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Competition Success of Toxin Producers is Coupled to Toxin Expression Dynamics

5. Results: Toxin Expression Dynamics Shape Two Strain Bacterial Competition

5.1. Competition Success of Toxin Producers is Coupled to Toxin Expression Dynamics

5. Results: Toxin Expression Dynamics Shape

were characterized according to the fraction of CX strain in the final area covered by bacteria. Four major outcome groups were separated as follows:

• S wins: <10 % CX area

• Coexistence: 10 % to 90 % CX area

• C wins: >90 % CX area

• Extinction: final area below detection limit

0 µg/ml 0.01 µg/ml 0.1 µg/ml

0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00

Fraction C strain










Exp Sim


0 µg/ml 0.01 µg/ml 0.1 µg/ml

0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00

Fraction C strain










Exp Sim



S wins Coexistence C wins

Figure 5.1

Experimental and simulation results of two-strain competition of CXand SRFPstrain on different carbon sources. A,B) Final fraction of CXon medium supplemented with glycerol (A) or glucose (B) for three different MitC inducer concentrations. C,D) Classified outcomes for competition experiments (Exp) and simulations (Sim) corresponding to the same MitC levels shown in A,B.

Outcomes are classified as: S wins (<10 % C, magenta), coexistence (10 %-90 % C, black) C wins (>90 % C, green), extinction (no area detected due to toxin action, gray). Figure adapted from [51].

Initial conditions were chosen according to previous studies showing the importance of low C strain fractions at the beginning of interaction (single-cell interaction level) for coexistence of both CX and SRFP to be possible [10, 46].

By using three external stress levels from low to high MitC concentration, C cell toxin producer fractions were tuned according to Chapter 4 and previous studies by Mader et al. 2015 [13] from stochastic switching (no stress) to synchronous response (high

5.1. Competition Success of Toxin Producers is Coupled to Toxin Expression Dynamics

stress). In the absence of stress the sensitive strain was able to outcompete the colicin producer in most cases due to spacial exclusion. This was the case for all CX strains in media containing glycerol or glucose as main carbon source (Figure 5.1 A,B). For medium stress levels the CX strains release their toxin over a broad range of time with higher toxin producer fractions within the population. This shifted competition outcomes to higher numbers of C strain winning or in the case of glucose as carbon source, increased amounts of coexistence between S and C were detected. Finally, at high induction levels of 0.10µg/ml MitC a high number of C cells produced and re-leased the toxin, which resulted in a high number of C wins outcomes for both media.

Only the C wins fraction of CREP1 decreased in both media settings in comparison to their results for medium stress. One of the reasons for this decrease could be the high number of cell lysis for CREP1at high induction level detected in Chapter 4 Figure 4.8 A, giving the S strain a disadvantage due to early lysis of C cells.

In the previous chapter it was shown that CXstrains with different plasmid composi-tion lead to different lysis times and amount of toxin being released. The strains CREP2 and CAMP showed later cell lysis than CREP1 and increased amounts of toxin being released into the environment. Increasing the time before cell lysis of the CX strain in competition experiments had two major effects on competition. First, when toxin is released at later times, the sensitive S strain can grow longer without disruption by the toxin. Second, the C cells can release more toxin into the environment as the amount of toxin being released is directly correlated to lysis time. Using this information, a theoretical model was set up based on the described model by von Bronket al. 2017 [10] (see Chapter 3). This model is a stochastic lattice-based model, that includes the measured values for switching rate into the toxin producing state, growth and toxin amounts, but also stochastic positioning and phenotypic heterogeneity within a C strain population. In a first step, the model was validated for values obtained for CREP1 with glycerol and a toxin effectivity of ofsSS·ntox of 1500 was chosen as basic value, which was the same as in von Bronk et al. 2017 and 2019 [10, 11] (see Chapter 3). Using this model, theoretical analysis for all strains and media combi-nations were performed by incorporating all values obtained by single cell analysis as well as growth rates (GRs) and toxin factors adapted from single-strain population measurements. All precise values for these simulations are listed in Table B.1. For CREP1 on glycerol the toxin amount being released was chosen as ntox = 1 and was increased up tontox = 16. This value was obtained for CAMPgrown on glucose supple-mented medium and according to relative toxin amounts being released compared to

CREP1 on glycerol leading to toxin factors shown in Table 4.1. Results of theoretical competition outcomes corresponding to 48 h of competition for all strains are shown in Figure 5.2 A and B for rates corresponding to glycerol and glucose measurements, respectively.






%ON comparable to MitC level: 0 µg/ml 0.01 µg/ml 0.1 µg/ml Fraction Toxin Producers

1% 95%

S wins Coexistence ExtinctionC wins



Figure 5.2

Numerical simulations of two-strain competition corresponding to experimental conditions for glycerol (A) and glucose (B). Simulations are run for increasing toxin producer fractions from left to right corresponding to 1 % to 95 % of CX strains producing the toxin. Boxes around the pie charts correspond to toxin producer fractions that were obtained in live-dead experiments shown in Section 4.2.1 Figure 4.8 for the different inducer concentrations of MitC. The exact toxin producer fractions for all pie charts are given in Table B.2. This figure is adapted from [51].

Simulations were performed for a broad range of toxin producer fractions (details see Table B.2). For all simulations the amount of C winning increased with increasing C producer fraction until, at high toxin producer fractions, increased cell lysis lead to significant numbers of extinction outcomes in competition. Furthermore, S strain

5.1. Competition Success of Toxin Producers is Coupled to Toxin Expression Dynamics

success was detected for a broader range of toxin producers in the cases of glucose even though the amount of toxin released was bigger. One reason for this could be the increased GR of the S strain for glucose medium, giving it a bigger chance for spacial exclusion in competition.

Using the fractions of lysing cells measured above (Figure 4.8 A) the corresponding pie charts in Figure 5.2 were marked and compared to experimental results in Figure 5.1 B. For both low and high stress levels competition outcomes showed the same main results for experiments and theory. Although, at intermediate stress levels of 0.01µg/ml bigger discrepancies between experimental and theoretical results were detected. A variety of reasons could contribute to this discrepancy. One of them is the strong dependence on initial conditions of the competition experiments which are inherently noisy. Furthermore, at intermediate stress levels stochasticity in toxin expression dynamics plays an important role [13]. How this affects competition will be discussed more closely in Section 5.3.

Combining all these results indicates that for most cases competition outcome did not change for the various CX strains despite their differences in toxin amount and release times. Consequently, either the broad range of release times does not have a significant effect on competition outcomes, or effects compensating the variation in release time come into play. However, many of these factors, e.g. toxin amount being produced and time-point of toxin release are connected within a cell. Thus theoretical analysis was performed to disentangle these factors and their impact on competition outcome.

5.2. The Importance of Toxin Release Time and Toxin