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Command Summary

Im Dokument Personal Computer Desktop System (Seite 166-175)

APPLY [-](d:]IPath]filenaae "colIIIIJnd"

APPLY "co..and" [-1 [d:] [path]filenue

External utility. Executes an MS-DOS command and substitutes parame­

ters according to material contained in the file specified.

ASSIGN [?j[lUlit: j[lUlit:partition d:]

External utility. Assigns a Winchester drive and partition to a drive name.

BACKUP [1][ [filespec [ +filespec... 11 [d:] [filenoe] [/slt'itch ... 11

ID Provide directory of master backup files.

IE Back up all but exception files.

IF Format destination disks without prompt.

IG Global; back up subdirectories as well.

IL Ust internal backup file directory.


No formatting of destination disks.

IQ Query each source file.

IR Ust files to be backed up.

IT Back up files with today's date only.

Iv Verify; read after write.

Iw Back up files that have changed since last backup.

, , I




Internal command. Turns on (or off) immediate response to CfRL-C or CfRL-BREAK key operations. If off, response is only during normal MS-DOS 110 operations. Tum off feature when running programs that make use of either CfRL-C or CfRL-BREAK.

CD [d:] [path]

ClIDIR [d:] [path]

Internal command. Changes current directory to another directory path.

ClllIDSK [d:] [menue] [Iswitch]

External utility. Scans the directory of the default or designated drive and returns a report on the status and consistency of the disk.

Switches: IF Fix correctable errors reported byCHKDSK.

Iv Display messages/directory during execution of command.

CIPHER keyword >filespec CIPHER keyword <filespec

CIPHER keyword <filespec >filespec2

External utility. Encodes (encrypt) or decodes (decrypt) files for security purposes.


Internal command. Clears the screen.

COMMAND [d:] [path] [iodev][1 switch]

External utility. Loads and executes the command processor COMMAND.COM.

Switches: ID Do not prompt for date and time.

Ip Make COMMAND.COM permanent in memory.

ICstring Execute the string then exit.


External utility. Configures system

. .

1/0 protocol for printers, communica­

COPY [d:] [path) [filespec) [d:) [path) [filespec) [/switch)

Internal command. Copies file(s) specified.

Switch: Iv Verify; read after write.

C'l'l'Y dev

Internal command. Assigns I/O device; default is console. Device routing is dependent upon user-defined configuration under CONFIGUR

Devices: AUX COMl COM2 CON DATE [_-dd-yy)

Internal command. Display and/or change date.

DEBUG filespec[ parueters)


External utility. Isolate bad sectors on Winchester disk system. Alters MS-DOS operating system and may destroy data on the Winchester disk system.

DIR [d:) [path) [filespec) [/switch)

Internal command. list requested directory entries.

Switches: Ip Page mode.

Iw Wide display mode.

DISKCOIIP [filespecl) [filespecZ)

External utility. Compare the data of two identical disks.

DISKCOPY [filespecl) [filespecZ) [/switch)

External utility. Duplicate a disk.

Switches: Iv Verify; read after write.

ECHO [ON) [OFF) [Rssage)

Internal command. Control echo feature of batch processor.

EDLIN filespec

[lnl) [, InZ) [?)R[stringl)F6[string2)

Search and replace text.


Internal command. Exit COMMAND.COM.

FC filespecl filespec2[/switch]

External utility. Compare the data of two files.

Switches: 18 Binary compare.

Ic Ignore upper- and lowercase differences.

Iw Compress tabs and spaces during compare.

FIND "string" [filespec ... ] [/switch]

External utility. Search for string in specified file(s).

Switches: Ie Count matches.

II Ignore upper- and lowercase differences.

IN Number of lines before find to display.

Iv Display lines that do not contain string.

FOR 'IIvariable IN set DO c088nd

Internal command. Branch command for batch processor.

FORMAT [d:] [I switch]

External utility. Format a disk to receive MS-DOS files (9 sectors/track).

Switches: Ie Clear directory only; do not formal 1M Single-sided format only.

IN Suppress operator prompts.

Is Include system files; make disk bootable.

Iv Verify; read after write; lock out bad sectors.

18 Format 8 sectors/track.

GOTO label

Internal command. Jump command for batch processor.

IF [ NOT] condition cOlElJd

Internal command. Conditional branch for batch processor.

LIB [cOImJJd,] [listilll] [@fileUlle]

External utility. MS-DOS macro library manager.

Commands: + Append object file to library.


Delete module from library.

Extract a module; place in object file.

Use defaults to remaining prompts.

, Extend current logical line; repeat prompt.

C'l1IL-JIREAl Exit library session.

LINK [objfile,Bl/llfile,Listfile,Liblist[/switcb] I [@filespecl External utility. MS-DOS linking loader.

Switches: IDSALLOCATI Load data at high end of data segment

IDIm! Place mntile in high memory.

ILlNENUIIIER Include line numbers in list file.

IIAP Ust global symbols and


/PAUSE Halt session; press RETURN to rontinue.

ISTACI:n Set stack size to n.

Commands: + Separate entries/extend current logical line.

Internal rommand. Create new directory path and directory.

!lORE <filespec cMUIJI/ filespec



External utility. Display contents of file or result of command one screen ata time.


External utility. Partition Winchester disk. Alters operating system and may destroy data on Winchester disk tern.

PAUSE [co.ellt]

Internal command. Temporarily suspend execution of batch file. C01DDIent

can be any text material.


External utility. Initialize Winchester disk system. Alters operating system and destroys all data on Winchester disk system.

PRINT [filespec [/switch] [filespec [/switch] ... 11

External utility. Print the contents of an ASCII file on a printer.

Switches: IA Do not print file(s) from IA to IS switches.

len Print n copies.

IF Issue form feed (top of page) at end of file.

IIA Set left margin at n.

IplI Set page length to nlines.

IRII Set right margin at n.

Is Add file(s) to print queue from IS to IA switches.

IT Terminate printing; empty print queue.

PROMPT [CtJaellt] ~IIII"~

Internal command. Change the MS-DOS prompt and/or material.

1.... ,1')

Comments: $ Specifies parameter or delimiter to follow.

t Current time.

d Current date.

p Current directory path name.

v Current MS-DOS version number.

n Designate default drive.


External utility. Load printer drive into memory for print screen command.

Names: IDS IDS prism printers.

IPI MPI printers.

MX80 Epson printers.

011 Okidata printers.

P920 Printek 920 printer.

TS315 TranStar 315 color printer.

BIICPI (1) [DIR d: [filespec) [/switch)) [[d: )filespecl [d:) [filespec!) [/switch))

External utility. Copy file(s) from CP/M formatted disk.

Switch: Iz Read Zenith Data Systems CP/M formatted disk.

RECOVDl [d: )filespec

External utility. Recover file(s) specified on damaged disks.

REI [cOlEnt) [. [cOlEnt)

Internal command. Displays a comment in a batch file.

UN filespecl filespec!

BINAIE filespecl filespecZ

Internal command. Rename first fIle as second file.

RESTORE (1)[ [d: )filenure [filespec [ +filespec .. . 11 )[/sw1 tchll

External utility. Restores one or more files from single backup file.

Switches: IA[:liatel Restore files after date.

IB[:liate) Restore files before date.

ID Provide directory of master backup files.

IE Restore all but exception files.

IF Restore all files.

IL List internal backup file directory.

II: d Restore files to drive d.

10 Overwrite existing file(s) with same name.

IQ Query each me before restoring.

IR list files to be restored.

RMDIR [d: ]path

RD [d: ]patlJ

Internal command. Remove a directory path (must be empty).

SEARCH [filespec) [I swi tch)

External utility. Locate file(s) on a disk and list directory structure.

Switches: Ie Do not search subdirectories.

ID List names of directories being searched.

IT Display directory structure.

SET [string= [string]]

Internal command. Set, change, or clear value in system environment.


Internal command. Shift batch parameters one position.


External utility. Move Winchester read/write heads to shipping position.

SORT [I swi tch] [<] [filespec] [>] [filespec]

coaand External utility. Sorts material specified in ascending order.


SORT [I switch)



Switches: IR Sort in descending order.

1+ n Sort material, based on column n.

SYS d:

External utility. Transfer the MS-DOS system to designated drive.

TIME [h[:.[:s[:c)])]

Internal command. Display and/or change time.

TYPE [d:] [path)filenue

Internal command. Display contents of specified file.


Internal command. Display current version number of system files.


Im Dokument Personal Computer Desktop System (Seite 166-175)