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Combinatorics of non-nilpotent invariants

In this section we generate all invariants, which are ratios of squares of supercon-formal intervals,x¯ij2. We describe the combinatorial approach used for this task in the paragraph about more invariant ratios surrounding eqns. (4.2.29)–(4.2.35).

In these calculation we treat all trees, of which we have discussed an example in that paragraph, simultaneously. We need a whole bunch of variables to keep track of our progress. We symbolize a squared interval, x¯ij2, as a list, [i,j]. We assign different variables for numerators and denominators, so that these variables always appear in pairs. zaehlerandnennerstand for the ratio currently treated with their numerator and denominator, respectively. zaehlerliste and nennerlisteare the major working list for all generated elements of the tree, also the intermediate ones.

So zaehlerliste[i] and nennerliste[i] are numerator and denominator of one ratio. countercounts in its first element the number of elements of one of these two

138 APPENDIX D. CALCULATIONS USING MAPLE equally long lists. In the second element the number of elements of current length, which is the number of intervals,[i,j], in a numerator or denominator, is counted.

Now the stocks of 24 trees are generated. Of cause, one could take less, if one arguments, that there are inverses of each other among these 24, but then one would have to argue also, which selection is taken, so that one does not miss invariants.

Taking all 24 guarantees completeness and the extra calculations are not noticeable.

We get all ratios x¯ij2/x¯ik2 and count them in counter[2]

> counter:=[0,0];



for i from 1 to 4 do for j from 1 to 4 do

if i<>j then


for k from 1 to 4 do if j<>k and i<>k then





end if;

end do;

end if;

end do;

end do;

Because in each round of the contained while-loop the numerators and the de-nominators of the ratios get longer and longer, this current length is counted by anzahlzaehler. The lists, endzaehler and endnenner, are filled with lists of nu-merators resp. denominators of completed invariants in groups with the same length starting with length 1. Soendzaehler[l,p,q]is the squared interval,[i,j], which is the q’th interval in the numerator of the p’th finished invariant with l squared intervals on each side of the fraction line. The number of finished invariants with the same length i is counted as an element of a list, endzaehlerzahl[i]. As we still needcounter[2], we use a temporary counter, countertmp, to count the number of new ratios of lengthanzahlzaehler+1generated in the current round.







while counter[2]<>0 do countertmp:=0;

D.5. COMBINATORICS OF NON-NILPOTENT INVARIANTS 139 The for-loop goes through all ratios generated in the last round with the length anzahlzaehler. For each ratio the numerator and the denominator are taken out of zaehlerlisteand nennerliste. Also one needs the last added interval, [i,j], in the denominator, which is assigned toletzternenner.

for i from 1 to counter[2] do



letzternenner:= nenner[anzahlzaehler];

After the first round, in which there cannot appear an invariant, we test here, if for any of the found invariants its numerator and denominator can be simultaneously found in the current numerator and denominator, zaehler and nenner. This re-quires the simultaneous appearance of all intervals of the invariant in the current ratio. If this is not the case,testb2is set to zero. And if it is the case for any of the invariants found so far, testb is set to one. This is one of the terminating conditions, which are described in section 4.2.2 and prevents infinite loops and double invariants in the resulting list.


if anzahlzaehler>1 then

for l from 2 to anzahlzaehler do if not endzaehler[l]=[] then

for p from 1 to endzaehlerzahl[l] do testb2:=1;

for q from 1 to l do

print('test', counter[2],i,l,p,q);

if not member(endzaehler[l,p,q],zaehler) or not member(endnenner[l,p,q],nenner) then


end if;

end do;

if testb2=1 then testb:=1;

end if;

end do;

end if;

end do;

end if;

For the branches, which are not terminated, the first question to ask is, if a new invariant has been finished withzaehler and nenner, which is the other terminat-ing condition (letzternenner[2]=zaehler[1,2]; this case is treated in the else below).

if testb=0 then

if letzternenner[2]<>zaehler[1,2] then

140 APPENDIX D. CALCULATIONS USING MAPLE Now one new interval for the numerator and one for the denominator is searched.

The new element for the numerator has be[j,letzternenner[2]] for somej un-equal to letzternenner[2], so that it does not appear in the denominator, yet.

Otherwise it would cancel down. Once found, it is assigned to letzterzaehler.

The new denominator,[letzterzaehler[1],k], for some kunequal to the number letzterzaehler[1], has to fulfill the corresponding condition. If both could be found, it is saved as new ratio in the listszaehlerliste andnennerlisteand the counter is incremented.

for j from 1 to 4 do

if not member([j,letzternenner[2]],nenner) then if j<>letzternenner[2] then


for k from 1 to 4 do

if [letzterzaehler[1],k]<>letzterzaehler then if not member([letzterzaehler[1],k],zaehler) then

if k<>letzterzaehler[1] then

zaehlerliste:=[op(zaehlerliste),[op(zaehler), letzterzaehler]];

nennerliste:=[op(nennerliste),[op(nenner), [letzterzaehler[1],k]]];


end if;

end if;

end if;

end do;

end if;

end if;

end do;

Thiselse belongs to the query, if we havenot found a new invariant. Thus for the answer “no” – so in the case of a new invariant – we have to save this invariant in the lists endzaehler[anzahlzaehler] and endnenner[anzahlzaehler], which contain those of the currently treated length anzahlzaehler, and increment the corresponding counterendzaehlerzahl[anzahlzaehler].

elseendzaehler[anzahlzaehler]:= [op(endzaehler[anzahlzaehler]), zaehler];

endzaehlerzahl[anzahlzaehler]:= endzaehlerzahl[


endnenner[anzahlzaehler]:= [op(endnenner[anzahlzaehler]), nenner];

end if;

end if;

After the for-loop over all ratios of one length is finished, we have to increment the variable for the lengthanzahlzaehlerand bringcounterup to date. The lists

D.5. COMBINATORICS OF NON-NILPOTENT INVARIANTS 141 for the resulting invariants and their numbers get their new elements for the next length, if there is a next round of the while-loop. For every length we print the invariants found so far.

end do;




if counter[2]<>0 then




end if;

print(counter,endzaehlerzahl, endzaehler,endnenner);

end do;

In the fourth round of the while-loop, no ratio is found any more, which can be made longer under the stated conditions. The longest ratios in the lists have four intervals in the numerator and four in the denominator. In the end the 24 trees contain altogether 648 elements and lead to 12 invariants of length 2, 32 of length 3 and 12 of length 4.

They are those of eqns. (4.2.29)–(4.2.35) and all possible permutations of indices and can all be expressed by the set of ten invariants, which we choose in sections 4.2 and 4.3.



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I would like to thank Prof. K.-H. Rehren for suggesting a very interesting topic, which I have had the possibility to explore for the last years and which let me pass quite a few turning points on the way to the goal. It allowed me not only to dwell on a really novel intersection of supersymmetry and the Wightman axiomatic approach, but also to be concerned with computer algebraic methods, which I enjoyed and which helped me to understand essential connections. The discussions with him have always been very fruitful concerning details as well as the general view. Major parts of the organization of the always inspiring LQP workshops lie also on his shoulders, when it takes place in G¨ottingen once a year, for which I want to thank him, as well.

I also would like to express my gratitude to Prof. L. Covi, who accepted on relatively short notice to be the second examiner for this dissertation.

Thank you also to Prof. D. Buchholz, who has been my second adviser and supported me for my application for the graduate scholarship of the Evangelisches Studienwerk e.V. Villigst and the three successful requests of extension. I have been supported by this scholarship from November 2007 until October 2010.

Furthermore I owe my gratitude to Prof. R. Meyer for his work as speaker of the Research Training Group 1493 “Mathematische Strukturen in der modernen Quantenphysik”, especially for the great project of the “DoktorandInnenzeitung”

and the suggestion, that I could finish my thesis supported by a short scholarship of this RTG from October until December 2011. I also thank his designated successor Prof. D. Bahns for her commitment for the continuation of this RTG.

It has also been a great time at the institute with many interesting discussions, for which I would like to thank specifically the ones, with whom I shared the office, Antonia Kukhtina, Daniela Cadamuro and in the last months also Gennaro Tedesco.

I am deeply grateful to my parents for all they have done for me in my life, which brought me here finishing my dissertation.

My greatest thanks go to my wife, Christina, who kept me grounded over dif-ficult periods of my work in the last years, although her patience has been tested excessively in that time.



Holger Knuth Lister Kirchweg 29 30163 Hannover Tel. 0511-7690196


Geboren am 19.06.1981 in Bergisch-Gladbach Deutsche Staatsangeh¨origkeit

Juni 2000 Abitur am Maximilian-Kolbe-Gymnasium, K¨oln-Porz-Wahn September 2001 Studium der Physik an der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-bis Dezember 2006 Universit¨at Bonn

September 2003 Diplom-Vorpr¨ufung

September 2004 Studienaufenthalt im Rahmen des Sokrates/Erasmus Programms bis Juni 2005 an der Universiteit van Amsterdam

Dezember 2006 Diplompr¨ufung. Titel der Diplomarbeit:

,,Fusion Algebras and Verlinde-Formula in Logarithmic Conformal Field Theories”.

Anleitung: Priv.-Doz. Dr. Michael Flohr Seit September 2007 Bearbeitung des Promotionsthemas

,,Superconformal Invariants and Correlation Functions”

unter Betreuung von Prof. Dr. Karl-Henning Rehren