations sucvh as buffering, an ideal increment of scales at a factor of√

2, or a distinction between temporal and spatial transitions to name just a few. Temporal buffering of information, for instance, is necessary to learn transitions in the scale-space representation, which itself is assumed to be expressed in form of Theta phase precession. Ultimately, the model lead to the description of a novel perspective of the entorhinal-hippocampal loop and the recurrent interactions of spatially modulated afferents, place, and grid cells as a storage device for spatio-temporal transitions which can perform look-ahead to accelerate computations.

Finally, the concepts of local clustering and transitions were applied to a technical system. The proposed novel data structures for the computation of navigational trajectories in a swarm of robots resemble concepts of peer-to-peer networks, well established and widespread applied in computer science.

Given these results, several directions of future research are possible which are briefly outlined as follows. The biologically plausible model of competitive grid cells could be refined using spiking behavior and elaborate neural models. The thereby


modified model could lead to novel insights about the required temporal dynamics during plasticity, and the self-organization of receptive fields during learning of transitions. In addition, detailed modelling could lead to predictions with respect to local synaptic circuits. Another possible direction is to investigate self-organizing principles in the scale-space model. Currently, the model has pre-defined scale increments after they were derived mathematically. A self-tuning process to organize the scales appears to be more likely though. One domain that could provide hints on how to describe such a model is information theory, which has been used recently to proof that modularization and the concept of minimum description length yields optimal solutions in the quest for efficient neural codes [240]. It is proposed that a similar approach and understanding rooted in concepts of information theory and optimal coding theory could lead to a descriptive self-organizing scale-space model of grid cells. Furthermore, the currently existing abstractions and numerical simplifications that were introduced could be removed. In addition, the presented scale-space model used spatial coordinates to generate the pre-synaptic activity of both place and grid cells to avoid modelling of pre-synaptic sensory states. Work is already in progress to model the sensory input space to place and grid cells explicitely in form of boundary vector inputs both for the purpose of biological plausibility as well as for a robotics scenario. Finally, the technical application of the concepts should be extended and re-examined. The available results for the massively distributed robotic scenario of path planning are not overwhelming yet.

However, future research could focus on including the most recent developments of high performance distributed computing and peer-to-peer systems to address the existing performance bottlenecks during query operations. Consequently, the data structures should be adapted in an appropriate way.

Entirely novel directions of research and applications of MTT to new domains are equally possible. For instance consider grasping with a robotic arm which requires the movement of an arm segment along a specific trajectory. MTT and a spatio-temporal MTS in particular allow to phrase the problem in terms of local neighborhood relationships of joint-states of the robotic arm. Using MTS to encode the states and intermediate transitions has the benefit of removing a global coordinate system, which is commonly used in this task. A scale-space representation is thought to allow the robot to find shortcuts in the arm movements by itself. It is further believed that the MTS can easily represent and relate noisy sensor measurements, which typically occur in real-world robotics scenarios.

The novel theory itself as well as the formalisms to describe MTS were deliberately kept as abstract as possible. It is proposed that the technique is capable to account for other neurons in the mammalian brain which have to encode transitions, not only grid cells. Grasping an object, or the production of vocal sequences, are just two of many examples in which sequences and transitions between intermediate symbols are relevant.

To conclude, this thesis introduced MTT and applied it to the problem of spatial navigation in the rodent brain. In turn, this lead to the development of an entirely novel model for competitive grid cells which encode transitions in form of a scale-space representation. It was possible to relate recordings and observations from real rodents to consequences of algorithmic interactions within the model and optimality considerations. Finally, the thesis transfered the novel concepts to technical systems.



Appendix A

Partial derivatives of the error function of