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In this section, we provide a version of the Lions–Aubin or Lions–Aubin–Simon lemma, a well-established strong compactness result for Bochner spaces. This version is also known as the Lions–Aubin–Dubinskiˇilemma and deals with the case of piecewise constant functions in time, which avoids the construction of weakly time differentiable functions.

Lemma A.2.1 (Lions–Aubin–Dubinskiˇi) Let X, B and Y be Banach spaces such that the embeddingX ,B is compact and the embeddingB ,Y is continuous.

Furthermore, let either 1≤p <and r= 1 or p=∞ and r >1, and let (uτn)n∈N be a sequence of functions that are constant on each subinterval ((k−1)τn, kτn), 1≤

kn, T =n satisfying

τn−1∥στnuτnuτnLr(0,T−τn;Y)+∥uτnLp(0,T;X)C for all n∈N, (A.2.1) where στnu: = u(·+τn) and C > 0 is a constant which is independent of τ. If p <∞, then (uτn)n∈N is relatively compact in Lp(0, T;B) and if p=∞, there exists a subsequence of (uτn)n∈N converging in Lq(0, T;B) for all 1 ≤ q <to a limit

function belonging to C([0, T];B).

Proof. A proof can be found inDreher & Jüngel [64, Theorem 1].


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