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Comparison of the full-length TcSNMP cDNA sequences with the respective in silico annotation

3 Material and Methods

6.2 Comparison of the full-length TcSNMP cDNA sequences with the respective in silico annotation

Figure S1 Comparison of the obtained TcSNMP1a cDNA sequence with the in silico annotation

Shown is the cDNA sequence received from RACE-PCR (TcSNMP1a_cDNA) compared with the computer calculated annotation (TcSNMP1a_calc). Identical nucleotides are depicted with a black background. Numbers show the nucleotide position of the obtained cDNA sequence. The ORF (open reading frame) of the obtained cDNA sequence is labelled by a yellow line above the sequence and the 5´ and 3´ UTR (untranslated region) with a blue line.

Figure S2 Comparison of the obtained TcSNMP1b.1 cDNA sequence with the in silico annotation

Shown is the cDNA sequence received from RACE-PCR (TcSNMP1b.1_cDNA) compared with the computer calculated annotation (TcSNMP1b_calc). Identical nucleotides are depicted with a black background. Numbers show the nucleotide position of the obtained cDNA sequence. The ORF (open

reading frame) of the obtained cDNA sequence is labelled by a yellow line above the sequence and the 5´ and 3´ UTR (untranslated region) with a blue line.

Figure S3 Comparison of the obtained TcSNMP1c cDNA sequence with the in silico annotation

Shown is the cDNA sequence received from RACE-PCR (TcSNMP1c_cDNA) compared with the computer calculated annotation (TcSNMP1c_calc). Identical nucleotides are depicted with a black background. Numbers show the nucleotide position of the obtained cDNA sequence. The ORF (open reading frame) of the obtained cDNA sequence is labelled by a yellow line above the sequence and

the 5´ and 3´ UTR (untranslated region) with a blue line. The red square indicates that the sequence of TcSNMP1c_calc is continued to alignment position 3335 in figure S4.

Figure S4 Comparison of the obtained TcSNMP1d cDNA sequence with the in silico annotation

Shown is the cDNA sequence received from RACE-PCR (TcSNMP1d_cDNA) compared with the computer calculated annotation (TcSNMP1c_calc). Identical nucleotides are depicted with a black background. Numbers show the nucleotide position of the calculated cDNA sequence. The ORF (open reading frame) of the obtained cDNA sequence is labelled by a yellow line above the sequence and the 5´ and 3´ UTR (untranslated region) with a blue line. The red square indicates

that the shown sequence of TcSNMP1c_calc is the continuation of this sequence shown in figure S3, which starts at alignment position 9.

Figure S5 Comparison of the obtained TcSNMP1z cDNA sequence with the in silico annotation

Shown is the cDNA sequence received from RACE-PCR (TcSNMP1z_cDNA) compared with the computer calculated annotation (TcSNMP1z_calc). Identical nucleotides are depicted with a black background. Numbers show the nucleotide position of the obtained cDNA sequence. The ORF (open

reading frame) of the obtained cDNA sequence is labelled by a yellow line above the sequence and the 5´ and 3´ UTR (untranslated region) with a blue line.

Figure S6 Comparison of the obtained TcSNMP2 cDNA sequence with the in silico annotation Shown is the cDNA sequence received from RACE-PCR (TcSNMP2_cDNA) compared with the computer calculated annotation (TcSNMP2_calc). Identical nucleotides are depicted with a black background. Numbers show the nucleotide position of the calculated cDNA sequence. The ORF (open reading frame) of the obtained cDNA sequence is labelled by a yellow line above the sequence and the 5´ and 3´ UTR (untranslated region) with a blue line.

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