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CODE CONTRACT Code Application

Im Dokument FINAL REPORT (Seite 85-94)


2. CODE CONTRACT Code Application

1. Were you a signatory to the earlier voluntary Code of Practice?

YES NO Don't Know Comment

2. Who prepared your institution's application to become a signatory to the Code?

International Manager Principal SMT

Consultant ____________________

BoT involved

3. How was this application prepared – in other words, what consultation was there, who signed off officially, did it go before the owners, senior managers, other staff.?

Principal SMT BoT / Chair Senior staff All staff

4. Are there any aspects of the application process you would like to comment on?

V. time-consuming Waste of time +ve experience Needed templates

5. Are there any aspects of the application itself that you would like to comment on?

Some sections don't apply: 'Overkill' etc.

Too bureaucratic Compliance costs

6. In what circumstances, if any, do you believe a new application would be necessary?

Probes: Change of Principal Change of International manager New policies on IS New accommodation arrangements

7. [Signal qns on monitoring later] Do you think that being a signatory should 'last' for, say 3-4 years, after which a new application has to be made?

YES NO Unsure

Reasons: compliance costs changes happen

only if major (cf. Qn 6)

Code 'Compliance'

Has becoming a signatory and complying with the Code made any difference to:

1. Your marketing and use of recruitment agents?

2. The kinds of information provided to students before they arrive?

4. Your orientation programme(s)?

5. Your teaching and learning practices?

6. Your monitoring of student performance and attendance?

7. Your systems of pastoral care (within the institution)?

8. Your accommodation policies/provisions (especially homestay for under-18s)?

9. Your policies on things like indemnity, fees remission…

10. Anything else?

Code Changes

Can you comment on some of the possible/actual changes likely to happen in mid-2003.

1. Changes relating to Short Courses – programmes of less than three months – and also to "group" visits

Short courses Group/team visits

2. Any "technical" changes which might be proposed in the consultation document.

Definitions: Attendance monitoring Ambiguities:

3. The role and control of recruitment agents:

Don't use agents Ignore agents who 'turn up' Have ___ agents

Any concerns about agents which the Code might better address?

4. Issues relating to the monitoring of homestay and other accommodation provisions

5. Issues relating to serious student "problems" – abortions, crimes, disappearance…

Code Monitoring (a) Internal Monitoring

1. How exactly are you monitoring Code compliance in your school/institution?

2. Do you keep any documentation/computer records showing the results of this monitoring?

YES documents computer records


3. Has this monitoring changed as a result of either internal review, or the Code application (if not clear from earlier questions)?

YES Code Internal review:


(b) External Monitoring

1. Should the Code Administrator have the right to submit a complaint to the IEAA if it is drawn to his/her notice that a school or other provider is not complying?

YES NO Not Sure/Don't Know

2. What should be done about schools who are not signatories, but are found to be admitting (and charging) international students?

Instant removal Second chance Fine Other penalty:

3. How often do you believe your school should be monitored for Code compliance?

Annually 2 years 3 years 4+ years

4. Who should carry out such monitoring, and how should they do it?

The Ministry NZQA Special Team ERO Contracted group

5. Other than documentation we've already talked about [in (a)] how would you show a Monitor that you are complying to the Code?

Access to students Access to computer records Access to student achievements

6. A couple of specific questions: do you have complete records of 'walk-ins' [students transferring from another provider on their own initiative, or that of a parent/guardian], attendance, dropouts?

Walk-ins Attendance Dropouts

7. Do you regularly conduct student satisfaction surveys/course evaluations? [if Yes – can you have a blank copy of the survey(s)] Do you conduct 'exit' surveys for completing/exiting students? [If Yes, same request]

Student satisfaction Course evaluations Exit surveys

General Questions

(a) Regional Organisation

1. Is there a regional organization relating to international education in your area?

YES NO Don't Know

2. (If YES) Do you or your institution belong? Do you attend meetings? What happens at meetings?

Yes, belong Yes, attend No, don't belong

Meetings Visiting speakers PD General discussion Networking

3. Has your regional organization changed at all over the last year or so? (If Yes), How?


4. Have you recently formed closer links with other institutions or schools offering programmes for international students? (If Yes) Details?

YES NO Comment:

(b) NZIS

1. There seem to be very mixed views about the performance/efficiency of the NZ Immigration Service. Can you tell me about your school/institution's experiences here?

Very satisfied Satisfied Some concerns Real concerns

Timely Too slow Too few staff 'Ignorance'

2. Have you any suggestions about NZIS practice or performance?

(c) Records

1. Several tertiary providers have noted how complex it is to keep up-to-date records of their international students, especially if the numbers are large and/or fluctuating because of short-stay students. Problems signalled have included: attendance records, parent contacts for under-18s, changing accommodation addresses, and the like. Do you have any comments about record-keeping, and is this something the Code has affected?

Attendance Parent contacts Changing accommodation

Additional Comment.

Is there any other comment you would like to make about PD relating to International Students, or the Code; or is there anything about which you would like to ask me?

[continue on back if needed]

Thank you for your time and help. Would you like to see what I've written, to make sure I've accurately recorded all the important points you wanted to make?


(TERTIARY) CEO, INTERNATIONAL MANAGER (ETC.) INTERVIEW SCHEDULE Name:___________________Institution:_____________________ Date:__________

Current enrolment: ___________ No. of International Students (FFP): ________

These questions relate both to the Professional Development needs relating to International student programmes in the tertiary sector, and to issues relating to the mandatory Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students.


1. A former CEO of a PTE, Jan Hollway, was contracted to develop a needs analysis for PD in the tertiary sector over the next three years. Did you meet with or hear Jan at any stage during 2002?

YES NO Don't Know/Wasn't here

If YES, Comments?

2. Is there a need for a medium/long-term plan for PD relating to IS programmes in your sector?

3. (If Yes) Who should provide this PD? Why?

Sector Ministry Industry Institutions

4. Is there a need for PD relating to IS in this institution?

YES NO Not sure

5. (if Yes): In what areas?

Marketing 'Business'/finance Code requirement Academic programmes Pastoral care Accommodation Behaviour Attendance

6. Jan Hollway's report (on Education NZ website) argues that PD needs are in fact determined by levels of experience and expertise, and not by industry sector [brief explanation]. What do you think about that?

+ve/Agree Unsure/need details Dubious -ve/Disagree Comment:


Im Dokument FINAL REPORT (Seite 85-94)