• Keine Ergebnisse gefunden

The situation o f the newly established Blue List institutes we have described points to dynamic development in the coming years as well. One divisional head described the present situation o f the institutes as follows:

I th in k this is the most d iffic u lt thing that has to be achieved at the moment w ith the 'Reconstruction o f the East': On the one hand to continue to do good, very good, sometimes even excellent research; on the other to do everything necessary to build up an institute in its structure, in its equipment, in c lu d in g its premises, and also to ensure that there's enough money available, because not everything can be financed out o f the institute budget, and fin a lly to develop and cultivate cooperation.

W e don't have this balance that has developed over years or decades in the Western federal states. W e have to fin d sta b ility relatively quickly. That needs strength and energy. B u t everyone who has to go in this direction always knew that. A nd it's sure to be the case that not a ll institutions o r - I w o n 't say institutes - w ill make the grade. It isn't easy. (Head o f division, Institute 5)

The empirical inquiries conducted in the context o f the case studies for the project 'Integration o f East German Blue List Institutes into the German Scientific Landscape' are still at an initial stage and will be continuing.

At present interviews w ith institute scientists and with representatives o f the evaluation commissions and organization committees are being conducted. On the basis o f these interviews, the selected institutes can be characterized in terms o f their origins and progress towards consolidating and to establishing their institutional profile.

In a second round o f surveys and investigations, a comparative analysis will provide the basis for reasoned statements on the influencing factors and development trends in the integration of the newly established Blue List institutes into the German scientific landscape.

R e fe re n c e s

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Unveröffentlichtes Manuskript. Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung

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Case sudy selection for the research project "Integration o f East German Blue List Institutes in the German Scientific Landscape

Newly established Blue L is t Institutes in East B e rlin Institute 1

Type o f relation to predecessor institutions Type 2 Type 3 Type 1


Type 1 (3)

Type 2 Type 2 Type 3 Type 3

Type o f take-over o f personnel from predecessor institutions (rather individual scientists = I, rather whole groups = G)

G G I G G G G (+ I) G ( + I)

Changes in the functional p ro file o f the institutes in comparison to predecessor institutions (basic research orientation = BO ; applied research orientation = AO ; integration o f basic and applied research orientation = IB A O )

a) predecessor institions;

a) On the level o f heads o f w ork groups/devisions (predominantly West German scientists = W ; predominantly East German scientists = E;

mixed = M )

b) In relation to entire institute (from old federal states p rim arily individuals = I; p rim a rily groups = G)

a) Reinforcement fund (degressive development o f reinforcement fund can presumably be compensated by acquisition o f third-party funds = C; can presumably not be compensated = N );

b) Third-party funding w ithout reinforcement fund (upward trend = U;

downward trend = D )

Selection fo r case studies X X X X